Obsolete Members for QPainterPath

以下成员源于类 QPainterPath 已过时。 提供它们是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它们。


(obsolete) void addRoundRect (const QRectF & r , int xRnd , int yRnd )
(obsolete) void addRoundRect (qreal x , qreal y , qreal w , qreal h , int xRnd , int yRnd )
(obsolete) void addRoundRect (const QRectF & rect , int roundness )
(obsolete) void addRoundRect (qreal x , qreal y , qreal width , qreal height , int roundness )
(obsolete) QPainterPath subtractedInverted (const QPainterPath & p ) const


void QPainterPath:: addRoundRect (const QRectF & r , int xRnd , int yRnd )

Adds a rectangle r 带圆角到路径。

The xRnd and yRnd arguments specify how rounded the corners should be. 0 is angled corners, 99 is maximum roundedness.

另请参阅 addRoundedRect ().

void QPainterPath:: addRoundRect ( qreal x , qreal y , qreal w , qreal h , int xRnd , int yRnd )


Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to the path. The rectangle is constructed from x , y , and the width and height w and h .

The xRnd and yRnd arguments specify how rounded the corners should be. 0 is angled corners, 99 is maximum roundedness.

另请参阅 addRoundedRect ().

void QPainterPath:: addRoundRect (const QRectF & rect , int roundness )


Adds a rounded rectangle, rect , to the path.

The roundness argument specifies uniform roundness for the rectangle. Vertical and horizontal roundness factors will be adjusted accordingly to act uniformly around both axes. Use this method if you want a rectangle equally rounded across both the X and Y axis.

该函数在 Qt 4.3 引入。

另请参阅 addRoundedRect ().

void QPainterPath:: addRoundRect ( qreal x , qreal y , qreal width , qreal height , int roundness )


Adds a rounded rectangle to the path, defined by the coordinates x and y 采用指定 width and height .

The roundness argument specifies uniform roundness for the rectangle. Vertical and horizontal roundness factors will be adjusted accordingly to act uniformly around both axes. Use this method if you want a rectangle equally rounded across both the X and Y axis.

该函数在 Qt 4.3 引入。

另请参阅 addRoundedRect ().

QPainterPath QPainterPath:: subtractedInverted (const QPainterPath & p ) const

使用 subtracted () 代替。

该函数在 Qt 4.3 引入。

另请参阅 subtracted ().