Obsolete Members for QScriptValue

以下成员源于类 QScriptValue 已过时。 提供它们是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它们。


(obsolete) QScriptValue (QScriptEngine * engine , SpecialValue value )
(obsolete) QScriptValue (QScriptEngine * engine , bool value )
(obsolete) QScriptValue (QScriptEngine * engine , int value )
(obsolete) QScriptValue (QScriptEngine * engine , uint value )
(obsolete) QScriptValue (QScriptEngine * engine , qsreal value )
(obsolete) QScriptValue (QScriptEngine * engine , const QString & value )
(obsolete) QScriptValue (QScriptEngine * engine , const char * value )
(obsolete) bool isBoolean () const
(obsolete) bool toBoolean () const
(obsolete) QScriptValue toObject () const


QScriptValue:: QScriptValue ( QScriptEngine * engine , SpecialValue value )

构造新的 QScriptValue with the special value and registers it with the script engine .

QScriptValue:: QScriptValue ( QScriptEngine * engine , bool value )

构造新的 QScriptValue with the boolean value and registers it with the script engine .

QScriptValue:: QScriptValue ( QScriptEngine * engine , int value )

构造新的 QScriptValue with the integer value and registers it with the script engine .

QScriptValue:: QScriptValue ( QScriptEngine * engine , uint value )

构造新的 QScriptValue with the unsigned integer value and registers it with the script engine .

QScriptValue:: QScriptValue ( QScriptEngine * engine , qsreal value )

构造新的 QScriptValue with the qsreal value and registers it with the script engine .

QScriptValue:: QScriptValue ( QScriptEngine * engine , const QString & value )

构造新的 QScriptValue 采用字符串 value and registers it with the script engine .

QScriptValue:: QScriptValue ( QScriptEngine * engine , const char * value )

构造新的 QScriptValue 采用字符串 value and registers it with the script engine .

bool QScriptValue:: isBoolean () const

使用 isBool () 代替。

bool QScriptValue:: toBoolean () const

使用 toBool () 代替。

QScriptValue QScriptValue:: toObject () const

This function is obsolete; use QScriptEngine::toObject () 代替。