QSqlError Class

QSqlError class provides SQL database error information. 更多...

头: #include <QSqlError>
qmake: QT += sql


enum ErrorType { NoError, ConnectionError, StatementError, TransactionError, UnknownError }


QSqlError (const QString & driverText = QString(), const QString & databaseText = QString(), ErrorType type = NoError, const QString & code = QString())
QSqlError (const QSqlError & other )
~QSqlError ()
QString databaseText () const
QString driverText () const
bool isValid () const
QString nativeErrorCode () const
QString text () const
ErrorType type () const
bool operator!= (const QSqlError & other ) const
QSqlError & operator= (const QSqlError & other )
bool operator== (const QSqlError & other ) const


QSqlError class provides SQL database error information.

A QSqlError object can provide database-specific error data, including the driverText () 和 databaseText () messages (or both concatenated together as text ()), and the nativeErrorCode () 和 type ().

另请参阅 QSqlDatabase::lastError () 和 QSqlQuery::lastError ().


enum QSqlError:: ErrorType

This enum type describes the context in which the error occurred, e.g., a connection error, a statement error, etc.

常量 描述
QSqlError::NoError 0 没有出现错误。
QSqlError::ConnectionError 1 Connection error.
QSqlError::StatementError 2 SQL statement syntax error.
QSqlError::TransactionError 3 Transaction failed error.
QSqlError::UnknownError 4 Unknown error.


QSqlError:: QSqlError (const QString & driverText = QString(), const QString & databaseText = QString(), ErrorType type = NoError, const QString & code = QString())

Constructs an error containing the driver error text driverText , the database-specific error text databaseText , the type type and the error code code .

QSqlError:: QSqlError (const QSqlError & other )

Creates a copy of other .

QSqlError:: ~QSqlError ()


QString QSqlError:: databaseText () const

Returns the text of the error as reported by the database. This may contain database-specific descriptions; it may be empty.

另请参阅 setDatabaseText (), driverText (),和 text ().

QString QSqlError:: driverText () const

Returns the text of the error as reported by the driver. This may contain database-specific descriptions. It may also be empty.

另请参阅 setDriverText (), databaseText (),和 text ().

bool QSqlError:: isValid () const

返回 true if an error is set, otherwise false.


QSqlQueryModel model;
model.setQuery("select * from myTable");
if (model.lastError().isValid())
    qDebug() << model.lastError();

另请参阅 type ().

QString QSqlError:: nativeErrorCode () const

Returns the database-specific error code, or an empty string if it cannot be determined.

QString QSqlError:: text () const

This is a convenience function that returns databaseText () 和 driverText () concatenated into a single string.

另请参阅 driverText () 和 databaseText ().

ErrorType QSqlError:: type () const

Returns the error type, or -1 if the type cannot be determined.

另请参阅 setType ().

bool QSqlError:: operator!= (const QSqlError & other ) const

Compare the other error's values to this error and returns true if it is not equal.

QSqlError &QSqlError:: operator= (const QSqlError & other )

赋值 other error's values to this error.

bool QSqlError:: operator== (const QSqlError & other ) const

Compare the other error's values to this error and returns true , if it equal.