QSslSocket 类

QSslSocket class provides an SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers. 更多...

头: #include <QSslSocket>
qmake: QT += network
Since: Qt 4.3
继承: QTcpSocket

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .


enum PeerVerifyMode { VerifyNone, QueryPeer, VerifyPeer, AutoVerifyPeer }
enum SslMode { UnencryptedMode, SslClientMode, SslServerMode }


QSslSocket (QObject * parent = Q_NULLPTR)
~QSslSocket ()
void abort ()
void addCaCertificate (const QSslCertificate & certificate )
bool addCaCertificates (const QString & path , QSsl::EncodingFormat format = QSsl::Pem, QRegExp::PatternSyntax syntax = QRegExp::FixedString)
void addCaCertificates (const QList<QSslCertificate> & certificates )
void connectToHostEncrypted (const QString & hostName , quint16 port , OpenMode mode = ReadWrite, NetworkLayerProtocol protocol = AnyIPProtocol)
void connectToHostEncrypted (const QString & hostName , quint16 port , const QString & sslPeerName , OpenMode mode = ReadWrite, NetworkLayerProtocol protocol = AnyIPProtocol)
qint64 encryptedBytesAvailable () const
qint64 encryptedBytesToWrite () const
bool flush ()
void ignoreSslErrors (const QList<QSslError> & errors )
bool isEncrypted () const
QSslCertificate localCertificate () const
QList<QSslCertificate> localCertificateChain () const
SslMode mode () const
QSslCertificate peerCertificate () const
QList<QSslCertificate> peerCertificateChain () const
int peerVerifyDepth () const
QSslSocket::PeerVerifyMode peerVerifyMode () const
QString peerVerifyName () const
QSslKey privateKey () const
QSsl::SslProtocol protocol () const
QSslCipher sessionCipher () const
QSsl::SslProtocol sessionProtocol () const
void setLocalCertificate (const QSslCertificate & certificate )
void setLocalCertificate (const QString & path , QSsl::EncodingFormat format = QSsl::Pem)
void setLocalCertificateChain (const QList<QSslCertificate> & localChain )
void setPeerVerifyDepth (int depth )
void setPeerVerifyMode (QSslSocket::PeerVerifyMode mode )
void setPeerVerifyName (const QString & hostName )
void setPrivateKey (const QSslKey & key )
void setPrivateKey (const QString & fileName , QSsl::KeyAlgorithm algorithm = QSsl::Rsa, QSsl::EncodingFormat format = QSsl::Pem, const QByteArray & passPhrase = QByteArray())
void setProtocol (QSsl::SslProtocol protocol )
void setSslConfiguration (const QSslConfiguration & configuration )
QSslConfiguration sslConfiguration () const
QList<QSslError> sslErrors () const
bool waitForEncrypted (int msecs = 30000)


virtual bool atEnd () const
virtual qint64 bytesAvailable () const
virtual qint64 bytesToWrite () const
virtual bool canReadLine () const
virtual void close ()
virtual void resume ()
virtual void setReadBufferSize (qint64 size )
virtual bool setSocketDescriptor (qintptr socketDescriptor , SocketState state = ConnectedState, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite)
virtual void setSocketOption (QAbstractSocket::SocketOption option , const QVariant & value )
virtual QVariant socketOption (QAbstractSocket::SocketOption option )
virtual bool waitForBytesWritten (int msecs = 30000)
virtual bool waitForConnected (int msecs = 30000)
virtual bool waitForDisconnected (int msecs = 30000)
virtual bool waitForReadyRead (int msecs = 30000)


void ignoreSslErrors ()
void startClientEncryption ()
void startServerEncryption ()


void encrypted ()
void encryptedBytesWritten (qint64 written )
void modeChanged (QSslSocket::SslMode mode )
void peerVerifyError (const QSslError & error )
void preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired (QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator * authenticator )
void sslErrors (const QList<QSslError> & errors )


void addDefaultCaCertificate (const QSslCertificate & certificate )
bool addDefaultCaCertificates (const QString & path , QSsl::EncodingFormat encoding = QSsl::Pem, QRegExp::PatternSyntax syntax = QRegExp::FixedString)
void addDefaultCaCertificates (const QList<QSslCertificate> & certificates )
long sslLibraryBuildVersionNumber ()
QString sslLibraryBuildVersionString ()
long sslLibraryVersionNumber ()
QString sslLibraryVersionString ()
bool supportsSsl ()


virtual qint64 readData (char * data , qint64 maxlen )
virtual qint64 writeData (const char * data , qint64 len )



QSslSocket class provides an SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers.

QSslSocket establishes a secure, encrypted TCP connection you can use for transmitting encrypted data. It can operate in both client and server mode, and it supports modern SSL protocols, including SSL 3 and TLS 1.2. By default, QSslSocket uses only SSL protocols which are considered to be secure ( QSsl::SecureProtocols ),但可以更改 SSL 协议通过调用 setProtocol () 只要在握手开始之前这样做。

SSL 加密运转在现有 TCP 流之上,但套接字要先进入 ConnectedState . There are two simple ways to establish a secure connection using QSslSocket : With an immediate SSL handshake, or with a delayed SSL handshake occurring after the connection has been established in unencrypted mode.

The most common way to use QSslSocket is to construct an object and start a secure connection by calling connectToHostEncrypted ()。此方法立即启动 SSL 握手,一旦连接已建立。

QSslSocket *socket = new QSslSocket(this);
connect(socket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), this, SLOT(ready()));
socket->connectToHostEncrypted("imap.example.com", 993);

就像纯 QTcpSocket , QSslSocket enters the HostLookupState , ConnectingState ,及最终 ConnectedState ,若连接成功。然后握手自动开始,且若它成功, encrypted () 信号被发射以指示套接字已进入加密状态且准备使用。

注意:之后可以立即把数据写入套接字,当返回自 connectToHostEncrypted () (即:之前的 encrypted () signal is emitted). The data is queued in QSslSocket until after the encrypted () 信号被发射。

An example of using the delayed SSL handshake to secure an existing connection is the case where an SSL server secures an incoming connection. Suppose you create an SSL server class as a subclass of QTcpServer . You would override QTcpServer::incomingConnection () with something like the example below, which first constructs an instance of QSslSocket and then calls setSocketDescriptor () to set the new socket's descriptor to the existing one passed in. It then initiates the SSL handshake by calling startServerEncryption ().

void SslServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
    QSslSocket *serverSocket = new QSslSocket;
    if (serverSocket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) {
        connect(serverSocket, &QSslSocket::encrypted, this, &SslServer::ready);
    } else {
        delete serverSocket;

若出现错误, QSslSocket 发射 sslErrors () signal. In this case, if no action is taken to ignore the error(s), the connection is dropped. To continue, despite the occurrence of an error, you can call ignoreSslErrors (), either from within this slot after the error occurs, or any time after construction of the QSslSocket and before the connection is attempted. This will allow QSslSocket to ignore the errors it encounters when establishing the identity of the peer. Ignoring errors during an SSL handshake should be used with caution, since a fundamental characteristic of secure connections is that they should be established with a successful handshake.

Once encrypted, you use QSslSocket as a regular QTcpSocket 。当 readyRead () 被发射,可以调用 read (), canReadLine () 和 readLine (),或 getChar () to read decrypted data from QSslSocket 's internal buffer, and you can call write () 或 putChar () to write data back to the peer. QSslSocket will automatically encrypt the written data for you, and emit encryptedBytesWritten () once the data has been written to the peer.

As a convenience, QSslSocket supports QTcpSocket 's blocking functions waitForConnected (), waitForReadyRead (), waitForBytesWritten (),和 waitForDisconnected (). It also provides waitForEncrypted (), which will block the calling thread until an encrypted connection has been established.

QSslSocket socket;
socket.connectToHostEncrypted("http.example.com", 443);
if (!socket.waitForEncrypted()) {
    qDebug() << socket.errorString();
    return false;
socket.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
while (socket.waitForReadyRead())
    qDebug() << socket.readAll().data();

QSslSocket provides an extensive, easy-to-use API for handling cryptographic ciphers, private keys, and local, peer, and Certification Authority (CA) certificates. It also provides an API for handling errors that occur during the handshake phase.


注意: If available, root certificates on Unix (excluding macOS) will be loaded on demand from the standard certificate directories. If you do not want to load root certificates on demand, you need to call either QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration ().setCaCertificates() before the first SSL handshake is made in your application (for example, via passing QSslSocket::systemCaCertificates() to it), or call QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration ()::setCaCertificates() on your QSslSocket instance prior to the SSL handshake.

For more information about ciphers and certificates, refer to QSslCipher and QSslCertificate .

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ( http://www.openssl.org/ ).

注意: Be aware of the difference between the bytesWritten () signal and the encryptedBytesWritten () signal. For a QTcpSocket , bytesWritten () will get emitted as soon as data has been written to the TCP socket. For a QSslSocket , bytesWritten () will get emitted when the data is being encrypted and encryptedBytesWritten () will get emitted as soon as data has been written to the TCP socket.

另请参阅 QSslCertificate , QSslCipher ,和 QSslError .


enum QSslSocket:: PeerVerifyMode

描述对等验证模式为 QSslSocket . The default mode is AutoVerifyPeer, which selects an appropriate mode depending on the socket's QSocket::SslMode.

常量 描述
QSslSocket::VerifyNone 0 QSslSocket will not request a certificate from the peer. You can set this mode if you are not interested in the identity of the other side of the connection. The connection will still be encrypted, and your socket will still send its local certificate to the peer if it's requested.
QSslSocket::QueryPeer 1 QSslSocket will request a certificate from the peer, but does not require this certificate to be valid. This is useful when you want to display peer certificate details to the user without affecting the actual SSL handshake. This mode is the default for servers.
QSslSocket::VerifyPeer 2 QSslSocket will request a certificate from the peer during the SSL handshake phase, and requires that this certificate is valid. On failure, QSslSocket 将发射 QSslSocket::sslErrors () signal. This mode is the default for clients.
QSslSocket::AutoVerifyPeer 3 QSslSocket will automatically use QueryPeer for server sockets and VerifyPeer for client sockets.

该枚举在 Qt 4.4 引入或被修改。

另请参阅 QSslSocket::peerVerifyMode ().

enum QSslSocket:: SslMode

描述可用连接模式为 QSslSocket .

常量 描述
QSslSocket::UnencryptedMode 0 The socket is unencrypted. Its behavior is identical to QTcpSocket .
QSslSocket::SslClientMode 1 The socket is a client-side SSL socket. It is either alreayd encrypted, or it is in the SSL handshake phase (see QSslSocket::isEncrypted ()).
QSslSocket::SslServerMode 2 The socket is a server-side SSL socket. It is either already encrypted, or it is in the SSL handshake phase (see QSslSocket::isEncrypted ()).


QSslSocket:: QSslSocket ( QObject * parent = Q_NULLPTR)

构造 QSslSocket 对象。 parent 会被传递给 QObject 的构造函数。新套接字的 cipher suite is set to the one returned by the static method defaultCiphers().

QSslSocket:: ~QSslSocket ()

销毁 QSslSocket .

void QSslSocket:: abort ()

中止当前连接并重置套接字。不像 disconnectFromHost (),此函数立即关闭套接字,清零任何写入缓冲待决数据。

另请参阅 disconnectFromHost () 和 close ().

void QSslSocket:: addCaCertificate (const QSslCertificate & certificate )

添加 certificate to this socket's CA certificate database. The CA certificate database is used by the socket during the handshake phase to validate the peer's certificate.

To add multiple certificates, use addCaCertificates ().

另请参阅 caCertificates () 和 setCaCertificates ().

bool QSslSocket:: addCaCertificates (const QString & path , QSsl::EncodingFormat format = QSsl::Pem, QRegExp::PatternSyntax syntax = QRegExp::FixedString)

Searches all files in the path for certificates encoded in the specified format and adds them to this socket's CA certificate database. path must be a file or a pattern matching one or more files, as specified by syntax 。返回 true if one or more certificates are added to the socket's CA certificate database; otherwise returns false .

The CA certificate database is used by the socket during the handshake phase to validate the peer's certificate.

For more precise control, use addCaCertificate ().

另请参阅 addCaCertificate () 和 QSslCertificate::fromPath ().

void QSslSocket:: addCaCertificates (const QList < QSslCertificate > & certificates )

添加 certificates to this socket's CA certificate database. The CA certificate database is used by the socket during the handshake phase to validate the peer's certificate.

For more precise control, use addCaCertificate ().

另请参阅 caCertificates () 和 addDefaultCaCertificate ().

[static] void QSslSocket:: addDefaultCaCertificate (const QSslCertificate & certificate )

添加 certificate to the default CA certificate database. Each SSL socket's CA certificate database is initialized to the default CA certificate database.

另请参阅 defaultCaCertificates () 和 addCaCertificates ().

[static] bool QSslSocket:: addDefaultCaCertificates (const QString & path , QSsl::EncodingFormat encoding = QSsl::Pem, QRegExp::PatternSyntax syntax = QRegExp::FixedString)

Searches all files in the path for certificates with the specified encoding and adds them to the default CA certificate database. path can be an explicit file, or it can contain wildcards in the format specified by syntax 。返回 true if any CA certificates are added to the default database.

Each SSL socket's CA certificate database is initialized to the default CA certificate database.

另请参阅 defaultCaCertificates (), addCaCertificates (),和 addDefaultCaCertificate ().

[static] void QSslSocket:: addDefaultCaCertificates (const QList < QSslCertificate > & certificates )

添加 certificates to the default CA certificate database. Each SSL socket's CA certificate database is initialized to the default CA certificate database.

另请参阅 defaultCaCertificates () 和 addCaCertificates ().

[virtual] bool QSslSocket:: atEnd () const

重实现自 QIODevice::atEnd ().

[virtual] qint64 QSslSocket:: bytesAvailable () const

重实现自 QIODevice::bytesAvailable ().

Returns the number of decrypted bytes that are immediately available for reading.

[virtual] qint64 QSslSocket:: bytesToWrite () const

重实现自 QIODevice::bytesToWrite ().

Returns the number of unencrypted bytes that are waiting to be encrypted and written to the network.

[virtual] bool QSslSocket:: canReadLine () const

重实现自 QIODevice::canReadLine ().

返回 true if you can read one while line (terminated by a single ASCII '\n' character) of decrypted characters; otherwise, false is returned.

[virtual] void QSslSocket:: close ()

重实现自 QIODevice::close ().

void QSslSocket:: connectToHostEncrypted (const QString & hostName , quint16 port , OpenMode mode = ReadWrite, NetworkLayerProtocol protocol = AnyIPProtocol)

Starts an encrypted connection to the device hostName on port ,使用 mode 作为 OpenMode . This is equivalent to calling connectToHost () to establish the connection, followed by a call to startClientEncryption ()。 protocol 参数可以用于指定要使用哪种网络协议 (如 IPv4 或 IPv6)。

QSslSocket first enters the HostLookupState . Then, after entering either the event loop or one of the waitFor...() functions, it enters the ConnectingState , emits connected (), and then initiates the SSL client handshake. At each state change, QSslSocket emits signal stateChanged ().

After initiating the SSL client handshake, if the identity of the peer can't be established, signal sslErrors () is emitted. If you want to ignore the errors and continue connecting, you must call ignoreSslErrors (), either from inside a slot function connected to the sslErrors () signal, or prior to entering encrypted mode. If ignoreSslErrors () is not called, the connection is dropped, signal disconnected () is emitted, and QSslSocket returns to the UnconnectedState .

If the SSL handshake is successful, QSslSocket 发射 encrypted ().

QSslSocket socket;
connect(&socket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), receiver, SLOT(socketEncrypted()));
socket.connectToHostEncrypted("imap", 993);
socket->write("1 CAPABILITY\r\n");

注意: The example above shows that text can be written to the socket immediately after requesting the encrypted connection, before the encrypted () signal has been emitted. In such cases, the text is queued in the object and written to the socket after the connection is established and the encrypted () 信号被发射。

默认为 mode is ReadWrite .

If you want to create a QSslSocket on the server side of a connection, you should instead call startServerEncryption () upon receiving the incoming connection through QTcpServer .

另请参阅 connectToHost (), startClientEncryption (), waitForConnected (),和 waitForEncrypted ().

void QSslSocket:: connectToHostEncrypted (const QString & hostName , quint16 port , const QString & sslPeerName , OpenMode mode = ReadWrite, NetworkLayerProtocol protocol = AnyIPProtocol)


In addition to the original behaviour of connectToHostEncrypted , this overloaded method enables the usage of a different hostname ( sslPeerName ) for the certificate validation instead of the one used for the TCP connection ( hostName ).

该函数在 Qt 4.6 引入。

另请参阅 connectToHostEncrypted ().

[signal] void QSslSocket:: encrypted ()

此信号被发射当 QSslSocket enters encrypted mode. After this signal has been emitted, QSslSocket::isEncrypted () will return true, and all further transmissions on the socket will be encrypted.

另请参阅 QSslSocket::connectToHostEncrypted () 和 QSslSocket::isEncrypted ().

qint64 QSslSocket:: encryptedBytesAvailable () const

Returns the number of encrypted bytes that are awaiting decryption. Normally, this function will return 0 because QSslSocket decrypts its incoming data as soon as it can.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

qint64 QSslSocket:: encryptedBytesToWrite () const

Returns the number of encrypted bytes that are waiting to be written to the network.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

[signal] void QSslSocket:: encryptedBytesWritten ( qint64 written )

此信号被发射当 QSslSocket writes its encrypted data to the network. The written parameter contains the number of bytes that were successfully written.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 QIODevice::bytesWritten ().

bool QSslSocket:: flush ()

此函数不阻塞且尽可能多地,把内部缓冲写入到底层网络套接字。若有写入任何数据,此函数返回 true ;否则 false 被返回。

调用此函数若需要 QSslSocket 立即开始发送缓冲数据。成功写入的字节数从属操作系统。在大多数情况下,不需调用此函数,因为 QAbstractSocket 将开始自动发送数据,一旦控制回到事件循环。若缺乏事件循环,调用 waitForBytesWritten () 代替。

另请参阅 write () 和 waitForBytesWritten ().

[slot] void QSslSocket:: ignoreSslErrors ()

此槽告诉 QSslSocket 去忽略错误在 QSslSocket 的握手阶段并继续连接。若想要继续连接即使在握手阶段发生错误,必须调用此槽,或从连接槽到 sslErrors (),或在握手阶段之前。若在响应出错或握手之前不调用此槽,连接将被丢弃当 sslErrors () 信号被发射。

If there are no errors during the SSL handshake phase (i.e., the identity of the peer is established with no problems), QSslSocket will not emit the sslErrors () signal, and it is unnecessary to call this function.

警告: 确保始终让用户审查报告的错误通过 sslErrors () 信号,且才调用此方法 (当用户确认后继续进行是 OK 的)。若存在意外错误,连接应该被中止。不审查实际错误就调用此方法,很可能会给应用程序带来安全风险。小心使用!

另请参阅 sslErrors ().

void QSslSocket:: ignoreSslErrors (const QList < QSslError > & errors )


此方法告诉 QSslSocket to ignore only the errors given in errors .

注意: Because most SSL errors are associated with a certificate, for most of them you must set the expected certificate this SSL error is related to. If, for instance, you want to connect to a server that uses a self-signed certificate, consider the following snippet:

QList<QSslCertificate> cert = QSslCertificate::fromPath(QLatin1String("server-certificate.pem"));
QSslError error(QSslError::SelfSignedCertificate, cert.at(0));
QList<QSslError> expectedSslErrors;
QSslSocket socket;
socket.connectToHostEncrypted("server.tld", 443);


该函数在 Qt 4.6 引入。

另请参阅 sslErrors ().

bool QSslSocket:: isEncrypted () const

返回 true 若套接字被加密;否则,false 被返回。

An encrypted socket encrypts all data that is written by calling write () 或 putChar () before the data is written to the network, and decrypts all incoming data as the data is received from the network, before you call read (), readLine () 或 getChar ().

QSslSocket 发射 encrypted () when it enters encrypted mode.

可以调用 sessionCipher () to find which cryptographic cipher is used to encrypt and decrypt your data.

另请参阅 mode ().

QSslCertificate QSslSocket:: localCertificate () const

返回套接字的本地 certificate , or an empty certificate if no local certificate has been assigned.

另请参阅 setLocalCertificate () 和 privateKey ().

QList < QSslCertificate > QSslSocket:: localCertificateChain () const

返回套接字的本地 certificate chain, or an empty list if no local certificates have been assigned.

该函数在 Qt 5.1 引入。

另请参阅 setLocalCertificateChain ().

SslMode QSslSocket:: mode () const

Returns the current mode for the socket; either UnencryptedMode ,其中 QSslSocket behaves identially to QTcpSocket , or one of SslClientMode or SslServerMode , where the client is either negotiating or in encrypted mode.

当模式改变时, QSslSocket 发射 modeChanged ()

另请参阅 SslMode .

[signal] void QSslSocket:: modeChanged ( QSslSocket::SslMode mode )

此信号被发射当 QSslSocket changes from QSslSocket::UnencryptedMode QSslSocket::SslClientMode or QSslSocket::SslServerMode . mode is the new mode.

另请参阅 QSslSocket::mode ().

QSslCertificate QSslSocket:: peerCertificate () const

Returns the peer's digital certificate (i.e., the immediate certificate of the host you are connected to), or a null certificate, if the peer has not assigned a certificate.

The peer certificate is checked automatically during the handshake phase, so this function is normally used to fetch the certificate for display or for connection diagnostic purposes. It contains information about the peer, including its host name, the certificate issuer, and the peer's public key.

Because the peer certificate is set during the handshake phase, it is safe to access the peer certificate from a slot connected to the sslErrors () signal or the encrypted () 信号。

If a null certificate is returned, it can mean the SSL handshake failed, or it can mean the host you are connected to doesn't have a certificate, or it can mean there is no connection.

If you want to check the peer's complete chain of certificates, use peerCertificateChain () to get them all at once.

另请参阅 peerCertificateChain ().

QList < QSslCertificate > QSslSocket:: peerCertificateChain () const

Returns the peer's chain of digital certificates, or an empty list of certificates.

Peer certificates are checked automatically during the handshake phase. This function is normally used to fetch certificates for display, or for performing connection diagnostics. Certificates contain information about the peer and the certificate issuers, including host name, issuer names, and issuer public keys.

The peer certificates are set in QSslSocket during the handshake phase, so it is safe to call this function from a slot connected to the sslErrors () signal or the encrypted () 信号。

If an empty list is returned, it can mean the SSL handshake failed, or it can mean the host you are connected to doesn't have a certificate, or it can mean there is no connection.

If you want to get only the peer's immediate certificate, use peerCertificate ().

另请参阅 peerCertificate ().

int QSslSocket:: peerVerifyDepth () const

Returns the maximum number of certificates in the peer's certificate chain to be checked during the SSL handshake phase, or 0 (the default) if no maximum depth has been set, indicating that the whole certificate chain should be checked.

The certificates are checked in issuing order, starting with the peer's own certificate, then its issuer's certificate, and so on.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 setPeerVerifyDepth () 和 peerVerifyMode ().

[signal] void QSslSocket:: peerVerifyError (const QSslError & error )

QSslSocket 可以在 SSL 握手期间多次发射此信号,在建立加密之前,以指示当建立对等方的标识时有发生错误。 error 通常指示 QSslSocket 无法安全标识对等方。

This signal provides you with an early indication when something's wrong. By connecting to this signal, you can manually choose to tear down the connection from inside the connected slot before the handshake has completed. If no action is taken, QSslSocket 将继续进行以发射 QSslSocket::sslErrors ().

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 sslErrors ().

QSslSocket::PeerVerifyMode QSslSocket:: peerVerifyMode () const

Returns the socket's verify mode. This mode decides whether QSslSocket should request a certificate from the peer (i.e., the client requests a certificate from the server, or a server requesting a certificate from the client), and whether it should require that this certificate is valid.

默认模式为 AutoVerifyPeer , which tells QSslSocket 要使用 VerifyPeer for clients and QueryPeer for servers.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 setPeerVerifyMode (), peerVerifyDepth (),和 mode ().

QString QSslSocket:: peerVerifyName () const

Returns the different hostname for the certificate validation, as set by setPeerVerifyName 或通过 connectToHostEncrypted .

该函数在 Qt 4.8 引入。

另请参阅 setPeerVerifyName () 和 connectToHostEncrypted ().

[signal] void QSslSocket:: preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired ( QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator * authenticator )

QSslSocket 发射此信号当它协商 PSK (预共享密钥) 密码套件时,因此接着需要 PSK 身份验证。

当使用 PSK 时,客户端必须向服务器发送有效标识和有效 PSK (预共享密钥) 以便 SSL 握手得以继续。应用程序可以在此信号连接的槽中提供此信息,通过填入传递的 authenticator 对象根据需要。

注意: 忽略此信号或未能提供要求证书,将导致握手失败,因此连接将被中止。

注意: authenticator 对象由套接字所拥有且不能被删除通过应用程序。

该函数在 Qt 5.5 引入。

另请参阅 QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator .

QSslKey QSslSocket:: privateKey () const


另请参阅 setPrivateKey () 和 localCertificate ().

QSsl::SslProtocol QSslSocket:: protocol () const

Returns the socket's SSL protocol. By default, used QSsl::SecureProtocols .

另请参阅 setProtocol ().

[virtual protected] qint64 QSslSocket:: readData ( char * data , qint64 maxlen )

重实现自 QIODevice::readData ().

[virtual] void QSslSocket:: resume ()

重实现自 QAbstractSocket::resume ().

Continues data transfer on the socket after it has been paused. If " setPauseMode ( QAbstractSocket::PauseOnSslErrors );" has been called on this socket and a sslErrors () signal is received, calling this method is necessary for the socket to continue.

该函数在 Qt 5.0 引入。

另请参阅 QAbstractSocket::pauseMode () 和 QAbstractSocket::setPauseMode ().

QSslCipher QSslSocket:: sessionCipher () const

返回套接字的加密 cipher , or a null cipher if the connection isn't encrypted. The socket's cipher for the session is set during the handshake phase. The cipher is used to encrypt and decrypt data transmitted through the socket.

QSslSocket also provides functions for setting the ordered list of ciphers from which the handshake phase will eventually select the session cipher. This ordered list must be in place before the handshake phase begins.

另请参阅 ciphers (), setCiphers (), setDefaultCiphers (), defaultCiphers (),和 supportedCiphers ().

QSsl::SslProtocol QSslSocket:: sessionProtocol () const

Returns the socket's SSL/TLS protocol or UnknownProtocol if the connection isn't encrypted. The socket's protocol for the session is set during the handshake phase.

该函数在 Qt 5.4 引入。

另请参阅 protocol () 和 setProtocol ().

void QSslSocket:: setLocalCertificate (const QSslCertificate & certificate )

Sets the socket's local certificate to certificate . The local certificate is necessary if you need to confirm your identity to the peer. It is used together with the private key; if you set the local certificate, you must also set the private key.

The local certificate and private key are always necessary for server sockets, but are also rarely used by client sockets if the server requires the client to authenticate.

注意: Secure Transport SSL backend on macOS may update the default keychain (the default is probably your login keychain) by importing your local certificates and keys. This can also result in system dialogs showing up and asking for permission when your application is using these private keys. If such behavior is undesired, set the QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN environment variable to a non-zero value; this will prompt QSslSocket to use its own temporary keychain.

另请参阅 localCertificate () 和 setPrivateKey ().

void QSslSocket:: setLocalCertificate (const QString & path , QSsl::EncodingFormat format = QSsl::Pem)


Sets the socket's local certificate to the first one found in file path , which is parsed according to the specified format .

void QSslSocket:: setLocalCertificateChain (const QList < QSslCertificate > & localChain )

Sets the certificate chain to be presented to the peer during the SSL handshake to be localChain .

该函数在 Qt 5.1 引入。

另请参阅 localCertificateChain () 和 QSslConfiguration::setLocalCertificateChain ().

void QSslSocket:: setPeerVerifyDepth ( int depth )

Sets the maximum number of certificates in the peer's certificate chain to be checked during the SSL handshake phase, to depth . Setting a depth of 0 means that no maximum depth is set, indicating that the whole certificate chain should be checked.

The certificates are checked in issuing order, starting with the peer's own certificate, then its issuer's certificate, and so on.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 peerVerifyDepth () 和 setPeerVerifyMode ().

void QSslSocket:: setPeerVerifyMode ( QSslSocket::PeerVerifyMode mode )

Sets the socket's verify mode to mode . This mode decides whether QSslSocket should request a certificate from the peer (i.e., the client requests a certificate from the server, or a server requesting a certificate from the client), and whether it should require that this certificate is valid.

默认模式为 AutoVerifyPeer , which tells QSslSocket 要使用 VerifyPeer for clients and QueryPeer for servers.

Setting this mode after encryption has started has no effect on the current connection.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 peerVerifyMode (), setPeerVerifyDepth (),和 mode ().

void QSslSocket:: setPeerVerifyName (const QString & hostName )

Sets a different host name, given by hostName , for the certificate validation instead of the one used for the TCP connection.

该函数在 Qt 4.8 引入。

另请参阅 peerVerifyName () 和 connectToHostEncrypted ().

void QSslSocket:: setPrivateKey (const QSslKey & key )

Sets the socket's private key to key . The private key and the local certificate are used by clients and servers that must prove their identity to SSL peers.

Both the key and the local certificate are required if you are creating an SSL server socket. If you are creating an SSL client socket, the key and local certificate are required if your client must identify itself to an SSL server.

另请参阅 privateKey () 和 setLocalCertificate ().

void QSslSocket:: setPrivateKey (const QString & fileName , QSsl::KeyAlgorithm algorithm = QSsl::Rsa, QSsl::EncodingFormat format = QSsl::Pem, const QByteArray & passPhrase = QByteArray())


Reads the string in file fileName and decodes it using a specified algorithm and encoding format to construct an SSL key . If the encoded key is encrypted, passPhrase is used to decrypt it.

The socket's private key is set to the constructed key. The private key and the local certificate are used by clients and servers that must prove their identity to SSL peers.

Both the key and the local certificate are required if you are creating an SSL server socket. If you are creating an SSL client socket, the key and local certificate are required if your client must identify itself to an SSL server.

另请参阅 privateKey () 和 setLocalCertificate ().

void QSslSocket:: setProtocol ( QSsl::SslProtocol protocol )

Sets the socket's SSL protocol to protocol . This will affect the next initiated handshake; calling this function on an already-encrypted socket will not affect the socket's protocol.

另请参阅 protocol ().

[virtual] void QSslSocket:: setReadBufferSize ( qint64 size )

重实现自 QAbstractSocket::setReadBufferSize ().

设置尺寸为 QSslSocket 的内部读取缓冲到 size 字节。

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

[virtual] bool QSslSocket:: setSocketDescriptor ( qintptr socketDescriptor , SocketState state = ConnectedState, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite)

重实现自 QAbstractSocket::setSocketDescriptor ().

初始化 QSslSocket 采用本机套接字描述符 socketDescriptor 。返回 true if socketDescriptor 被接受作为有效套接字描述符;否则返回 false 。以指定模式打开套接字通过 openMode ,并进入指定套接字状态通过 state .

注意: It is not possible to initialize two sockets with the same native socket descriptor.

另请参阅 socketDescriptor ().

[virtual] void QSslSocket:: setSocketOption ( QAbstractSocket::SocketOption option , const QVariant & value )

重实现自 QAbstractSocket::setSocketOption ().

设置给定 option 到描述值 value .

该函数在 Qt 4.6 引入。

另请参阅 socketOption ().

void QSslSocket:: setSslConfiguration (const QSslConfiguration & configuration )

把套接字的 SSL 配置内容设为 configuration . This function sets the local certificate, the ciphers, the private key and the CA certificates to those stored in configuration .

It is not possible to set the SSL-state related fields.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 sslConfiguration (), setLocalCertificate (), setPrivateKey (), setCaCertificates (),和 setCiphers ().

[virtual] QVariant QSslSocket:: socketOption ( QAbstractSocket::SocketOption option )

重实现自 QAbstractSocket::socketOption ().

返回值为 option 选项。

该函数在 Qt 4.6 引入。

另请参阅 setSocketOption ().

QSslConfiguration QSslSocket:: sslConfiguration () const

Returns the socket's SSL configuration state. The default SSL configuration of a socket is to use the default ciphers, default CA certificates, no local private key or certificate.

The SSL configuration also contains fields that can change with time without notice.

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 setSslConfiguration (), localCertificate (), peerCertificate (), peerCertificateChain (), sessionCipher (), privateKey (), ciphers (),和 caCertificates ().

QList < QSslError > QSslSocket:: sslErrors () const

Returns a list of the last SSL errors that occurred. This is the same list as QSslSocket passes via the sslErrors() signal. If the connection has been encrypted with no errors, this function will return an empty list.

另请参阅 connectToHostEncrypted ().

[signal] void QSslSocket:: sslErrors (const QList < QSslError > & errors )

QSslSocket 发射此信号在 SSL 握手之后以指示当建立对等方标识时有发生一个或多个错误。错误通常指示 QSslSocket 无法安全地识别对等方。除非采取任何行动,连接将被丢弃在此信号被发射之后。

If you want to continue connecting despite the errors that have occurred, you must call QSslSocket::ignoreSslErrors () from inside a slot connected to this signal. If you need to access the error list at a later point, you can call sslErrors () (without arguments).

errors 包含一个或多个错误阻止 QSslSocket 验证对等方身份。

注意: 不可以使用 Qt::QueuedConnection 当连接到此信号时,或调用 QSslSocket::ignoreSslErrors () 没有起作用。

注意: 信号 sslErrors 在此类中是重载。要使用函数指针句法连接到此信号,必须在静态铸造中指定信号类型,如此范例所示:

connect(sslSocket, static_cast<void(QSslSocket::*)(const QList<QSslError> &)>(&QSslSocket::sslErrors),
    [=](const QList<QSslError> &errors){ /* ... */ });

另请参阅 peerVerifyError ().

[static] long QSslSocket:: sslLibraryBuildVersionNumber ()

Returns the version number of the SSL library in use at compile time. If no SSL support is available then this will return an undefined value.

该函数在 Qt 5.4 引入。

另请参阅 sslLibraryVersionNumber ().

[static] QString QSslSocket:: sslLibraryBuildVersionString ()

Returns the version string of the SSL library in use at compile time. If no SSL support is available then this will return an empty value.

该函数在 Qt 5.4 引入。

另请参阅 sslLibraryVersionString ().

[static] long QSslSocket:: sslLibraryVersionNumber ()

Returns the version number of the SSL library in use. Note that this is the version of the library in use at run-time not compile time. If no SSL support is available then this will return an undefined value.

该函数在 Qt 5.0 引入。

[static] QString QSslSocket:: sslLibraryVersionString ()

Returns the version string of the SSL library in use. Note that this is the version of the library in use at run-time not compile time. If no SSL support is available then this will return an empty value.

该函数在 Qt 5.0 引入。

[slot] void QSslSocket:: startClientEncryption ()

Starts a delayed SSL handshake for a client connection. This function can be called when the socket is in the ConnectedState but still in the UnencryptedMode . If it is not yet connected, or if it is already encrypted, this function has no effect.

Clients that implement STARTTLS functionality often make use of delayed SSL handshakes. Most other clients can avoid calling this function directly by using connectToHostEncrypted () instead, which automatically performs the handshake.

另请参阅 connectToHostEncrypted () 和 startServerEncryption ().

[slot] void QSslSocket:: startServerEncryption ()

Starts a delayed SSL handshake for a server connection. This function can be called when the socket is in the ConnectedState but still in UnencryptedMode . If it is not connected or it is already encrypted, the function has no effect.

For server sockets, calling this function is the only way to initiate the SSL handshake. Most servers will call this function immediately upon receiving a connection, or as a result of having received a protocol-specific command to enter SSL mode (e.g, the server may respond to receiving the string "STARTTLS\r\n" by calling this function).

The most common way to implement an SSL server is to create a subclass of QTcpServer and reimplement QTcpServer::incomingConnection (). The returned socket descriptor is then passed to QSslSocket::setSocketDescriptor ().

另请参阅 connectToHostEncrypted () 和 startClientEncryption ().

[static] bool QSslSocket:: supportsSsl ()

返回 true 若此平台支持 SSL;否则,返回 false。若平台不支持 SSL,套接字将在连接阶段失败。

[virtual] bool QSslSocket:: waitForBytesWritten ( int msecs = 30000)

重实现自 QIODevice::waitForBytesWritten ().

[virtual] bool QSslSocket:: waitForConnected ( int msecs = 30000)

重实现自 QAbstractSocket::waitForConnected ().

Waits until the socket is connected, or msecs milliseconds, whichever happens first. If the connection has been established, this function returns true ;否则它返回 false .

另请参阅 QAbstractSocket::waitForConnected ().

[virtual] bool QSslSocket:: waitForDisconnected ( int msecs = 30000)

重实现自 QAbstractSocket::waitForDisconnected ().

Waits until the socket has disconnected or msecs milliseconds, whichever comes first. If the connection has been disconnected, this function returns true ;否则它返回 false .

另请参阅 QAbstractSocket::waitForDisconnected ().

bool QSslSocket:: waitForEncrypted ( int msecs = 30000)

等待直到套接字完成 SSL 握手且有发射 encrypted (),或 msecs 毫秒,以先到的为准。若 encrypted () 已发射,此函数返回 true;否则 (如:套接字断开连接,或 SSL 握手失败) 返回 false。

以下范例为加密套接字最多等待 1 秒:

socket->connectToHostEncrypted("imap", 993);
if (socket->waitForEncrypted(1000))

若 msecs 为 -1,此函数不会超时。

另请参阅 startClientEncryption (), startServerEncryption (), encrypted (),和 isEncrypted ().

[virtual] bool QSslSocket:: waitForReadyRead ( int msecs = 30000)

重实现自 QIODevice::waitForReadyRead ().

[virtual protected] qint64 QSslSocket:: writeData (const char * data , qint64 len )

重实现自 QIODevice::writeData ().