QSvgGenerator 类

QSvgGenerator class provides a paint device that is used to create SVG drawings. 更多...

头: #include <QSvgGenerator>
qmake: QT += svg
Since: Qt 4.3
继承: QPaintDevice

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .



QSvgGenerator ()
~QSvgGenerator ()
QString description () const
QString fileName () const
QIODevice * outputDevice () const
int resolution () const
void setDescription (const QString & description )
void setFileName (const QString & fileName )
void setOutputDevice (QIODevice * outputDevice )
void setResolution (int dpi )
void setSize (const QSize & size )
void setTitle (const QString & title )
void setViewBox (const QRect & viewBox )
void setViewBox (const QRectF & viewBox )
QSize size () const
QString title () const
QRect viewBox () const
QRectF viewBoxF () const


virtual int metric (QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric metric ) const override
virtual QPaintEngine * paintEngine () const override


QSvgGenerator class provides a paint device that is used to create SVG drawings.

This paint device represents a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) drawing. Like QPrinter , it is designed as a write-only device that generates output in a specific format.

To write an SVG file, you first need to configure the output by setting the fileName or outputDevice properties. It is usually necessary to specify the size of the drawing by setting the size property, and in some cases where the drawing will be included in another, the viewBox property also needs to be set.

    QSvgGenerator generator;
    generator.setSize(QSize(200, 200));
    generator.setViewBox(QRect(0, 0, 200, 200));
    generator.setTitle(tr("SVG Generator Example Drawing"));
    generator.setDescription(tr("An SVG drawing created by the SVG Generator "
                                "Example provided with Qt."));

Other meta-data can be specified by setting the title , description and resolution 特性。

As with other QPaintDevice 子类, QPainter object is used to paint onto an instance of this class:

    QPainter painter;

Painting is performed in the same way as for any other paint device. However, it is necessary to use the QPainter::begin () 和 end() to explicitly begin and end painting on the device.

SVG 生成器范例 shows how the same painting commands can be used for painting a widget and writing an SVG file.

另请参阅 QSvgRenderer , QSvgWidget ,和 Qt SVG C++ 类 .


description : QString

此特性保持生成 SVG 绘制的描述

该特性在 Qt 4.5 引入。


QString description () const
void setDescription (const QString & description )

另请参阅 title .

fileName : QString

This property holds the target filename for the generated SVG drawing

该特性在 Qt 4.5 引入。


QString fileName () const
void setFileName (const QString & fileName )

另请参阅 outputDevice .

outputDevice : QIODevice *

This property holds the output device for the generated SVG drawing

If both output device and file name are specified, the output device will have precedence.

该特性在 Qt 4.5 引入。


QIODevice * outputDevice () const
void setOutputDevice (QIODevice * outputDevice )

另请参阅 fileName .

resolution : int

This property holds the resolution of the generated output

The resolution is specified in dots per inch, and is used to calculate the physical size of an SVG drawing.

该特性在 Qt 4.5 引入。


int resolution () const
void setResolution (int dpi )

另请参阅 size and viewBox .

size : QSize

This property holds the size of the generated SVG drawing

By default this property is set to QSize(-1, -1) , which indicates that the generator should not output the width and height attributes of the <svg> 元素。

注意: It is not possible to change this property while a QPainter is active on the generator.

该特性在 Qt 4.5 引入。


QSize size () const
void setSize (const QSize & size )

另请参阅 viewBox and resolution .

title : QString

This property holds the title of the generated SVG drawing

该特性在 Qt 4.5 引入。


QString title () const
void setTitle (const QString & title )

另请参阅 description .

viewBox : QRectF

This property holds the viewBox of the generated SVG drawing

By default this property is set to QRect(0, 0, -1, -1) , which indicates that the generator should not output the viewBox attribute of the <svg> 元素。

注意: It is not possible to change this property while a QPainter is active on the generator.

该特性在 Qt 4.5 引入。


QRectF viewBoxF () const
void setViewBox (const QRect & viewBox )
void setViewBox (const QRectF & viewBox )

另请参阅 viewBox (), size ,和 resolution .


QSvgGenerator:: QSvgGenerator ()


QSvgGenerator:: ~QSvgGenerator ()


[override virtual protected] int QSvgGenerator:: metric ( QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric metric ) const

重实现自 QPaintDevice::metric ().

[override virtual protected] QPaintEngine *QSvgGenerator:: paintEngine () const

重实现自 QPaintDevice::paintEngine ().

Returns the paint engine used to render graphics to be converted to SVG format information.

QRect QSvgGenerator:: viewBox () const

返回 viewBoxF ().toRect().

该函数在 Qt 4.5 引入。

另请参阅 setViewBox () 和 viewBoxF ().