QTextToSpeechPlugin Class

QTextToSpeechPlugin class is the base for all text-to-speech plug-ins. 更多...

头: #include <QTextToSpeechPlugin>
qmake: QT += texttospeech


virtual ~QTextToSpeechPlugin ()
virtual QTextToSpeechEngine * createTextToSpeechEngine (const QVariantMap & 参数 , QObject * parent , QString * errorString ) const


QTextToSpeechPlugin class is the base for all text-to-speech plug-ins.

A plug-in implementation should derive from QTextToSpeechPlugin and re-implement createTextToSpeechEngine ().


[virtual] QTextToSpeechPlugin:: ~QTextToSpeechPlugin ()

Destroys the instance of QTextToSpeechPlugin. The destructor is virtual.

[virtual] QTextToSpeechEngine *QTextToSpeechPlugin:: createTextToSpeechEngine (const QVariantMap & 参数 , QObject * parent , QString * errorString ) const

Factory method that is triggered by a call to QTextToSpeech::QTextToSpeech () when a provider name is given in the constructor and a text-to-speech plug-in matching the provider name was successfully loaded.

Value of 参数 is currently always empty.

If an error occurs, the method should return 0 and (optionally) give a description of the error in errorString . In this case, QTextToSpeech::state () 会返回 QTextToSpeech::BackendError .

parent is 0, the caller takes the ownership of the returned engine instance.