<QtMath> - Generic Math Functions

The <QtMath> header file provides various math functions. 更多...


    qreal qAcos (qreal v )
    qreal qAsin (qreal v )
    qreal qAtan2 (qreal y , qreal x )
    qreal qAtan (qreal v )
    int qCeil (qreal v )
    qreal qCos (qreal v )
    float qDegreesToRadians (float degrees )
    double qDegreesToRadians (double degrees )
    qreal qExp (qreal v )
    qreal qFabs (qreal v )
    int qFloor (qreal v )
    qreal qLn (qreal v )
    quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo (quint32 value )
    quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo (qint32 value )
    quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo (quint64 value )
    quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo (qint64 value )
    qreal qPow (qreal x , qreal y )
    float qRadiansToDegrees (float radians )
    double qRadiansToDegrees (double radians )
    qreal qSin (qreal v )
    qreal qSqrt (qreal v )
    qreal qTan (qreal v )

    These functions are partly convenience definitions for basic math operations not available in the C or Standard Template Libraries.


    qreal qAcos ( qreal v )

    Returns the arccosine of v as an angle in radians. Arccosine is the inverse operation of cosine.

    另请参阅 qAtan (), qAsin (),和 qCos ().

    qreal qAsin ( qreal v )

    Returns the arcsine of v as an angle in radians. Arcsine is the inverse operation of sine.

    另请参阅 qSin (), qAtan (),和 qAcos ().

    qreal qAtan2 ( qreal y , qreal x )

    Returns the arctangent of a point specified by the coordinates y and x . This function will return the angle (argument) of that point.

    另请参阅 qAtan ().

    qreal qAtan ( qreal v )

    Returns the arctangent of v as an angle in radians. Arctangent is the inverse operation of tangent.

    另请参阅 qTan (), qAcos (),和 qAsin ().

    int qCeil ( qreal v )

    Return the ceiling of the value v .

    The ceiling is the smallest integer that is not less than v . For example, if v is 41.2, then the ceiling is 42.

    另请参阅 qFloor ().

    qreal qCos ( qreal v )

    Returns the cosine of an angle v in radians.

    另请参阅 qSin () 和 qTan ().

    float qDegreesToRadians ( float degrees )

    This function converts the degrees in float to radians.


    float degrees = 180.0f
    float radians = qDegreesToRadians(degrees)

    该函数在 Qt 5.1 引入。

    另请参阅 qRadiansToDegrees ().

    double qDegreesToRadians ( double degrees )

    This function converts the degrees in double to radians.


    double degrees = 180.0
    double radians = qDegreesToRadians(degrees)

    该函数在 Qt 5.1 引入。

    另请参阅 qRadiansToDegrees ().

    qreal qExp ( qreal v )

    Returns the exponential function of e to the power of v .

    另请参阅 qLn ().

    qreal qFabs ( qreal v )

    Returns the absolute value of v as a qreal.

    int qFloor ( qreal v )

    Return the floor of the value v .

    The floor is the largest integer that is not greater than v . For example, if v is 41.2, then the floor is 41.

    另请参阅 qCeil ().

    qreal qLn ( qreal v )

    Returns the natural logarithm of v . Natural logarithm uses base e.

    另请参阅 qExp ().

    quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo ( quint32 value )

    This function returns the nearest power of two greater than value . For 0 it returns 1, and for values larger than or equal to 2^31 it returns 0.

    该函数在 Qt 5.4 引入。

    quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo ( qint32 value )


    This function returns the nearest power of two greater than value . For negative values it returns 0.

    该函数在 Qt 5.4 引入。

    quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo ( quint64 value )

    This function returns the nearest power of two greater than value . For 0 it returns 1, and for values larger than or equal to 2^63 it returns 0.

    该函数在 Qt 5.4 引入。

    quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo ( qint64 value )


    This function returns the nearest power of two greater than value . For negative values it returns 0.

    该函数在 Qt 5.4 引入。

    qreal qPow ( qreal x , qreal y )

    返回值为 x raised to the power of y . That is, x is the base and y is the exponent.

    另请参阅 qSqrt ().

    float qRadiansToDegrees ( float radians )

    This function converts the radians in float to degrees.


    float radians = float(M_PI)
    float degrees = qRadiansToDegrees(radians)

    该函数在 Qt 5.1 引入。

    另请参阅 qDegreesToRadians ().

    double qRadiansToDegrees ( double radians )

    This function converts the radians in double to degrees.


    double radians = M_PI
    double degrees = qRadiansToDegrees(radians)

    该函数在 Qt 5.1 引入。

    另请参阅 qDegreesToRadians ().

    qreal qSin ( qreal v )

    Returns the sine of the angle v in radians.

    另请参阅 qCos () 和 qTan ().

    qreal qSqrt ( qreal v )

    Returns the square root of v . This function returns a NaN if v is a negative number.

    另请参阅 qPow ().

    qreal qTan ( qreal v )

    Returns the tangent of an angle v in radians.

    另请参阅 qSin () 和 qCos ().