QSceneChange Class

( Qt3DCore::QSceneChange )

The base class for changes that can be sent and received by Qt3D's change notification system. 更多...

头: #include <Qt3DCore/QSceneChange>
qmake: QT += 3dcore
继承者: Qt3DCore::QComponentAddedChange , Qt3DCore::QComponentRemovedChange , Qt3DCore::QNodeCommand , Qt3DCore::QNodeCreatedChangeBase , Qt3DCore::QNodeDestroyedChange , Qt3DCore::QPropertyUpdatedChangeBase , Qt3DCore::QPropertyValueAddedChangeBase ,和 Qt3DCore::QPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase


enum DeliveryFlag { BackendNodes, Nodes, DeliverToAll }
flags DeliveryFlags


virtual ~QSceneChange ()
Qt3DCore::QSceneChange::DeliveryFlags deliveryFlags () const
void setDeliveryFlags (Qt3DCore::QSceneChange::DeliveryFlags flags )
Qt3DCore::QNodeId subjectId () const
Qt3DCore::ChangeFlag type () const


QSceneChange (Qt3DCore::ChangeFlag type , Qt3DCore::QNodeId subjectId )


Qt3DCore::QSceneChangePrivate * d_ptr
enum ChangeFlag { NodeCreated, NodeDeleted, PropertyUpdated, PropertyValueAdded, ..., AllChanges }
typedef QSceneChangePtr


The base class for changes that can be sent and received by Qt3D's change notification system.


enum QSceneChange:: DeliveryFlag
flags QSceneChange:: DeliveryFlags

The types of change that can be sent and received by Qt3D's change notification system.

Qt3DCore::QSceneChange::BackendNodes 0x0001
Qt3DCore::QSceneChange::Nodes 0x0010
Qt3DCore::QSceneChange::DeliverToAll BackendNodes | Nodes

The DeliveryFlags type is a typedef for QFlags <DeliveryFlag>. It stores an OR combination of DeliveryFlag values.


[protected] QSceneChange:: QSceneChange ( Qt3DCore::ChangeFlag type , Qt3DCore::QNodeId subjectId )

构造新的 QSceneChange with type and subjectId .

[virtual] QSceneChange:: ~QSceneChange ()

Destroys the instance of QSceneChange. The destructor is virtual.

Qt3DCore::QSceneChange::DeliveryFlags QSceneChange:: deliveryFlags () const

Returns the set delivery flags.

另请参阅 setDeliveryFlags ().

void QSceneChange:: setDeliveryFlags ( Qt3DCore::QSceneChange::DeliveryFlags flags )

Sets the delivery flags of the change to flags .

另请参阅 deliveryFlags ().

Qt3DCore::QNodeId QSceneChange:: subjectId () const

Returns scene change subject id.

Qt3DCore::ChangeFlag QSceneChange:: type () const

Returns the scene change type.


enum Qt3DCore:: ChangeFlag
flags Qt3DCore:: ChangeFlags

The types of change that can be sent and received by Qt3D's change notification system.

常量 描述
Qt3DCore::NodeCreated 1 << 0 A new instance of a QNode subclass has been created.
Qt3DCore::NodeDeleted 1 << 1 A QNode has been deleted.
Qt3DCore::PropertyUpdated 1 << 2 A QNode property has been updated.
Qt3DCore::PropertyValueAdded 1 << 3 A QNode has been added to the scene.
Qt3DCore::PropertyValueRemoved 1 << 4 A QNode has been removed from the scene.
Qt3DCore::CommandRequested 1 << 7 A QNodeCommand has been sent between a node and its backend.
Qt3DCore::ComponentAdded 1 << 5 A QComponent has been added to a QEntity .
Qt3DCore::ComponentRemoved 1 << 6 A QComponent has been removed from a QEntity .
Qt3DCore::CallbackTriggered 1 << 8 A QNode triggered a callback.
Qt3DCore::AllChanges 0xFFFFFFFF Allows an observer to monitor for any of the above changes.

ChangeFlags 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <ChangeFlag>。它存储 ChangeFlag 值的 OR 组合。

typedef Qt3DCore:: QSceneChangePtr

共享指针为 QSceneChange .