Qt 5.3 中的新类和函数

This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 5.3. Links to new APIs in previous Qt 5 releases are found at the bottom of this page.


namespace QWebSocketProtocol
namespace QtAndroid




QBluetoothLocalDevice :

QList<QBluetoothAddress> connectedDevices () const
void deviceConnected (const QBluetoothAddress & address )
void deviceDisconnected (const QBluetoothAddress & address )

QAtomicInteger :

T fetchAndAndAcquire (T valueToAnd )
T fetchAndAndOrdered (T valueToAnd )
T fetchAndAndRelaxed (T valueToAnd )
T fetchAndAndRelease (T valueToAnd )
T fetchAndOrAcquire (T valueToOr )
T fetchAndOrOrdered (T valueToOr )
T fetchAndOrRelaxed (T valueToOr )
T fetchAndOrRelease (T valueToOr )
T fetchAndSubAcquire (T valueToSub )
T fetchAndSubOrdered (T valueToSub )
T fetchAndSubRelaxed (T valueToSub )
T fetchAndSubRelease (T valueToSub )
T fetchAndXorAcquire (T valueToXor )
T fetchAndXorOrdered (T valueToXor )
T fetchAndXorRelaxed (T valueToXor )
T fetchAndXorRelease (T valueToXor )
T operator T () const
T operator&= (T value )
T operator++ ()
T operator++ ( int )
T operator+= (T value )
T operator-- ()
T operator-- ( int )
T operator-= (T value )
QAtomicInteger<T> & operator= ( T )
T operator^= (T value )
T operator|= (T value )

QByteArray :

QByteArray fromCFData (CFDataRef data )
QByteArray fromNSData (const NSData * data )
QByteArray fromRawCFData (CFDataRef data )
QByteArray fromRawNSData (const NSData * data )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QMargins operator+ (int lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & margins )
QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
CFDataRef toCFData () const
NSData * toNSData () const
CFDataRef toRawCFData () const
NSData * toRawNSData () const

FromBase64Result :

uint qHash (float key , uint seed )
uint qHash (double key , uint seed )
uint qHash (long double key , uint seed )

QChar :

QChar::JoiningType joiningType () const
QChar::JoiningType joiningType (uint ucs4 )

QCoreApplication :

bool isSetuidAllowed ()
void qRemovePostRoutine (QtCleanUpFunction ptr )
void setSetuidAllowed (bool allow )

QDeadlineTimer :

QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QMargins operator+ (int lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & margins )
QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QMargins operator- (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )

QFlag :

uint operator uint () const

QJsonArray :

QJsonArray operator+ (const QJsonValue & value ) const
QJsonArray & operator+= (const QJsonValue & value )
QJsonArray & operator<< (const QJsonValue & value )

QMargins :

QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QMargins operator+ (int lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & margins )
QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QMargins operator- (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )

QMarginsF :

QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )

QMessageLogger :

void critical (const QLoggingCategory & cat , const char * msg , ... ) const
void critical (QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction catFunc , const char * msg , ... ) const
QDebug critical (const QLoggingCategory & cat ) const
QDebug critical (QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction catFunc ) const
void debug (const QLoggingCategory & cat , const char * msg , ... ) const
void debug (QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction catFunc , const char * msg , ... ) const
QDebug debug (const QLoggingCategory & cat ) const
QDebug debug (QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction catFunc ) const
void warning (const QLoggingCategory & cat , const char * msg , ... ) const
void warning (QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction catFunc , const char * msg , ... ) const
QDebug warning (QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction catFunc ) const

QPoint :

QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QMargins operator+ (int lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & margins )
QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QMargins operator- (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )

QPointF :

QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QMargins operator+ (int lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & margins )
QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QMargins operator- (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )

QProcess :

qint64 processId () const

QRect :

QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )

QRectF :

QRectF marginsAdded (const QMarginsF & margins ) const
QRectF marginsRemoved (const QMarginsF & margins ) const
QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QRectF & operator+= (const QMarginsF & margins )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF & operator-= (const QMarginsF & margins )

QSharedPointer :

void swap (QSharedPointer<T> & other )

QSizeF :

QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )

QSize :

QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )

QString :

bool contains (QLatin1String str , Qt::CaseSensitivity cs ) const
QString fromUcs4 (const char32_t * str , int size )
QString fromUtf16 (const char16_t * str , int size )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QMargins operator+ (int lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & margins )
QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )

QVarLengthArray :

bool contains (const T & value ) const
int indexOf (const T & value , int from ) const
int lastIndexOf (const T & value , int from ) const

QDBusServer :

bool isAnonymousAuthenticationAllowed () const
void setAnonymousAuthenticationAllowed (bool value )

QColor :

QRgb qPremultiply (QRgb rgb )
QRgb qUnpremultiply (QRgb rgb )

QFont :

uint qHash (const QFont & font , uint seed )

QMouseEvent :

Qt::MouseEventFlags flags () const
Qt::MouseEventSource source () const

QOpenGLContext :

bool isOpenGLES () const
void * openGLModuleHandle ()
QOpenGLContext::OpenGLModuleType openGLModuleType ()

QOpenGLFramebufferObject :

GLuint takeTexture ()

QOpenGLFunctions :

void glBindTexture (GLenum target , GLuint texture )
void glBlendFunc (GLenum sfactor , GLenum dfactor )
void glClear (GLbitfield mask )
void glClearColor (GLclampf red , GLclampf green , GLclampf blue , GLclampf alpha )
void glClearStencil (GLint s )
void glColorMask (GLboolean red , GLboolean green , GLboolean blue , GLboolean alpha )
void glCopyTexImage2D (GLenum target , GLint level , GLenum internalformat , GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLint border )
void glCopyTexSubImage2D (GLenum target , GLint level , GLint xoffset , GLint yoffset , GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height )
void glCullFace (GLenum mode )
void glDeleteTextures (GLsizei n , const GLuint * textures )
void glDepthFunc (GLenum func )
void glDepthMask (GLboolean flag )
void glDisable (GLenum cap )
void glDrawArrays (GLenum mode , GLint first , GLsizei count )
void glDrawElements (GLenum mode , GLsizei count , GLenum type , const GLvoid * indices )
void glEnable (GLenum cap )
void glFinish ()
void glFlush ()
void glFrontFace (GLenum mode )
void glGenTextures (GLsizei n , GLuint * textures )
void glGetBooleanv (GLenum pname , GLboolean * params )
GLenum glGetError ()
void glGetFloatv (GLenum pname , GLfloat * params )
void glGetIntegerv (GLenum pname , GLint * params )
const GLubyte * glGetString (GLenum name )
void glGetTexParameterfv (GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLfloat * params )
void glGetTexParameteriv (GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLint * params )
void glHint (GLenum target , GLenum mode )
GLboolean glIsEnabled (GLenum cap )
GLboolean glIsTexture (GLuint texture )
void glLineWidth (GLfloat width )
void glPixelStorei (GLenum pname , GLint param )
void glPolygonOffset (GLfloat factor , GLfloat units )
void glReadPixels (GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLenum format , GLenum type , GLvoid * pixels )
void glScissor (GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height )
void glStencilFunc (GLenum func , GLint ref , GLuint mask )
void glStencilMask (GLuint mask )
void glStencilOp (GLenum fail , GLenum zfail , GLenum zpass )
void glTexImage2D (GLenum target , GLint level , GLint internalformat , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLint border , GLenum format , GLenum type , const GLvoid * pixels )
void glTexParameterf (GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLfloat param )
void glTexParameterfv (GLenum target , GLenum pname , const GLfloat * params )
void glTexParameteri (GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLint param )
void glTexParameteriv (GLenum target , GLenum pname , const GLint * params )
void glTexSubImage2D (GLenum target , GLint level , GLint xoffset , GLint yoffset , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLenum format , GLenum type , const GLvoid * pixels )
void glViewport (GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height )

QOpenGLShaderProgram :

bool create ()

QOpenGLTexture :

void setCompressedData (int mipLevel , int layer , QOpenGLTexture::CubeMapFace cubeFace , int dataSize , const void * data , const QOpenGLPixelTransferOptions *const options )
void setData (int mipLevel , int layer , QOpenGLTexture::CubeMapFace cubeFace , QOpenGLTexture::PixelFormat sourceFormat , QOpenGLTexture::PixelType sourceType , const void * data , const QOpenGLPixelTransferOptions *const options )
void setData (int mipLevel , int layer , QOpenGLTexture::PixelFormat sourceFormat , QOpenGLTexture::PixelType sourceType , const void * data , const QOpenGLPixelTransferOptions *const options )
void setData (int mipLevel , QOpenGLTexture::PixelFormat sourceFormat , QOpenGLTexture::PixelType sourceType , const void * data , const QOpenGLPixelTransferOptions *const options )
void setData (QOpenGLTexture::PixelFormat sourceFormat , QOpenGLTexture::PixelType sourceType , const void * data , const QOpenGLPixelTransferOptions *const options )

QPagedPaintDevice :

QPageLayout pageLayout () const
bool setPageLayout (const QPageLayout & newPageLayout )
bool setPageMargins (const QMarginsF & margins )
bool setPageMargins (const QMarginsF & margins , QPageLayout::Unit units )
bool setPageOrientation (QPageLayout::Orientation orientation )
bool setPageSize (const QPageSize & pageSize )

QPdfWriter :

QPageLayout pageLayout () const
int resolution () const
bool setPageLayout (const QPageLayout & newPageLayout )
bool setPageMargins (const QMarginsF & margins )
bool setPageMargins (const QMarginsF & margins , QPageLayout::Unit units )
bool setPageOrientation (QPageLayout::Orientation orientation )
bool setPageSize (const QPageSize & pageSize )
void setResolution (int resolution )

QPixmap :

QPixmap fromImage (QImage && image , Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags )

QPlatformIntegration :

virtual QOpenGLContext::OpenGLModuleType openGLModuleType ()

QPlatformSystemTrayIcon :

virtual QPlatformMenu * createMenu () const

QPlatformTheme :

virtual QString standardButtonText (int button ) const

QPlatformWindow :

virtual QRect normalGeometry () const

QPointingDeviceUniqueId :

uint qHash (const QFont & font , uint seed )

QRhiVertexInputBinding :

uint qHash (const QFont & font , uint seed )

QShaderKey :

uint qHash (const QFont & font , uint seed )

QSurface :

bool supportsOpenGL () const

QSurfaceFormat :

QSurfaceFormat::FormatOptions options () const
void setOption (QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption option , bool on )
void setOptions (QSurfaceFormat::FormatOptions options )
void setSwapInterval (int interval )
int swapInterval () const
bool testOption (QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption option ) const

QTextBlock :

QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> textFormats () const

QTextCharFormat :

void setFont (const QFont & font , QTextCharFormat::FontPropertiesInheritanceBehavior behavior )

QTextFormat :

bool isEmpty () const

QMediaServiceProviderHint :

QCamera::Position cameraPosition () const

QSslConfiguration :

QList<QByteArray> allowedNextProtocols () const
QByteArray nextNegotiatedProtocol () const
QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationStatus nextProtocolNegotiationStatus () const
void setAllowedNextProtocols (QList<QByteArray> protocols )

QNmeaPositionInfoSource :

void setUserEquivalentRangeError (double uere )
double userEquivalentRangeError () const

QPrinterInfo :

QStringList availablePrinterNames ()
QPageSize defaultPageSize () const
QString defaultPrinterName ()
bool isRemote () const
QPageSize maximumPhysicalPageSize () const
QPageSize minimumPhysicalPageSize () const
QPrinter::PrinterState state () const
QList<QPageSize> supportedPageSizes () const
QList<int> supportedResolutions () const
bool supportsCustomPageSizes () const

QPrinter :

QPageLayout pageLayout () const
bool setPageLayout (const QPageLayout & newLayout )
bool setPageMargins (const QMarginsF & margins , QPageLayout::Unit units )
bool setPageOrientation (QPageLayout::Orientation orientation )
bool setPageSize (const QPageSize & pageSize )

QQuickWindow :

void afterAnimating ()
void afterSynchronizing ()
void openglContextCreated (QOpenGLContext * context )
void sceneGraphAboutToStop ()
void sceneGraphError (QQuickWindow::SceneGraphError error , const QString & message )

QSerialPortInfo :

QString serialNumber () const

QPlainTextEdit :

bool find (const QRegExp & exp , QTextDocument::FindFlags options )

QTextEdit :

bool find (const QRegExp & exp , QTextDocument::FindFlags options )


QAndroidJniObject androidActivity ()
int androidSdkVersion ()
void ignoreMessage (QtMsgType type , const QRegularExpression & messagePattern )
void startActivity (const QAndroidJniObject & intent , int receiverRequestCode , QAndroidActivityResultReceiver * resultReceiver )
void startIntentSender (const QAndroidJniObject & intentSender , int receiverRequestCode , QAndroidActivityResultReceiver * resultReceiver )


QRectF operator+ (const QMarginsF & lhs , const QRectF & rhs )
QRectF operator+ (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & margins )
QMargins operator+ (int lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QMargins operator+ (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
QRectF operator- (const QRectF & lhs , const QMarginsF & rhs )
QRect operator- (const QRect & lhs , const QMargins & rhs )
QMargins operator- (const QMargins & lhs , int rhs )
uint qHash (const QFont & font , uint seed )
uint qHash (long double key , uint seed )
uint qHash (double key , uint seed )
uint qHash (float key , uint seed )
QRgb qPremultiply (QRgb rgb )
void qRemovePostRoutine (QtCleanUpFunction ptr )
QRgb qUnpremultiply (QRgb rgb )


  QVERIFY_EXCEPTION_THROWN ( expression , exceptiontype )
  QVERIFY_EXCEPTION_THROWN ( expression , exceptiontype )
  qCCritical ( category , const char * message , ... )
  qCCritical ( category , const char * message , ... )
  qCDebug ( category , const char * message , ... )
  qCDebug ( category , const char * message , ... )
  qCWarning ( category , const char * message , ... )
  qCWarning ( category , const char * message , ... )


enum Position { UnspecifiedPosition, BackFace, FrontFace }
enum OpenGLModuleType { LibGL, LibGLES }
enum SceneGraphError { ContextNotAvailable }
enum FontPropertiesInheritanceBehavior { FontPropertiesSpecifiedOnly, FontPropertiesAll }
enum MouseEventFlag { MouseEventCreatedDoubleClick, MouseEventFlagMask }
enum MouseEventSource { MouseEventNotSynthesized, MouseEventSynthesizedBySystem, MouseEventSynthesizedByQt, MouseEventSynthesizedByApplication }


typedef CategoryFunction


新 QML 类型


新 QML 特性


新 QML 信号

  afterAnimating ()
  sceneGraphError ()

新 QML 方法

  linkAt ()
  linkAt ()

其它 Qt 5 发行的补充