QAudioDeviceInfo 类

QAudioDeviceInfo 类提供查询音频设备及其功能的接口。 更多...

头: #include <QAudioDeviceInfo>
qmake: QT += multimedia


QAudioDeviceInfo (const QAudioDeviceInfo & other )
QAudioDeviceInfo ()
QAudioDeviceInfo & operator= (const QAudioDeviceInfo & other )
~QAudioDeviceInfo ()
QString deviceName () const
bool isFormatSupported (const QAudioFormat & settings ) const
bool isNull () const
QAudioFormat nearestFormat (const QAudioFormat & settings ) const
QAudioFormat preferredFormat () const
QString realm () const
QList<QAudioFormat::Endian> supportedByteOrders () const
QList<int> supportedChannelCounts () const
QStringList supportedCodecs () const
QList<int> supportedSampleRates () const
QList<int> supportedSampleSizes () const
QList<QAudioFormat::SampleType> supportedSampleTypes () const
bool operator!= (const QAudioDeviceInfo & other ) const
bool operator== (const QAudioDeviceInfo & other ) const


QList<QAudioDeviceInfo> availableDevices (QAudio::Mode mode )
QAudioDeviceInfo defaultInputDevice ()
QAudioDeviceInfo defaultOutputDevice ()


QAudioDeviceInfo lets you query for audio devices--such as sound cards and USB headsets--that are currently available on the system. The audio devices available are dependent on the platform or audio plugins installed.

A QAudioDeviceInfo is used by Qt to construct classes that communicate with the device--such as QAudioInput ,和 QAudioOutput .

You can also query each device for the formats it supports. A format in this context is a set consisting of a specific byte order, channel, codec, frequency, sample rate, and sample type. A format is represented by the QAudioFormat 类。

The values supported by the device for each of these parameters can be fetched with supportedByteOrders (), supportedChannelCounts (), supportedCodecs (), supportedSampleRates (), supportedSampleSizes (),和 supportedSampleTypes (). The combinations supported are dependent on the platform, audio plugins installed and the audio device capabilities. If you need a specific format, you can check if the device supports it with isFormatSupported (), or fetch a supported format that is as close as possible to the format with nearestFormat (). For instance:

QAudioFormat format;
// ... other format parameters
QAudioDeviceInfo info(QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice());
if (!info.isFormatSupported(format))
    format = info.nearestFormat(format);

静态函数 defaultInputDevice (), defaultOutputDevice (),和 availableDevices () let you get a list of all available devices. Devices are fetched according to the value of mode this is specified by the QAudio ::Mode enum. The QAudioDeviceInfo returned are only valid for the QAudio ::Mode.


const auto deviceInfos = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices(QAudio::AudioOutput);
for (const QAudioDeviceInfo &deviceInfo : deviceInfos)
    qDebug() << "Device name: " << deviceInfo.deviceName();

In this code sample, we loop through all devices that are able to output sound, i.e., play an audio stream in a supported format. For each device we find, we simply print the deviceName ().

另请参阅 QAudioOutput and QAudioInput .


QAudioDeviceInfo:: QAudioDeviceInfo (const QAudioDeviceInfo & other )

构造副本为 other .

QAudioDeviceInfo:: QAudioDeviceInfo ()

构造空的 QAudioDeviceInfo 对象。

QAudioDeviceInfo &QAudioDeviceInfo:: operator= (const QAudioDeviceInfo & other )

设置 QAudioDeviceInfo 对象等于 other .

QAudioDeviceInfo:: ~QAudioDeviceInfo ()


[static] QList < QAudioDeviceInfo > QAudioDeviceInfo:: availableDevices ( QAudio::Mode mode )

返回的音频设备列表支持 mode .

[static] QAudioDeviceInfo QAudioDeviceInfo:: defaultInputDevice ()


[static] QAudioDeviceInfo QAudioDeviceInfo:: defaultOutputDevice ()


QString QAudioDeviceInfo:: deviceName () const




如 default, Intel, U0x46d0x9a4

bool QAudioDeviceInfo:: isFormatSupported (const QAudioFormat & settings ) const

返回 true 若供给 settings are supported by the audio device described by this QAudioDeviceInfo .

bool QAudioDeviceInfo:: isNull () const

Returns whether this QAudioDeviceInfo object holds a valid device definition.

QAudioFormat QAudioDeviceInfo:: nearestFormat (const QAudioFormat & settings ) const

Returns the closest QAudioFormat to the supplied settings that the system supports.

These settings are provided by the platform/audio plugin being used.

They are also dependent on the QAudio ::Mode being used.

QAudioFormat QAudioDeviceInfo:: preferredFormat () const

Returns the default audio format settings for this device.

These settings are provided by the platform/audio plugin being used.

They are also dependent on the QAudio ::Mode being used.

A typical audio system would provide something like:

  • 输入设置:8000Hz 单声道 8 位。
  • Output settings: 44100Hz stereo 16 bit little endian.

QString QAudioDeviceInfo:: realm () const

Returns the key that represents the audio plugin.

该函数在 Qt 5.14 引入。

另请参阅 QAudioSystemPlugin .

QList < QAudioFormat::Endian > QAudioDeviceInfo:: supportedByteOrders () const


QList < int > QAudioDeviceInfo:: supportedChannelCounts () const

Returns a list of supported channel counts.

This is typically 1 for mono sound, or 2 for stereo sound.

QStringList QAudioDeviceInfo:: supportedCodecs () const



audio/pcm - 线性 PCM


QList < int > QAudioDeviceInfo:: supportedSampleRates () const

返回支持的采样率的列表 (以赫兹为单位)。

QList < int > QAudioDeviceInfo:: supportedSampleSizes () const

返回支持的采样大小的列表 (以位为单位)。

通常这将包括 8 位和 16 位的采样大小。

QList < QAudioFormat::SampleType > QAudioDeviceInfo:: supportedSampleTypes () const

Returns a list of supported sample types.

bool QAudioDeviceInfo:: operator!= (const QAudioDeviceInfo & other ) const

返回 true,若此 QAudioDeviceInfo class represents a different audio device than other

bool QAudioDeviceInfo:: operator== (const QAudioDeviceInfo & other ) const

返回 true,若此 QAudioDeviceInfo class represents the same audio device as other .