QDirModel Class

The QDirModel class provides a data model for the local filesystem. 更多...

头: #include <QDirModel>
qmake: QT += widgets
继承: QAbstractItemModel

该类已过时。 提供它是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它。


enum Roles { FileIconRole, FilePathRole, FileNameRole }



QDirModel (QObject * parent = nullptr)
QDirModel (const QStringList & nameFilters , QDir::Filters 过滤 , QDir::SortFlags sort , QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QDirModel ()
QIcon fileIcon (const QModelIndex & index ) const
QFileInfo fileInfo (const QModelIndex & index ) const
QString fileName (const QModelIndex & index ) const
QString filePath (const QModelIndex & index ) const
QDir::Filters filter () const
QFileIconProvider * iconProvider () const
QModelIndex index (const QString & path , int column = 0) const
bool isDir (const QModelIndex & index ) const
bool isReadOnly () const
bool lazyChildCount () const
QModelIndex mkdir (const QModelIndex & parent , const QString & name )
QStringList nameFilters () const
bool remove (const QModelIndex & index )
bool resolveSymlinks () const
bool rmdir (const QModelIndex & index )
void setFilter (QDir::Filters 过滤 )
void setIconProvider (QFileIconProvider * provider )
void setLazyChildCount (bool enable )
void setNameFilters (const QStringList & 过滤 )
void setReadOnly (bool enable )
void setResolveSymlinks (bool enable )
void setSorting (QDir::SortFlags sort )
QDir::SortFlags sorting () const


virtual int columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const override
virtual QVariant data (const QModelIndex & index , int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override
virtual bool dropMimeData (const QMimeData * data , Qt::DropAction action , int row , int column , const QModelIndex & parent ) override
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags (const QModelIndex & index ) const override
virtual bool hasChildren (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const override
virtual QVariant headerData (int section , Qt::Orientation orientation , int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override
virtual QModelIndex index (int row , int column , const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const override
virtual QMimeData * mimeData (const QModelIndexList & indexes ) const override
virtual QStringList mimeTypes () const override
virtual QModelIndex parent (const QModelIndex & child ) const override
virtual int rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const override
virtual bool setData (const QModelIndex & index , const QVariant & value , int role = Qt::EditRole) override
virtual void sort (int column , Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder) override
virtual Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions () const override


void refresh (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex())


The usage of QDirModel is not recommended anymore. The QFileSystemModel class is a more performant alternative.

This class provides access to the local filesystem, providing functions for renaming and removing files and directories, and for creating new directories. In the simplest case, it can be used with a suitable display widget as part of a browser or filer.

QDirModel keeps a cache with file information. The cache needs to be updated with refresh ().

QDirModel can be accessed using the standard interface provided by QAbstractItemModel , but it also provides some convenience functions that are specific to a directory model. The fileInfo () 和 isDir () functions provide information about the underlying files and directories related to items in the model.

Directories can be created and removed using mkdir (), rmdir (), and the model will be automatically updated to take the changes into account.

注意: QDirModel requires an instance of QApplication .

另请参阅 nameFilters (), setFilter (), filter (), QListView , QTreeView , QFileSystemModel , 目录视图范例 ,和 模型类 .


enum QDirModel:: Roles

QDirModel::FileIconRole Qt::DecorationRole
QDirModel::FilePathRole Qt::UserRole + 1
QDirModel::FileNameRole 258


lazyChildCount : bool

This property holds whether the directory model optimizes the hasChildren function to only check if the item is a directory.

If this property is set to false, the directory model will make sure that a directory actually containes any files before reporting that it has children. Otherwise the directory model will report that an item has children if the item is a directory.

此特性是 false 默认情况下


bool lazyChildCount () const
void setLazyChildCount (bool enable )

readOnly : bool

This property holds whether the directory model allows writing to the file system

If this property is set to false, the directory model will allow renaming, copying and deleting of files and directories.

此特性是 true 默认情况下


bool isReadOnly () const
void setReadOnly (bool enable )


This is only relevant on operating systems that support symbolic links.


bool resolveSymlinks () const
void setResolveSymlinks (bool enable )


QDirModel:: QDirModel ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a directory model with the given parent .

QDirModel:: QDirModel (const QStringList & nameFilters , QDir::Filters 过滤 , QDir::SortFlags sort , QObject * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new directory model with the given parent . Only those files matching the nameFilters 过滤 are included in the model. The sort order is given by the sort flags.

[slot] void QDirModel:: refresh (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex())

QDirModel caches file information. This function updates the cache. The parent parameter is the directory from which the model is updated; the default value will update the model from root directory of the file system (the entire model).

[virtual] QDirModel:: ~QDirModel ()

Destroys this directory model.

[override virtual] int QDirModel:: columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const.

Returns the number of columns in the parent model item.

[override virtual] QVariant QDirModel:: data (const QModelIndex & index , int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::data (const QModelIndex &index, int role) const.

Returns the data for the model item index 采用给定 role .

另请参阅 setData ().

[override virtual] bool QDirModel:: dropMimeData (const QMimeData * data , Qt::DropAction action , int row , int column , const QModelIndex & parent )

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::dropMimeData (const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent).

处理 data 提供通过拖放操作结束按给定 action over the row in the model specified by the row and column and by the parent index.

返回 true if the drop was successful, and false otherwise.

另请参阅 supportedDropActions ().

QIcon QDirModel:: fileIcon (const QModelIndex & index ) const

Returns the icons for the item stored in the model under the given index .

QFileInfo QDirModel:: fileInfo (const QModelIndex & index ) const

Returns the file information for the specified model index .

注意: If the model index represents a symbolic link in the underlying filing system, the file information returned will contain information about the symbolic link itself, regardless of whether resolveSymlinks is enabled or not.

另请参阅 QFileInfo::symLinkTarget ().

QString QDirModel:: fileName (const QModelIndex & index ) const

Returns the name of the item stored in the model under the index 给定。

QString QDirModel:: filePath (const QModelIndex & index ) const

Returns the path of the item stored in the model under the index 给定。

QDir::Filters QDirModel:: filter () const

Returns the filter specification for the directory model.

另请参阅 setFilter () 和 QDir::Filters .

[override virtual] Qt::ItemFlags QDirModel:: flags (const QModelIndex & index ) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::flags (const QModelIndex &index) const.

Returns the item flags for the given index in the model.

另请参阅 Qt::ItemFlags .

[override virtual] bool QDirModel:: hasChildren (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::hasChildren (const QModelIndex &parent) const.

返回 true parent model item has children; otherwise returns false .

[override virtual] QVariant QDirModel:: headerData ( int section , Qt::Orientation orientation , int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const.

Returns the data stored under the given role 为指定 section of the header with the given orientation .

QFileIconProvider *QDirModel:: iconProvider () const

Returns the file icon provider for this directory model.

另请参阅 setIconProvider ().

[override virtual] QModelIndex QDirModel:: index ( int row , int column , const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::index (int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const.

Returns the model item index for the item in the parent 采用给定 row and column .

QModelIndex QDirModel:: index (const QString & path , int column = 0) const


Returns the model item index for the given path .

bool QDirModel:: isDir (const QModelIndex & index ) const

返回 true 若模型项 index represents a directory; otherwise returns false .

[override virtual] QMimeData *QDirModel:: mimeData (const QModelIndexList & indexes ) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::mimeData (const QModelIndexList &indexes) const.

返回的对象包含序列化描述为指定 indexes . The format used to describe the items corresponding to the indexes is obtained from the mimeTypes () 函数。

If the list of indexes is empty, 0 is returned rather than a serialized empty list.

[override virtual] QStringList QDirModel:: mimeTypes () const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::mimeTypes () const.

Returns a list of MIME types that can be used to describe a list of items in the model.

QModelIndex QDirModel:: mkdir (const QModelIndex & parent , const QString & name )

Create a directory with the name parent model item.

QStringList QDirModel:: nameFilters () const

Returns a list of filters applied to the names in the model.

另请参阅 setNameFilters ().

[override virtual] QModelIndex QDirModel:: parent (const QModelIndex & child ) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::parent (const QModelIndex &index) const.

Return the parent of the given child model item.

bool QDirModel:: remove (const QModelIndex & index )

Removes the model item index from the directory model and deletes the corresponding file from the file system , returning true if successful. If the item cannot be removed, false is returned.

警告: This function deletes files from the file system; it does not move them to a location where they can be recovered.

另请参阅 rmdir ().

bool QDirModel:: rmdir (const QModelIndex & index )

Removes the directory corresponding to the model item index in the directory model and deletes the corresponding directory from the file system , returning true if successful. If the directory cannot be removed, false is returned.

警告: This function deletes directories from the file system; it does not move them to a location where they can be recovered.

另请参阅 remove ().

[override virtual] int QDirModel:: rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const.

Returns the number of rows in the parent model item.

[override virtual] bool QDirModel:: setData (const QModelIndex & index , const QVariant & value , int role = Qt::EditRole)

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::setData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role).

Sets the data for the model item index 采用给定 role to the data referenced by the value 。返回 true 若成功;否则返回 false .

另请参阅 data () 和 Qt::ItemDataRole .

void QDirModel:: setFilter ( QDir::Filters 过滤 )

Sets the directory model's filter to that specified by 过滤 .

Note that the filter you set should always include the QDir::AllDirs enum value, otherwise QDirModel won't be able to read the directory structure.

另请参阅 filter () 和 QDir::Filters .

void QDirModel:: setIconProvider ( QFileIconProvider * provider )

设置 provider of file icons for the directory model.

另请参阅 iconProvider ().

void QDirModel:: setNameFilters (const QStringList & 过滤 )

Sets the name 过滤 for the directory model.

另请参阅 nameFilters ().

void QDirModel:: setSorting ( QDir::SortFlags sort )

Sets the directory model's sorting order to that specified by sort .

另请参阅 sorting () 和 QDir::SortFlags .

[override virtual] void QDirModel:: sort ( int column , Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder)

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::sort (int column, Qt::SortOrder order).

Sort the model items in the column 使用 order given. The order is a value defined in Qt::SortOrder .

QDir::SortFlags QDirModel:: sorting () const

Returns the sorting method used for the directory model.

另请参阅 setSorting () 和 QDir::SortFlags .

[override virtual] Qt::DropActions QDirModel:: supportedDropActions () const

重实现: QAbstractItemModel::supportedDropActions () const.

Returns the drop actions supported by this model.

另请参阅 Qt::DropActions .