ShaderInfo QML Type

Defines basic information about custom shader code for CustomMaterials. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D 1.15




shaderKey : string

Specifies the options used by the shader using the combination of shader key values.

常量 描述
ShaderInfo.Diffuse The shader uses diffuse lighting.
ShaderInfo.Specular The shader uses specular lighting.
ShaderInfo.Cutout The shader uses alpha cutout.
ShaderInfo.Refraction The shader uses refraction.
ShaderInfo.Transparent The shader uses transparency.
ShaderInfo.Displace The shader uses displacement mapping.
ShaderInfo.Transmissive The shader uses transmissiveness.
ShaderInfo.Glossy The shader is default glossy. This is a combination of ShaderInfo.Diffuse and ShaderInfo.Specular .

type : string

Specifies the shader code type.

version : string

Specifies the shader code version.