QMediaPlayer 类

QMediaPlayer class allows the playing of a media source. 更多...

头: #include <QMediaPlayer>
qmake: QT += multimedia
继承: QMediaObject


enum Error { NoError, ResourceError, FormatError, NetworkError, AccessDeniedError, ServiceMissingError }
enum Flag { LowLatency, StreamPlayback, VideoSurface }
flags Flags
enum MediaStatus { UnknownMediaStatus, NoMedia, LoadingMedia, LoadedMedia, ..., InvalidMedia }
enum State { StoppedState, PlayingState, PausedState }



QMediaPlayer (QObject * parent = Q_NULLPTR, Flags flags = Flags())
~QMediaPlayer ()
QAudio::Role audioRole () const
int bufferStatus () const
QMediaContent currentMedia () const
QNetworkConfiguration currentNetworkConfiguration () const
qint64 duration () const
Error error () const
QString errorString () const
bool isAudioAvailable () const
bool isMuted () const
bool isSeekable () const
bool isVideoAvailable () const
QMediaContent media () const
MediaStatus mediaStatus () const
const QIODevice * mediaStream () const
qreal playbackRate () const
QMediaPlaylist * playlist () const
qint64 position () const
void setAudioRole (QAudio::Role audioRole )
void setVideoOutput (QVideoWidget * output )
void setVideoOutput (QGraphicsVideoItem * output )
void setVideoOutput (QAbstractVideoSurface * surface )
State state () const
QList<QAudio::Role> supportedAudioRoles () const
int volume () const


virtual QMultimedia::AvailabilityStatus availability () const override


void pause ()
void play ()
void setMedia (const QMediaContent & media , QIODevice * stream = Q_NULLPTR)
void setMuted (bool muted )
void setNetworkConfigurations (const QList<QNetworkConfiguration> & configurations )
void setPlaybackRate (qreal rate )
void setPlaylist (QMediaPlaylist * playlist )
void setPosition (qint64 position )
void setVolume (int volume )
void stop ()


void audioAvailableChanged (bool available )
void audioRoleChanged (QAudio::Role role )
void bufferStatusChanged (int percentFilled )
void currentMediaChanged (const QMediaContent & media )
void durationChanged (qint64 duration )
void error (QMediaPlayer::Error error )
void mediaChanged (const QMediaContent & media )
void mediaStatusChanged (QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status )
void mutedChanged (bool muted )
void networkConfigurationChanged (const QNetworkConfiguration & configuration )
void playbackRateChanged (qreal rate )
void positionChanged (qint64 position )
void seekableChanged (bool seekable )
void stateChanged (QMediaPlayer::State state )
void videoAvailableChanged (bool videoAvailable )
void volumeChanged (int volume )


QMultimedia::SupportEstimate hasSupport (const QString & mimeType , const QStringList & codecs = QStringList(), Flags flags = Flags())



QMediaPlayer class allows the playing of a media source.

QMediaPlayer class is a high level media playback class. It can be used to playback such content as songs, movies and internet radio. The content to playback is specified as a QMediaContent 对象,可以认为是附加了额外信息的主 URL 或典型 URL。当提供采用 QMediaContent 回放也许可以开始。

player = new QMediaPlayer;
connect(player, SIGNAL(positionChanged(qint64)), this, SLOT(positionChanged(qint64)));

QVideoWidget 可以使用 QMediaPlayer for video rendering and QMediaPlaylist 为访问播放列表功能。

playlist = new QMediaPlaylist;
player = new QMediaPlayer;
videoWidget = new QVideoWidget;

由于 QMediaPlayer QMediaObject ,可以使用几个 QMediaObject 函数对于像这样的事情:

另请参阅 QMediaObject , QMediaService , QVideoWidget ,和 QMediaPlaylist .


enum QMediaPlayer:: Error


常量 描述
QMediaPlayer::NoError 0 没有出现错误。
QMediaPlayer::ResourceError 1 无法解析媒体资源。
QMediaPlayer::FormatError 2 不 (完全) 支持媒体资源格式。仍可能可以回放,但没有音频或视频组件。
QMediaPlayer::NetworkError 3 发生网络错误。
QMediaPlayer::AccessDeniedError 4 没有适当权限来播放媒体资源。
QMediaPlayer::ServiceMissingError 5 找不到有效回放服务,无法继续进行播放。开头

enum QMediaPlayer:: Flag
flags QMediaPlayer:: Flags

常量 描述
QMediaPlayer::LowLatency 0x01 The player is expected to be used with simple audio formats, but playback should start without significant delay. Such playback service can be used for beeps, ringtones, etc.
QMediaPlayer::StreamPlayback 0x02 The player is expected to play QIODevice based streams. If passed to QMediaPlayer constructor, the service supporting streams playback will be chosen.
QMediaPlayer::VideoSurface 0x04 The player is expected to be able to render to a QAbstractVideoSurface output .

Flags 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <Flag>。它存储 Flag 值的 OR 组合。

enum QMediaPlayer:: MediaStatus


常量 描述
QMediaPlayer::UnknownMediaStatus 0 无法确定媒体状态。
QMediaPlayer::NoMedia 1 当前没有媒体。播放器处于 StoppedState .
QMediaPlayer::LoadingMedia 2 当前正加载媒体。播放器可能处于任何状态。
QMediaPlayer::LoadedMedia 3 当前媒体已加载。播放器在 StoppedState .
QMediaPlayer::StalledMedia 4 当前媒体的回放已失速,由于缓冲不足或某些其它临时中断。播放器在 PlayingState or PausedState .
QMediaPlayer::BufferingMedia 5 播放器正在缓冲数据,但已缓冲足够数据,以便在不久的将来能继续回放。播放器在 PlayingState or PausedState .
QMediaPlayer::BufferedMedia 6 播放器已完全缓冲当前媒体。播放器在 PlayingState or PausedState .
QMediaPlayer::EndOfMedia 7 回放已到达当前媒体结尾。播放器处于 StoppedState .
QMediaPlayer::InvalidMedia 8 当前媒体无法播放。播放器处于 StoppedState .

enum QMediaPlayer:: State


常量 描述
QMediaPlayer::StoppedState 0 媒体播放器未播放内容,回放将从当前轨道的起始开始。
QMediaPlayer::PlayingState 1 媒体播放器目前正在播放内容。
QMediaPlayer::PausedState 2 媒体播放器已暂停回放,当前轨道的回放将从播放器暂停位置处再继续。


audioAvailable : const bool


As the life time of QMediaPlayer can be longer than the playback of one QMediaContent , this property may change over time, the audioAvailableChanged signal can be used to monitor it's status.


bool isAudioAvailable () const


void audioAvailableChanged (bool available )

audioRole : QAudio::Role

This property holds the role of the audio stream played by the media player.

It can be set to specify the type of audio being played, allowing the system to make appropriate decisions when it comes to volume, routing or post-processing.

The audio role must be set before calling setMedia ().

该特性在 Qt 5.6 引入。


QAudio::Role audioRole () const
void setAudioRole (QAudio::Role audioRole )

另请参阅 supportedAudioRoles ().

bufferStatus : const int

This property holds the percentage of the temporary buffer filled before playback begins or resumes, from 0 (empty) to 100 (full).

When the player object is buffering; this property holds the percentage of the temporary buffer that is filled. The buffer will need to reach 100% filled before playback can start or resume, at which time mediaStatus () 会返回 BufferedMedia or BufferingMedia . If the value is anything lower than 100 , mediaStatus () 会返回 StalledMedia .


int bufferStatus () const


void bufferStatusChanged (int percentFilled )

另请参阅 mediaStatus ().

currentMedia : const QMediaContent

This property holds the current active media content being played by the player object. This value could be different from QMediaPlayer::media property if a playlist is used. In this case currentMedia indicates the current media content being processed by the player, while QMediaPlayer::media property contains the original playlist.


QMediaContent currentMedia () const


void currentMediaChanged (const QMediaContent & media )

另请参阅 QMediaContent and media ().

duration : const qint64


The value is the total playback time in milliseconds of the current media. The value may change across the life time of the QMediaPlayer object and may not be available when initial playback begins, connect to the durationChanged () signal to receive status notifications.


qint64 duration () const


void durationChanged (qint64 duration )

error : const QString

This property holds a string describing the last error condition.


QString errorString () const

另请参阅 error ().

media : QMediaContent


播放器对象将使用 QMediaContent for selection of the content to be played.

默认情况下,此特性拥有 null QMediaContent .

将此特性设为 null QMediaContent will cause the player to discard all information relating to the current media source and to cease all I/O operations related to that media.


QMediaContent media () const
void setMedia (const QMediaContent & media , QIODevice * stream = Q_NULLPTR)


void mediaChanged (const QMediaContent & media )

另请参阅 QMediaContent and currentMedia ().

mediaStatus : const MediaStatus



默认情况下此特性为 QMediaPlayer::NoMedia


MediaStatus mediaStatus () const


void mediaStatusChanged (QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status )

另请参阅 state .

muted : bool

This property holds the muted state of the current media.

The value will be true if the playback volume is muted; otherwise false.


bool isMuted () const
void setMuted (bool muted )


void mutedChanged (bool muted )

playbackRate : qreal


This value is a multiplier applied to the media's standard play rate. By default this value is 1.0, indicating that the media is playing at the standard pace. Values higher than 1.0 will increase the rate of play. Values less than zero can be set and indicate the media will rewind at the multiplier of the standard pace.

Not all playback services support change of the playback rate. It is framework defined as to the status and quality of audio and video while fast forwarding or rewinding.


qreal playbackRate () const
void setPlaybackRate (qreal rate )


void playbackRateChanged (qreal rate )

playlist : QMediaPlaylist *

This property holds the media playlist being used by the player object.

The player object will use the current playlist item for selection of the content to be played.

By default this property is set to null.

If the media playlist is used as a source, QMediaPlayer::currentMedia is updated with a current playlist item. The current source should be selected with QMediaPlaylist::setCurrentIndex (int) instead of QMediaPlayer::setMedia (), otherwise the current playlist will be discarded.


QMediaPlaylist * playlist () const
void setPlaylist (QMediaPlaylist * playlist )

另请参阅 QMediaContent .

position : qint64


值是当前回放位置,以从媒体开始起的毫秒数表达。将指示位置的周期性变化采用信号 positionChanged (),可以设置更新间隔采用 QMediaObject 的方法 setNotifyInterval ().


qint64 位置 () const
void setPosition (qint64 position )


void positionChanged (qint64 position )

seekable : const bool


若支持寻址,此特性为 true;否则为 false。此特性的状态可能改变,当跨存活时间在 QMediaPlayer 对象,使用 seekableChanged 信号以监视改变。


bool isSeekable () const


void seekableChanged (bool seekable )

state : const State


默认情况下此特性为 QMediaPlayer::Stopped


State state () const


void stateChanged (QMediaPlayer::State state )

另请参阅 mediaStatus (), play (), pause (),和 stop ().

videoAvailable : const bool

This property holds the video availability status for the current media.

If available, the QVideoWidget class can be used to view the video. As the life time of QMediaPlayer can be longer than the playback of one QMediaContent , this property may change over time, the videoAvailableChanged signal can be used to monitor it's status.


bool isVideoAvailable () const


void videoAvailableChanged (bool videoAvailable )

另请参阅 QVideoWidget and QMediaContent .

volume : int


The playback volume is scaled linearly, ranging from 0 (silence) to 100 (full volume). Values outside this range will be clamped.

默认情况下,音量为 100 .

UI volume controls should usually be scaled nonlinearly. For example, using a logarithmic scale will produce linear changes in perceived loudness, which is what a user would normally expect from a volume control. See QAudio::convertVolume () 了解更多细节。


int volume () const
void setVolume (int volume )


void volumeChanged (int volume )


QMediaPlayer:: QMediaPlayer ( QObject * parent = Q_NULLPTR, Flags flags = Flags())

构造 QMediaPlayer instance parented to parent 和采用 flags .

QMediaPlayer:: ~QMediaPlayer ()


[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: audioAvailableChanged ( bool available )

信号音频内容的可用性已改变成 available .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 audioAvailable .

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: audioRoleChanged ( QAudio::Role role )

信号音频 role 为媒体播放器已改变。

该函数在 Qt 5.6 引入。

[override virtual] QMultimedia::AvailabilityStatus QMediaPlayer:: availability () const

重实现自 QMediaObject::availability ().

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: bufferStatusChanged ( int percentFilled )

Signal the amount of the local buffer filled as a percentage by percentFilled .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 bufferStatus .

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: currentMediaChanged (const QMediaContent & media )

Signals that the current playing content has been changed to media .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 currentMedia .

另请参阅 currentMedia () 和 mediaChanged ().

QNetworkConfiguration QMediaPlayer:: currentNetworkConfiguration () const

Returns the current network access point in use. If a default contructed QNetworkConfiguration is returned this feature is not available or that none of the current supplied configurations are in use.

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: durationChanged ( qint64 duration )

Signal the duration of the content has changed to duration ,以毫秒为单位表达。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 duration .

Error QMediaPlayer:: error () const


[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: error ( QMediaPlayer::Error error )

Signals that an error 条件已发生。

注意: 信号 error 在此类中是重载。要使用函数指针句法连接到此信号,必须在静态铸造中指定信号类型,如此范例所示:

connect(mediaPlayer, static_cast<void(QMediaPlayer::*)(QMediaPlayer::Error)>(&QMediaPlayer::error),
    [=](QMediaPlayer::Error error){ /* ... */ });

另请参阅 errorString ().

[static] QMultimedia::SupportEstimate QMediaPlayer:: hasSupport (const QString & mimeType , const QStringList & codecs = QStringList(), Flags flags = Flags())

Returns the level of support a media player has for a mimeType and a set of codecs .

flags argument allows additional requirements such as performance indicators to be specified.

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: mediaChanged (const QMediaContent & media )

发射信号当媒体源已变为 media .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 media .

另请参阅 media () 和 currentMediaChanged ().

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: mediaStatusChanged ( QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status )

信号 status 若当前媒体已改变。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 mediaStatus .

另请参阅 mediaStatus ().

const QIODevice *QMediaPlayer:: mediaStream () const


This is only valid if a stream was passed to setMedia ().

另请参阅 setMedia ().

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: mutedChanged ( bool muted )

Signal the mute state has changed to muted .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 muted .

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: networkConfigurationChanged (const QNetworkConfiguration & configuration )

Signal that the active in use network access point has been changed to configuration and all subsequent network access will use this configuration .

[slot] void QMediaPlayer:: pause ()


[slot] void QMediaPlayer:: play ()

开始 (或再继续) 播放当前源。

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: playbackRateChanged ( qreal rate )

信号 playbackRate 已改变成 rate .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 playbackRate .

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: positionChanged ( qint64 position )

Signal the position of the content has changed to position ,以毫秒为单位表达。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 position .

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: seekableChanged ( bool seekable )

信号 seekable 播放器对象状态已改变。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 seekable .

[slot] void QMediaPlayer:: setMedia (const QMediaContent & media , QIODevice * stream = Q_NULLPTR)

设置当前 media 源。

stream is supplied; media data will be read from it instead of resolving the media source. In this case the media source may still be used to resolve additional information about the media such as mime type. The stream must be open and readable.

将媒体设为 null QMediaContent will cause the player to discard all information relating to the current media source and to cease all I/O operations related to that media.

注意: This function returns immediately after recording the specified source of the media. It does not wait for the media to finish loading and does not check for errors. Listen for the mediaStatusChanged () 和 error () signals to be notified when the media is loaded and when an error occurs during loading.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 media .

另请参阅 media ().

[slot] void QMediaPlayer:: setNetworkConfigurations (const QList < QNetworkConfiguration > & configurations )

Sets the network access points for remote media playback. configurations contains, in ascending preferential order, a list of configuration that can be used for network access.

This will invalidate the choice of previous configurations.

void QMediaPlayer:: setVideoOutput ( QVideoWidget * output )

Attach a QVideoWidget video output to the media player.

If the media player has already video output attached, it will be replaced with a new one.

void QMediaPlayer:: setVideoOutput ( QGraphicsVideoItem * output )

Attach a QGraphicsVideoItem video output to the media player.

If the media player has already video output attached, it will be replaced with a new one.

void QMediaPlayer:: setVideoOutput ( QAbstractVideoSurface * surface )

Sets a video surface as the video output of a media player.

If a video output has already been set on the media player the new surface will replace it.

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: stateChanged ( QMediaPlayer::State state )

信号 state 对于播放器对象已改变。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 state .

[slot] void QMediaPlayer:: stop ()


QList < QAudio::Role > QMediaPlayer:: supportedAudioRoles () const


If setting the audio role is not supported, an empty list is returned.

该函数在 Qt 5.6 引入。

另请参阅 audioRole .

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: videoAvailableChanged ( bool videoAvailable )

Signal the availability of visual content has changed to videoAvailable .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 videoAvailable .

[signal] void QMediaPlayer:: volumeChanged ( int volume )

回放音量信号已改变成 volume .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 volume .