Qt Multimedia C++ 类

C++ 类为多媒体内容提供了更多控制,相比 QML 替代。若应用程序服务于复杂用例,譬如解码媒体文件、访问视频或音频缓冲,请使用 C++ 替代。有关 C++ 类支持的复杂音频、视频及摄像头用例的更多细节,参考 Multimedia 概述 .


QAudio 包含用于音频类的枚举
QMediaMetaData 提供元数据属性标识符
QMultimedia 包含用于整个 Qt Multimedia 库的杂项标识符

Qt Multimedia 模块

QAudioBuffer 表示具有特定格式和采样率的一批音频样本
QAudioBuffer::StereoFrame 立体声音频帧的简单包裹器
QAudioDecoder 允许解码音频
QAudioDeviceInfo 查询音频设备及其功能的接口
QAudioFormat 存储音频流参数信息
QAudioInput 从音频输入设备接收音频数据的接口
QAudioOutput 把音频数据发送到音频输出设备的接口
QAudioProbe 允许监视正播放 (或录制) 音频
QAbstractAudioDeviceInfo 音频后端基类
QAbstractAudioInput 访问 QAudioInput 以访问由插件提供的音频设备
QAbstractAudioOutput 音频后端基类
QAudioSystemPlugin 音频插件抽象基
QSound 播放 .wav 声音文件的方法
QSoundEffect 播放低延迟音效的办法
QCamera::FrameRateRange FrameRateRange 表示最小和最大速率的帧速率范围
QCamera 系统摄像头设备接口
QCameraExposure 用于曝光相关摄像头设置的接口
QCameraFocus 用于对焦和缩放相关摄像头设置的接口
QCameraFocusZone 用于摄像头自动对焦的区域信息
QCameraImageCapture 用于录制媒体内容
QCameraImageProcessing 用于图像处理相关摄像头设置的接口
QCameraInfo 有关摄像头设备的一般信息
QCameraViewfinderSettings 取景器设置集
QAudioDecoderControl 访问 QMediaService 音频解码功能
QAudioEncoderSettingsControl 访问履行音频编码媒体服务的设置
QAudioInputSelectorControl Audio input selector media control
QAudioOutputSelectorControl Audio output selector media control
QAudioRoleControl 控制媒体对象音频角色
QCameraCaptureBufferFormatControl Control for setting the capture buffer format
QCameraCaptureDestinationControl Control for setting capture destination
QCameraControl Abstract base class for classes that control still cameras or video cameras
QCameraExposureControl 允许控制摄像头曝光参数
QCameraFeedbackControl Allows controlling feedback (sounds etc) during camera operation
QCameraFlashControl Allows controlling a camera's flash
QCameraFocusControl Supplies control for focusing related camera parameters
QCameraImageCaptureControl Control interface for image capture services
QCameraImageProcessingControl Abstract class for controlling image processing parameters, like white balance, contrast, saturation, sharpening and denoising
QCameraInfoControl Camera info media control
QCameraLocksControl Abstract base class for classes that control still cameras or video cameras
QCameraViewfinderSettingsControl Abstract class for controlling camera viewfinder parameters
QCameraViewfinderSettingsControl2 访问摄像头媒体服务的取景器设置
QCameraZoomControl Supplies control for optical and digital camera zoom
QImageEncoderControl Access to the settings of a media service that performs image encoding
QMediaAudioProbeControl 允许控制媒体对象探测音频数据
QMediaAvailabilityControl Supplies a control for reporting availability of a service
QMediaContainerControl Access to the output container format of a QMediaService
QMediaGaplessPlaybackControl Access to the gapless playback related control of a QMediaService
QMediaNetworkAccessControl Allows the setting of the Network Access Point for media related activities
QMediaPlayerControl Access to the media playing functionality of a QMediaService
QMediaRecorderControl 访问 QMediaService 录制功能
QMediaStreamsControl Media stream selection control
QMediaVideoProbeControl Allows control over probing video frames in media objects
QMetaDataReaderControl Read access to the meta-data of a QMediaService's media
QMetaDataWriterControl Write access to the meta-data of a QMediaService's media
QRadioDataControl Access to the RDS functionality of the radio in the QMediaService
QRadioTunerControl Access to the radio tuning functionality of a QMediaService
QVideoDeviceSelectorControl Video device selector media control
QVideoEncoderSettingsControl Access to the settings of a media service that performs video encoding
QVideoRendererControl 把视频渲染到 QAbstractVideoSurface 的媒体控件
QVideoWindowControl 把视频渲染到窗口的媒体控件
QMediaContent Access to the resources relating to a media content
QMediaPlayer 允许播放媒体源
QMediaPlaylist 要播放的媒体内容列表
QMediaResource Description of a media resource
QMediaBindableInterface 用于扩展媒体对象功能的对象基类
QMediaControl Base interface for media service controls
QMediaObject 用于多媒体对象的公共基
QMediaService Common base class for media service implementations
QMediaServiceCameraInfoInterface Interface provides camera-specific information about devices supported by a camera service plug-in
QMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface Interface identifies the default device used by a media service plug-in
QMediaServiceFeaturesInterface Interface identifies features supported by a media service plug-in
QMediaServiceProviderPlugin Interface provides an interface for QMediaService plug-ins
QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface Interface identifies the devices supported by a media service plug-in
QMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterface Interface identifies if a media service plug-in supports a media format
QMediaTimeInterval 表示时间间隔采用整数精度
QMediaTimeRange 表示一组零个或多个不相交的时间间隔
QRadioData Interfaces to the RDS functionality of the system radio
QRadioTuner Interface to the systems analog radio device
QAudioRecorder 用于录制音频
QAudioEncoderSettings 音频编码器设置集
QImageEncoderSettings 图像编码器设置集
QVideoEncoderSettings 视频编码器设置集
QMediaRecorder 用于录制媒体内容
QAbstractPlanarVideoBuffer 抽象平面视频数据
QAbstractVideoBuffer 抽象视频数据
QAbstractVideoFilter 表示应用于通过 VideoOutput 类型接收视频帧的过滤器
QVideoFilterRunnable 表示拥有所有图形 计算资源,履行实际过滤 (或计算) 的过滤器实现
QAbstractVideoSurface 视频呈现表面的基类
QVideoFrame 表示视频数据帧
QVideoProbe 允许监视视频帧播放或录制
QVideoSurfaceFormat 指定视频呈现表面的流格式

Qt Multimedia Widgets 模块

QCameraViewfinder 摄像头取景器小部件
QGraphicsVideoItem 显示 QMediaObject 产生视频的图形项
QVideoWidget 呈现媒体对象产生视频的小部件
QVideoWidgetControl 实现视频小部件的媒体控件