QTableWidget 类

QTableWidget class provides an item-based table view with a default model. 更多...

头: #include <QTableWidget>
qmake: QT += widgets
继承: QTableView



QTableWidget (QWidget * parent = Q_NULLPTR)
QTableWidget (int rows , int columns , QWidget * parent = Q_NULLPTR)
~QTableWidget ()
QWidget * cellWidget (int row , int column ) const
void closePersistentEditor (QTableWidgetItem * item )
int column (const QTableWidgetItem * item ) const
int columnCount () const
int currentColumn () const
QTableWidgetItem * currentItem () const
int currentRow () const
void editItem (QTableWidgetItem * item )
QList<QTableWidgetItem *> findItems (const QString & text , Qt::MatchFlags flags ) const
QTableWidgetItem * horizontalHeaderItem (int column ) const
QTableWidgetItem * item (int row , int column ) const
QTableWidgetItem * itemAt (const QPoint & point ) const
QTableWidgetItem * itemAt (int ax , int ay ) const
const QTableWidgetItem * itemPrototype () const
void openPersistentEditor (QTableWidgetItem * item )
void removeCellWidget (int row , int column )
int row (const QTableWidgetItem * item ) const
int rowCount () const
QList<QTableWidgetItem *> selectedItems () const
QList<QTableWidgetSelectionRange> selectedRanges () const
void setCellWidget (int row , int column , QWidget * widget )
void setColumnCount (int columns )
void setCurrentCell (int row , int column )
void setCurrentCell (int row , int column , QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )
void setCurrentItem (QTableWidgetItem * item )
void setCurrentItem (QTableWidgetItem * item , QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )
void setHorizontalHeaderItem (int column , QTableWidgetItem * item )
void setHorizontalHeaderLabels (const QStringList & labels )
void setItem (int row , int column , QTableWidgetItem * item )
void setItemPrototype (const QTableWidgetItem * item )
void setRangeSelected (const QTableWidgetSelectionRange & range , bool select )
void setRowCount (int rows )
void setVerticalHeaderItem (int row , QTableWidgetItem * item )
void setVerticalHeaderLabels (const QStringList & labels )
void sortItems (int column , Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder)
QTableWidgetItem * takeHorizontalHeaderItem (int column )
QTableWidgetItem * takeItem (int row , int column )
QTableWidgetItem * takeVerticalHeaderItem (int row )
QTableWidgetItem * verticalHeaderItem (int row ) const
int visualColumn (int logicalColumn ) const
QRect visualItemRect (const QTableWidgetItem * item ) const
int visualRow (int logicalRow ) const


void clear ()
void clearContents ()
void insertColumn (int column )
void insertRow (int row )
void removeColumn (int column )
void removeRow (int row )
void scrollToItem (const QTableWidgetItem * item , QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible)


void cellActivated (int row , int column )
void cellChanged (int row , int column )
void cellClicked (int row , int column )
void cellDoubleClicked (int row , int column )
void cellEntered (int row , int column )
void cellPressed (int row , int column )
void currentCellChanged (int currentRow , int currentColumn , int previousRow , int previousColumn )
void currentItemChanged (QTableWidgetItem * current , QTableWidgetItem * previous )
void itemActivated (QTableWidgetItem * item )
void itemChanged (QTableWidgetItem * item )
void itemClicked (QTableWidgetItem * item )
void itemDoubleClicked (QTableWidgetItem * item )
void itemEntered (QTableWidgetItem * item )
void itemPressed (QTableWidgetItem * item )
void itemSelectionChanged ()


virtual bool dropMimeData (int row , int column , const QMimeData * data , Qt::DropAction action )
QModelIndex indexFromItem (QTableWidgetItem * item ) const
QTableWidgetItem * itemFromIndex (const QModelIndex & index ) const
QList<QTableWidgetItem *> items (const QMimeData * data ) const
virtual QMimeData * mimeData (const QList<QTableWidgetItem *> items ) const
virtual QStringList mimeTypes () const
virtual Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions () const


virtual void dropEvent (QDropEvent * event )
virtual bool event (QEvent * e )



QTableWidget class provides an item-based table view with a default model.

Table widgets provide standard table display facilities for applications. The items in a QTableWidget are provided by QTableWidgetItem .

若希望表格使用自己的数据模型,应该使用 QTableView 而不是此类。

可以采用所需行数和列数构造表格 Widget:

    tableWidget = new QTableWidget(12, 3, this);


    tableWidget = new QTableWidget(this);

Items are created ouside the table (with no parent widget) and inserted into the table with setItem ():

    QTableWidgetItem *newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(tr("%1").arg(
    tableWidget->setItem(row, column, newItem);

If you want to enable sorting in your table widget, do so after you have populated it with items, otherwise sorting may interfere with the insertion order (see setItem () for details).

Tables can be given both horizontal and vertical headers. The simplest way to create the headers is to supply a list of strings to the setHorizontalHeaderLabels () 和 setVerticalHeaderLabels () functions. These will provide simple textual headers for the table's columns and rows. More sophisticated headers can be created from existing table items that are usually constructed outside the table. For example, we can construct a table item with an icon and aligned text, and use it as the header for a particular column:

    QTableWidgetItem *cubesHeaderItem = new QTableWidgetItem(tr("Cubes"));

The number of rows in the table can be found with rowCount (), and the number of columns with columnCount (). The table can be cleared with the clear () 函数。

另请参阅 QTableWidgetItem , QTableView ,和 模型/视图编程 .


columnCount : int

This property holds the number of columns in the table

By default, for a table constructed without row and column counts, this property contains a value of 0.


int columnCount () const
void setColumnCount (int columns )

rowCount : int

This property holds the number of rows in the table

By default, for a table constructed without row and column counts, this property contains a value of 0.


int rowCount () const
void setRowCount (int rows )


QTableWidget:: QTableWidget ( QWidget * parent = Q_NULLPTR)

创建新的表格视图,采用给定 parent .

QTableWidget:: QTableWidget ( int rows , int columns , QWidget * parent = Q_NULLPTR)

创建新的表格视图,采用给定 rows and columns ,和采用给定 parent .

QTableWidget:: ~QTableWidget ()

销毁此 QTableWidget .

[signal] void QTableWidget:: cellActivated ( int row , int column )

This signal is emitted when the cell specified by row and column has been activated

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

[signal] void QTableWidget:: cellChanged ( int row , int column )

此信号被发射每当单元格项数据指定通过 row and column 已改变。

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

[signal] void QTableWidget:: cellClicked ( int row , int column )

This signal is emitted whenever a cell in the table is clicked. The row and column specified is the cell that was clicked.

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

[signal] void QTableWidget:: cellDoubleClicked ( int row , int column )

This signal is emitted whenever a cell in the table is double clicked. The row and column specified is the cell that was double clicked.

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

[signal] void QTableWidget:: cellEntered ( int row , int column )

This signal is emitted when the mouse cursor enters a cell. The cell is specified by row and column .

此信号才被发射当 mouseTracking 被打开,或当移入项时按下鼠标按钮。

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

[signal] void QTableWidget:: cellPressed ( int row , int column )

This signal is emitted whenever a cell in the table is pressed. The row and column specified is the cell that was pressed.

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

QWidget *QTableWidget:: cellWidget ( int row , int column ) const

返回单元格显示 Widget,在给定 row and column .

注意: 表格拥有 Widget 的所有权。

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

另请参阅 setCellWidget ().

[slot] void QTableWidget:: clear ()

Removes all items in the view. This will also remove all selections and headers. If you don't want to remove the headers, use QTableWidget::clearContents (). The table dimensions stay the same.

[slot] void QTableWidget:: clearContents ()

Removes all items not in the headers from the view. This will also remove all selections. The table dimensions stay the same.

该函数在 Qt 4.2 引入。

void QTableWidget:: closePersistentEditor ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

关闭持久编辑器为 item .

另请参阅 openPersistentEditor ().

int QTableWidget:: column (const QTableWidgetItem * item ) const

返回列号为 item .

int QTableWidget:: columnCount () const


注意: Getter 函数对于特性 columnCount .

另请参阅 setColumnCount ().

[signal] void QTableWidget:: currentCellChanged ( int currentRow , int currentColumn , int previousRow , int previousColumn )

This signal is emitted whenever the current cell changes. The cell specified by previousRow and previousColumn is the cell that previously had the focus, the cell specified by currentRow and currentColumn is the new current cell.

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

int QTableWidget:: currentColumn () const


另请参阅 currentRow () 和 setCurrentCell ().

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: currentItem () const


另请参阅 setCurrentItem ().

[signal] void QTableWidget:: currentItemChanged ( QTableWidgetItem * current , QTableWidgetItem * previous )

此信号被发射每当当前项改变。 previous item is the item that previously had the focus, current 是新的当前项。

int QTableWidget:: currentRow () const


另请参阅 currentColumn () 和 setCurrentCell ().

[virtual protected] void QTableWidget:: dropEvent ( QDropEvent * event )

重实现自 QWidget::dropEvent ().

[virtual protected] bool QTableWidget:: dropMimeData ( int row , int column , const QMimeData * data , Qt::DropAction action )

处理 data 提供通过拖放操作结束按给定 action 以给定 row and column 。返回 true if the data and action can be handled by the model; otherwise returns false .

另请参阅 supportedDropActions ().

void QTableWidget:: editItem ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

开始编辑 item 若它可编辑。

[virtual protected] bool QTableWidget:: event ( QEvent * e )

重实现自 QObject::event ().

QList < QTableWidgetItem *> QTableWidget:: findItems (const QString & text , Qt::MatchFlags flags ) const

Finds items that matches the text 使用给定 flags .

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: horizontalHeaderItem ( int column ) const

Returns the horizontal header item for column, column , if one has been set; otherwise returns 0.

另请参阅 setHorizontalHeaderItem ().

[protected] QModelIndex QTableWidget:: indexFromItem ( QTableWidgetItem * item ) const

返回 QModelIndex 关联给定 item .

[slot] void QTableWidget:: insertColumn ( int column )

把空列插入表格,位置 column .

[slot] void QTableWidget:: insertRow ( int row )

把空行插入表格,位置 row .

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: item ( int row , int column ) const

返回项为给定 row and column if one has been set; otherwise returns 0.

另请参阅 setItem ().

[signal] void QTableWidget:: itemActivated ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

此信号被发射当指定 item has been activated

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: itemAt (const QPoint & point ) const

Returns a pointer to the item at the given point , or returns 0 if point is not covered by an item in the table widget.

另请参阅 item ().

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: itemAt ( int ax , int ay ) const

Returns the item at the position equivalent to QPoint ( ax , ay ) in the table widget's coordinate system, or returns 0 if the specified point is not covered by an item in the table widget.

另请参阅 item ().

[signal] void QTableWidget:: itemChanged ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

此信号被发射每当 item 的数据已改变。

[signal] void QTableWidget:: itemClicked ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

This signal is emitted whenever an item in the table is clicked. The item specified is the item that was clicked.

[signal] void QTableWidget:: itemDoubleClicked ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

This signal is emitted whenever an item in the table is double clicked. The item specified is the item that was double clicked.

[signal] void QTableWidget:: itemEntered ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

此信号被发射当鼠标光标进入项时。 item is the item entered.

此信号才被发射当 mouseTracking 被打开,或当移入项时按下鼠标按钮。

[protected] QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: itemFromIndex (const QModelIndex & index ) const

返回指针指向 QTableWidgetItem 关联给定 index .

[signal] void QTableWidget:: itemPressed ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

This signal is emitted whenever an item in the table is pressed. The item specified is the item that was pressed.

const QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: itemPrototype () const

Returns the item prototype used by the table.

另请参阅 setItemPrototype ().

[signal] void QTableWidget:: itemSelectionChanged ()


另请参阅 selectedItems () 和 QTableWidgetItem::isSelected ().

[protected] QList < QTableWidgetItem *> QTableWidget:: items (const QMimeData * data ) const

返回的指针列表项包含在 data 对象。若未创建对象通过 QTreeWidget 在同一过程中,列表为空。

[virtual protected] QMimeData *QTableWidget:: mimeData (const QList < QTableWidgetItem *> items ) const

返回的对象包含序列化描述为指定 items 。用于描述项的格式获取自 mimeTypes () 函数。

If the list of items is empty, 0 is returned rather than a serialized empty list.

[virtual protected] QStringList QTableWidget:: mimeTypes () const

Returns a list of MIME types that can be used to describe a list of tablewidget items.

另请参阅 mimeData ().

void QTableWidget:: openPersistentEditor ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

Opens an editor for the give item 。编辑器仍然打开在编辑之后。

另请参阅 closePersistentEditor ().

void QTableWidget:: removeCellWidget ( int row , int column )

Removes the widget set on the cell indicated by row and column .

该函数在 Qt 4.3 引入。

[slot] void QTableWidget:: removeColumn ( int column )

移除列 column 及表格中的所有项。

[slot] void QTableWidget:: removeRow ( int row )

移除行 row 及表格中的所有项。

int QTableWidget:: row (const QTableWidgetItem * item ) const

Returns the row for the item .

int QTableWidget:: rowCount () const

Returns the number of rows.

注意: Getter 函数对于特性 rowCount .

另请参阅 setRowCount ().

[slot] void QTableWidget:: scrollToItem (const QTableWidgetItem * item , QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible)

卷动视图若有必要以确保 item is visible. The hint parameter specifies more precisely where the item 应位于在操作后。

QList < QTableWidgetItem *> QTableWidget:: selectedItems () const

Returns a list of all selected items.

This function returns a list of pointers to the contents of the selected cells. Use the selectedIndexes () function to retrieve the complete selection 包括 empty cells.

另请参阅 selectedIndexes ().

QList < QTableWidgetSelectionRange > QTableWidget:: selectedRanges () const

Returns a list of all selected ranges.

另请参阅 QTableWidgetSelectionRange .

void QTableWidget:: setCellWidget ( int row , int column , QWidget * widget )

设置给定 widget to be displayed in the cell in the given row and column , passing the ownership of the widget to the table.

If cell widget A is replaced with cell widget B, cell widget A will be deleted. For example, in the code snippet below, the QLineEdit object will be deleted.

setCellWidget(row, column, new QLineEdit);
setCellWidget(row, column, new QTextEdit);

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

另请参阅 cellWidget ().

void QTableWidget:: setColumnCount ( int columns )

Sets the number of columns in this table's model to columns . If this is less than columnCount (), the data in the unwanted columns is discarded.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 columnCount .

另请参阅 columnCount () 和 setRowCount ().

void QTableWidget:: setCurrentCell ( int row , int column )

Sets the current cell to be the cell at position ( row , column ).

Depending on the current 选定模式 , the cell may also be selected.

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

另请参阅 setCurrentItem (), currentRow (),和 currentColumn ().

void QTableWidget:: setCurrentCell ( int row , int column , QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )

Sets the current cell to be the cell at position ( row , column ), using the given command .

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 setCurrentItem (), currentRow (),和 currentColumn ().

void QTableWidget:: setCurrentItem ( QTableWidgetItem * item )

将当前项设为 item .

除非选定模式为 NoSelection ,项还被选中。

另请参阅 currentItem () 和 setCurrentCell ().

void QTableWidget:: setCurrentItem ( QTableWidgetItem * item , QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )

Sets the current item to be item ,使用给定 command .

该函数在 Qt 4.4 引入。

另请参阅 currentItem () 和 setCurrentCell ().

void QTableWidget:: setHorizontalHeaderItem ( int column , QTableWidgetItem * item )

Sets the horizontal header item for column column to item . If necessary, the column count is increased to fit the item. The previous header item (if there was one) is deleted.

另请参阅 horizontalHeaderItem ().

void QTableWidget:: setHorizontalHeaderLabels (const QStringList & labels )

设置水平 Header 头标签,使用 labels .

void QTableWidget:: setItem ( int row , int column , QTableWidgetItem * item )

Sets the item for the given row and column to item .

The table takes ownership of the item.

Note that if sorting is enabled (see sortingEnabled ) and column is the current sort column, the row will be moved to the sorted position determined by item .

If you want to set several items of a particular row (say, by calling setItem() in a loop), you may want to turn off sorting before doing so, and turn it back on afterwards; this will allow you to use the same row argument for all items in the same row (i.e. setItem() will not move the row).

另请参阅 item () 和 takeItem ().

void QTableWidget:: setItemPrototype (const QTableWidgetItem * item )

Sets the item prototype for the table to the specified item .

The table widget will use the item prototype clone function when it needs to create a new table item. For example when the user is editing in an empty cell. This is useful when you have a QTableWidgetItem subclass and want to make sure that QTableWidget creates instances of your subclass.

The table takes ownership of the prototype.

另请参阅 itemPrototype ().

void QTableWidget:: setRangeSelected (const QTableWidgetSelectionRange & range , bool select )

Selects or deselects the range depending on select .

void QTableWidget:: setRowCount ( int rows )

Sets the number of rows in this table's model to rows . If this is less than rowCount (), the data in the unwanted rows is discarded.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 rowCount .

另请参阅 rowCount () 和 setColumnCount ().

void QTableWidget:: setVerticalHeaderItem ( int row , QTableWidgetItem * item )

Sets the vertical header item for row row to item .

另请参阅 verticalHeaderItem ().

void QTableWidget:: setVerticalHeaderLabels (const QStringList & labels )

Sets the vertical header labels using labels .

void QTableWidget:: sortItems ( int column , Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder)

Sorts all the rows in the table widget based on column and order .

[virtual protected] Qt::DropActions QTableWidget:: supportedDropActions () const


另请参阅 Qt::DropActions .

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: takeHorizontalHeaderItem ( int column )

Removes the horizontal header item at column 从头部而不删除它。

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: takeItem ( int row , int column )

移除项在 row and column from the table without deleting it.

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: takeVerticalHeaderItem ( int row )

移除垂直 Header 头部项在 row 从头部而不删除它。

该函数在 Qt 4.1 引入。

QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget:: verticalHeaderItem ( int row ) const

Returns the vertical header item for row row .

另请参阅 setVerticalHeaderItem ().

int QTableWidget:: visualColumn ( int logicalColumn ) const

Returns the visual column of the given logicalColumn .

QRect QTableWidget:: visualItemRect (const QTableWidgetItem * item ) const

返回项所占据的视口矩形为 item .

int QTableWidget:: visualRow ( int logicalRow ) const

Returns the visual row of the given logicalRow .