Qt Quick Controls Styles QML Types

The Qt Quick Controls module provides a set of QML types for handling styles.

Some of the controls allow custom styling similar to widget style sheets. A styling object is usually a collection of properties that control behavior and simple delegates that can be replaced with custom QML snippets.

import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
ApplicationWindowStyle Provides custom styling for ApplicationWindow
BusyIndicatorStyle Provides custom styling for BusyIndicatorStyle
ButtonStyle Provides custom styling for Button
CalendarStyle Provides custom styling for Calendar
CheckBoxStyle Provides custom styling for CheckBox
CircularGaugeStyle Provides custom styling for CircularGauge
ComboBoxStyle Provides custom styling for ComboBox
DelayButtonStyle Provides custom styling for DelayButton
DialStyle Provides custom styling for Dial
GaugeStyle Provides custom styling for Gauge
MenuBarStyle Provides custom styling for MenuBar
MenuStyle Provides custom styling for Menu
PieMenuStyle Provides custom styling for PieMenu
ProgressBarStyle Provides custom styling for ProgressBar
RadioButtonStyle Provides custom styling for RadioButton
ScrollViewStyle Provides custom styling for ScrollView
SliderStyle 为滑块提供自定义样式
SpinBoxStyle Provides custom styling for SpinBox
StatusBarStyle Provides custom styling for StatusBar
StatusIndicatorStyle Provides custom styling for StatusIndicatorStyle
SwitchStyle Provides custom styling for Switch
TabViewStyle Provides custom styling for TabView
TextAreaStyle Provides custom styling for TextArea
TextFieldStyle Provides custom styling for TextField
ToggleButtonStyle Provides custom styling for ToggleButton
ToolBarStyle Provides custom styling for ToolBar
TumblerStyle Provides custom styling for Tumbler
TableViewStyle Provides custom styling for TableView
TreeViewStyle Provides custom styling for TreeView