Qt Quick Controls 2 Configuration File

Qt Quick Controls 2 support a special configuration file, :/qtquickcontrols2.conf , that is built into an application's resources.

The configuration file can specify the preferred style and certain style-specific attributes. The following example specifies that the preferred style is the 材质风格 . Furthermore, when the application is run with the Material style, its theme is light and the accent and primary colors are teal and blue grey, respectively. However, if the application is run with the Universal style instead, the accent color is red and the appropriate theme is chosen based on the system theme colors.


It is possible to specify a custom location for the configuration file with the QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_CONF 环境变量。

Controls Section

The following values can be specified in a Controls section of the configuration file:

变量 描述
Style Specifies the style to run the application with. The value can be the name of one of the 内置风格 自定义风格 .
FallbackStyle Specifies the style to use for controls that are not implemented. The style must be one of the 内置风格 . By default, the 默认 style is used.

Material Section

下列 材质风格 specific values can be specified in a Material section of the configuration file:

变量 描述
Theme 指定默认 材质主题 . The value can be one of the available themes, for example "Dark" .
Accent 指定默认 Material accent color 。值可以是任何 color , but it is recommended to use one of the 预定义材质颜色 ,例如 "Teal" .
Primary 指定默认 Material primary color 。值可以是任何 color , but it is recommended to use one of the 预定义材质颜色 ,例如 "BlueGrey" .
Foreground 指定默认 材质前景颜色 。值可以是任何 color ,或某一 预定义材质颜色 ,例如 "Brown" .
Background 指定默认 材质背景颜色 。值可以是任何 color ,或某一 预定义材质颜色 ,例如 "Grey" .

Universal Section

下列 Universal style specific values can be specified in a Universal section of the configuration file:

变量 描述
Theme 指定默认 通用主题 . The value can be one of the available themes, for example "Dark" .
Accent 指定默认 Universal accent color 。值可以是任何 color , but it is recommended to use one of the 预定义通用颜色 ,例如 "Violet" .
Foreground 指定默认 通用前景颜色 。值可以是任何 color ,或某一 预定义通用颜色 ,例如 "Brown" .
Background 指定默认 通用背景颜色 。值可以是任何 color ,或某一 预定义通用颜色 ,例如 "Steel" .

Using the Configuration File in a Project

In order to make it possible for Qt Quick Controls 2 to find the configuration file, it must be built into application's resources using the Qt 资源系统 . Here's an example .qrc 文件:

<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
<qresource prefix="/">

注意: Qt Quick Controls 2 uses a file selector to load the configuration file. It is possible to provide a different configuration file for different platforms and locales. See QFileSelector 文档编制了解更多细节。

Finally, the .qrc file must be listed in the application's .pro file so that the build system knows about it. For example:

RESOURCES = application.qrc