QWindow 类

The QWindow 类表示在底层窗口系统中的窗口。 更多...

头: #include <QWindow>
qmake: QT += gui
Since: Qt 5.0
继承: QObject and QSurface
继承者: QAbstract3DGraph , QPaintDeviceWindow ,和 QQuickWindow


enum AncestorMode { ExcludeTransients, IncludeTransients }
enum Visibility { Windowed, Minimized, Maximized, FullScreen, AutomaticVisibility, Hidden }



QWindow (QScreen * targetScreen = Q_NULLPTR)
QWindow (QWindow * parent )
virtual ~QWindow ()
QSize baseSize () const
Qt::ScreenOrientation contentOrientation () const
void create ()
QCursor cursor () const
void destroy ()
qreal devicePixelRatio () const
QString filePath () const
Qt::WindowFlags flags () const
virtual QObject * focusObject () const
QRect frameGeometry () const
QMargins frameMargins () const
QPoint framePosition () const
QRect geometry () const
int height () const
QIcon icon () const
bool isActive () const
bool isAncestorOf (const QWindow * child , AncestorMode mode = IncludeTransients) const
bool isExposed () const
bool isModal () const
bool isTopLevel () const
bool isVisible () const
QPoint mapFromGlobal (const QPoint & pos ) const
QPoint mapToGlobal (const QPoint & pos ) const
QRegion mask () const
int maximumHeight () const
QSize maximumSize () const
int maximumWidth () const
int minimumHeight () const
QSize minimumSize () const
int minimumWidth () const
Qt::WindowModality modality () const
qreal opacity () const
QWindow * parent (AncestorMode mode ) const
QWindow * parent () const
QPoint position () const
void reportContentOrientationChange (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )
QSurfaceFormat requestedFormat () const
void resize (const QSize & newSize )
void resize (int w , int h )
QScreen * screen () const
void setBaseSize (const QSize & size )
void setCursor (const QCursor & cursor )
void setFilePath (const QString & filePath )
void setFlag (Qt::WindowType flag , bool on = true)
void setFlags (Qt::WindowFlags flags )
void setFormat (const QSurfaceFormat & format )
void setFramePosition (const QPoint & point )
void setGeometry (int posx , int posy , int w , int h )
void setGeometry (const QRect & rect )
void setIcon (const QIcon & icon )
bool setKeyboardGrabEnabled (bool grab )
void setMask (const QRegion & region )
void setMaximumSize (const QSize & size )
void setMinimumSize (const QSize & size )
void setModality (Qt::WindowModality modality )
bool setMouseGrabEnabled (bool grab )
void setOpacity (qreal level )
void setParent (QWindow * parent )
void setPosition (const QPoint & pt )
void setPosition (int posx , int posy )
void setScreen (QScreen * newScreen )
void setSizeIncrement (const QSize & size )
void setSurfaceType (SurfaceType surfaceType )
void setTransientParent (QWindow * parent )
void setVisibility (Visibility v )
void setWindowState (Qt::WindowState state )
QSize sizeIncrement () const
QString title () const
QWindow * transientParent () const
Qt::WindowType type () const
void unsetCursor ()
Visibility visibility () const
int width () const
WId winId () const
Qt::WindowState windowState () const
int x () const
int y () const


virtual QSurfaceFormat format () const
virtual QSize size () const
virtual SurfaceType surfaceType () const


void alert (int msec )
bool close ()
void hide ()
void lower ()
void raise ()
void requestActivate ()
void requestUpdate ()
void setHeight (int arg )
void setMaximumHeight (int h )
void setMaximumWidth (int w )
void setMinimumHeight (int h )
void setMinimumWidth (int w )
void setTitle ( const QString & )
void setVisible (bool visible )
void setWidth (int arg )
void setX (int arg )
void setY (int arg )
void show ()
void showFullScreen ()
void showMaximized ()
void showMinimized ()
void showNormal ()


void activeChanged ()
void contentOrientationChanged (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )
void focusObjectChanged (QObject * object )
void heightChanged (int arg )
void maximumHeightChanged (int arg )
void maximumWidthChanged (int arg )
void minimumHeightChanged (int arg )
void minimumWidthChanged (int arg )
void modalityChanged (Qt::WindowModality modality )
void opacityChanged (qreal opacity )
void screenChanged (QScreen * screen )
void visibilityChanged (QWindow::Visibility visibility )
void visibleChanged (bool arg )
void widthChanged (int arg )
void windowStateChanged (Qt::WindowState windowState )
void windowTitleChanged (const QString & title )
void xChanged (int arg )
void yChanged (int arg )


QWindow * fromWinId (WId id )


virtual void exposeEvent (QExposeEvent * ev )
virtual void focusInEvent (QFocusEvent * ev )
virtual void focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent * ev )
virtual void hideEvent (QHideEvent * ev )
virtual void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * ev )
virtual void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent * ev )
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent * ev )
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent * ev )
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent * ev )
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent * ev )
virtual void moveEvent (QMoveEvent * ev )
virtual bool nativeEvent (const QByteArray & eventType , void * message , long * result )
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * ev )
virtual void showEvent (QShowEvent * ev )
virtual void tabletEvent (QTabletEvent * ev )
virtual void touchEvent (QTouchEvent * ev )
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent * ev )


virtual bool event (QEvent * ev )


The QWindow 类表示在底层窗口系统中的窗口。


应用程序通常使用 QWidget or QQuickView 为其 UI,而不是 QWindow 直接。仍然是可能的直接渲染到 QWindow with QBackingStore or QOpenGLContext ,当希望把依赖关系降到最低 (或想要直接使用 OpenGL) 时。 光栅窗口范例 and OpenGL 窗口范例 是有用参考范例为如何渲染到 QWindow 使用任一方式。


窗口可以潜在使用大量内存。度量通常是宽度乘以高度,乘以颜色深度。窗口还可能包括多个缓冲,以支持双缓冲和三缓冲,及深度和蜡纸缓冲。要释放窗口内存资源,调用 destroy () 函数。


QWindow has reportContentOrientationChange () 可以用于指定窗口内容相对屏幕的布局。内容取向只需对窗口系统提示窗口内容的取向。它很有用当希望保持相同窗口大小,却取而代之旋转内容,尤其是做不同取向之间的旋转动画时。窗口系统可以使用此值,以确定系统弹出窗口 (或对话框) 的布局。


默认情况下,窗口不可见,且必须调用 setVisible (true),或 show () 或类似的以使之可见。要使窗口再次被隐藏,调用 setVisible (false) 或 hide ()。visible 特性描述应用程序想要窗口所处的状态。从属底层系统,可能仍不会在屏幕中展示可见窗口。例如,它可能被其它不透明窗口所覆盖,或被移到屏幕物理区域外。在拥有暴露通知的窗口系统, isExposed () 访问器描述窗口是否应该被视为在屏幕中直接可见。 exposeEvent () 函数被调用,每当窗口系统中的窗口曝光改变时。在不使此信息对应用程序可见的窗口系统中, isExposed () 只需返回相同值如 isVisible ().

QWindow::Visibility 查询透过 visibility () 是方便 API 组合函数 visible() 和 windowState ().


有 2 个 Qt API 可以用于将内容渲染到窗口, QBackingStore 渲染时采用 QPainter 并将内容刷新到窗口按类型 QSurface::RasterSurface ,和 QOpenGLContext 渲染采用 OpenGL 到窗口按类型 QSurface::OpenGLSurface .

应用程序可以尽快启动渲染当 isExposed () 返回 true ,且可以保持渲染直到其 isExposed () 返回 false 。要找出何时 isExposed () 改变,重实现 exposeEvent ()。窗口会始终获取重置大小事件,在首个暴露事件之前。


若窗口的宽度和高度未初始化,窗口将从平台窗口获得合理默认几何体。若位置未初始化,则平台窗口将允许窗口系统定位窗口。例如,在 X11,窗口管理器通常会做某种智能定位,以试着避免有新窗口完全遮盖现有窗口。不管怎样 setGeometry () 初始化位置和大小两者,所以若需要固定大小而非自动位置,应该调用 resize () 或 setWidth () 和 setHeight () 代替。


enum QWindow:: AncestorMode


常量 描述
QWindow::ExcludeTransients 0 瞬时父级不被认为是祖先。
QWindow::IncludeTransients 1 瞬时父级被认为是祖先。

enum QWindow:: Visibility

此枚举描述窗口占据 (或应该占据) 屏幕的什么部分。

常量 描述
QWindow::Windowed 2 The window occupies part of the screen, but not necessarily the entire screen. This state will occur only on windowing systems which support showing multiple windows simultaneously. In this state it is possible for the user to move and resize the window manually, if WindowFlags permit it and if it is supported by the windowing system.
QWindow::Minimized 3 The window is reduced to an entry or icon on the task bar, dock, task list or desktop, depending on how the windowing system handles minimized windows.
QWindow::Maximized 4 The window occupies one entire screen, and the titlebar is still visible. On most windowing systems this is the state achieved by clicking the maximize button on the toolbar.
QWindow::FullScreen 5 The window occupies one entire screen, is not resizable, and there is no titlebar. On some platforms which do not support showing multiple simultaneous windows, this can be the usual visibility when the window is not hidden.
QWindow::AutomaticVisibility 1 This means to give the window a default visible state, which might be fullscreen or windowed depending on the platform. It can be given as a parameter to setVisibility but will never be read back from the visibility accessor.
QWindow::Hidden 0 窗口无论如何不可见,不管怎样,它可能记住可以通过设置 AutomaticVisibility 还原的潜在可见性。

该枚举在 Qt 5.1 引入或被修改。


active : const bool


该特性在 Qt 5.1 引入。


bool isActive () const


void activeChanged ()

另请参阅 requestActivate ().

contentOrientation : Qt::ScreenOrientation


这是窗口管理器的提示,若它需要显示相关窗口的额外内容 (像:弹出窗口、对话框、状态栏或类似的)。

推荐取向为 QScreen::orientation () 但应用程序不必支持所有可能取向,因此可以选择忽略当前屏幕取向。

窗口和内容取向之间的差异,确定内容的旋转量。 QScreen::angleBetween (), QScreen::transformBetween (),和 QScreen::mapBetween () 可以用于计算必要变换。

默认值为 Qt::PrimaryOrientation


Qt::ScreenOrientation contentOrientation () const
void reportContentOrientationChange (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )


void contentOrientationChanged (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )

flags : Qt::WindowFlags


The window flags control the window's appearance in the windowing system, whether it's a dialog, popup, or a regular window, and whether it should have a title bar, etc.

The actual window flags might differ from the flags set with setFlags() if the requested flags could not be fulfilled.


Qt::WindowFlags flags () const
void setFlags (Qt::WindowFlags flags )

另请参阅 setFlag ().

height : int



int height () const
void setHeight (int arg )


void heightChanged (int arg )

maximumHeight : int



int maximumHeight () const
void setMaximumHeight (int h )


void maximumHeightChanged (int arg )

maximumWidth : int

This property holds the maximum width of the window's geometry


int maximumWidth () const
void setMaximumWidth (int w )


void maximumWidthChanged (int arg )

minimumHeight : int



int minimumHeight () const
void setMinimumHeight (int h )


void minimumHeightChanged (int arg )

minimumWidth : int



int minimumWidth () const
void setMinimumWidth (int w )


void minimumWidthChanged (int arg )

modality : Qt::WindowModality


A modal window prevents other windows from receiving input events. Qt supports two types of modality: Qt::WindowModal and Qt::ApplicationModal .

默认情况下,此特性为 Qt::NonModal


Qt::WindowModality modality () const
void setModality (Qt::WindowModality modality )


void modalityChanged (Qt::WindowModality modality )

另请参阅 Qt::WindowModality .

opacity : qreal


If the windowing system supports window opacity, this can be used to fade the window in and out, or to make it semitransparent.

A value of 1.0 or above is treated as fully opaque, whereas a value of 0.0 or below is treated as fully transparent. Values inbetween represent varying levels of translucency between the two extremes.

默认值为 1.0。

该特性在 Qt 5.1 引入。


qreal opacity () const
void setOpacity (qreal level )


void opacityChanged (qreal opacity )

title : QString


The window title might appear in the title area of the window decorations, depending on the windowing system and the window flags. It might also be used by the windowing system to identify the window in other contexts, such as in the task switcher.


QString title () const
void setTitle ( const QString & )


void windowTitleChanged (const QString & title )

另请参阅 flags ().

visibility : Visibility


Visibility is whether the window should appear in the windowing system as normal, minimized, maximized, fullscreen or hidden.

To set the visibility to AutomaticVisibility means to give the window a default visible state, which might be fullscreen or windowed depending on the platform. When reading the visibility property you will always get the actual state, never AutomaticVisibility .

该特性在 Qt 5.1 引入。


Visibility visibility () const
void setVisibility (Visibility v )


void visibilityChanged (QWindow::Visibility visibility )

visible : bool


This property controls the visibility of the window in the windowing system.

By default, the window is not visible, you must call setVisible(true), or show () or similar to make it visible.


bool isVisible () const
void setVisible (bool visible )


void visibleChanged (bool arg )

另请参阅 show ().

width : int



int width () const
void setWidth (int arg )


void widthChanged (int arg )

x : int

此特性保持窗口几何体的 X 位置


int x () const
void setX (int arg )


void xChanged (int arg )

y : int

此特性保持窗口几何体的 Y 位置


int y () const
void setY (int arg )


void yChanged (int arg )


QWindow:: QWindow ( QScreen * targetScreen = Q_NULLPTR)

创建顶层窗口在 targetScreen .

窗口不展示直到 setVisible (true), show (),或调用类似的。

另请参阅 setScreen ().

QWindow:: QWindow ( QWindow * parent )

创建窗口作为子级,为给定 parent 窗口。



另请参阅 setParent ().

[virtual] QWindow:: ~QWindow ()


[slot] void QWindow:: alert ( int msec )

导致展示警报 msec 毫秒。若 msec is 0 (默认),则无限期展示警报,直到窗口再次变为活动为止。此函数对活动窗口不起作用。

在警报状态下,窗口指示 "要求关注",例如:通过刷新 (或弹跳) 任务栏条目。

该函数在 Qt 5.1 引入。

QSize QWindow:: baseSize () const


另请参阅 setBaseSize ().

[slot] bool QWindow:: close ()


这关闭窗口,高效调用 destroy (),且潜在离开应用程序。返回 true 当成功时,false 若它拥有父级窗口 (在这种情况下,取而代之应关闭顶层窗口)。

另请参阅 destroy () 和 QGuiApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosed ().

void QWindow:: create ()


It is at this point that the surface format set using setFormat () gets resolved into an actual native surface. However, the window remains hidden until setVisible () 被调用。

Note that it is not usually necessary to call this function directly, as it will be implicitly called by show (), setVisible (), and other functions that require access to the platform resources.

调用 destroy () 以释放平台资源,若有必要。

另请参阅 destroy ().

QCursor QWindow:: cursor () const


另请参阅 setCursor () 和 unsetCursor ().

void QWindow:: destroy ()


另请参阅 create ().

qreal QWindow:: devicePixelRatio () const

Returns the ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels for the window. This value is dependent on the screen the window is on, and may change when the window is moved.

Common values are 1.0 on normal displays and 2.0 on Apple "retina" displays.

注意: For windows not backed by a platform window, meaning that create () was not called, the function will fall back to the associated QScreen 的设备像素比率。

另请参阅 QScreen::devicePixelRatio ().

[virtual protected] bool QWindow:: event ( QEvent * ev )

重实现自 QObject::event ().

覆写此以处理任何事件 ( ev ) 被发送给窗口。返回 true 若事件被识别并处理。


[virtual protected] void QWindow:: exposeEvent ( QExposeEvent * ev )

暴露事件 ( ev ) 由窗口系统所发送,每当屏幕窗口曝光改变时。

应用程序可以开始渲染到窗口,采用 QBackingStore and QOpenGLContext 一旦它获得 exposeEvent(),这样 isExposed () 为 true。

若窗口被移出屏幕,完全被另一窗口、图标化或类似窗口所遮盖,可能调用此函数,且值的 isExposed () 可能变为 false。当这发生时,应用程序应停止其渲染,因为它对用户不再可见。


另请参阅 isExposed ().

QString QWindow:: filePath () const


另请参阅 setFilePath ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理聚焦入事件 ( ev ).


另请参阅 focusOutEvent ().

[virtual] QObject *QWindow:: focusObject () const

返回 QObject 将是聚焦捆绑事件 (譬如:键事件) 的最终接收者。

[signal] void QWindow:: focusObjectChanged ( QObject * object )

此信号被发射,当聚焦捆绑事件的最终接收者变为 object .

另请参阅 focusObject ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理聚焦出事件 ( ev ).


另请参阅 focusInEvent ().

[virtual] QSurfaceFormat QWindow:: format () const

重实现自 QSurface::format ().


After the window has been created, this function will return the actual surface format of the window. It might differ from the requested format if the requested format could not be fulfilled by the platform. It might also be a superset, for example certain buffer sizes may be larger than requested.

注意: Depending on the platform, certain values in this surface format may still contain the requested values, that is, the values that have been passed to setFormat (). Typical examples are the OpenGL version, profile and options. These may not get updated during create () since these are context specific and a single window may be used together with multiple contexts over its lifetime. Use the QOpenGLContext 's format() instead to query such values.

另请参阅 setFormat (), create (), requestedFormat (),和 QOpenGLContext::format ().

QRect QWindow:: frameGeometry () const


几何体与其屏幕 virtualGeometry() 相关。

另请参阅 geometry () 和 frameMargins ().

QMargins QWindow:: frameMargins () const


另请参阅 geometry () 和 frameGeometry ().

QPoint QWindow:: framePosition () const


这返回相同值如 frameGeometry (). topLeft ().

另请参阅 setFramePosition (), geometry (),和 frameGeometry ().

[static] QWindow *QWindow:: fromWinId ( WId id )

创建由另一进程 (或由使用 Qt 下本机库) 创建的窗口的本地表示。

给定句柄 id 到本机窗口,此方法创建 QWindow 对象可以用于表示窗口,当援引方法像 setParent () 和 setTransientParent ().

这可以在支持它的平台中使用,以嵌入 QWindow 在本机窗口,或把本机窗口嵌入在 QWindow .

若外来窗口不被支持,或在平台插件嵌入本地窗口失败,此函数返回 0。

注意: 结果 QWindow 不应用于操纵底层本机窗口 (除重新父级化外),或用于观察本机窗口的状态变化。对这类操作的任何支持都是偶然的,高度依赖平台且未经测试。

另请参阅 setParent () 和 setTransientParent ().

QRect QWindow:: geometry () const


几何体与其屏幕 virtualGeometry() 相关。

另请参阅 setGeometry (), frameMargins (),和 frameGeometry ().

[slot] void QWindow:: hide ()


相当于调用 setVisible (false).

另请参阅 show () 和 setVisible ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: hideEvent ( QHideEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理隐藏事件 ( ev ).


QIcon QWindow:: icon () const


另请参阅 setIcon ().

bool QWindow:: isActive () const

返回 true if the window should appear active from a style perspective.


要获取目前有聚焦的窗口,使用 QGuiApplication::focusWindow ().

注意: Getter 函数对于特性 active .

bool QWindow:: isAncestorOf (const QWindow * child , AncestorMode mode = IncludeTransients) const

返回 true 若窗口是祖先对于给定 child 。若 mode is IncludeTransients ,则认为瞬时父级也是祖先。

bool QWindow:: isExposed () const



An exposeEvent () 被发送每当此值改变时。

另请参阅 exposeEvent ().

bool QWindow:: isModal () const



另请参阅 QWindow::modality .

bool QWindow:: isTopLevel () const

返回窗口是否在顶层 (即:没有父级窗口)。

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理键按下事件 ( ev ).

另请参阅 keyReleaseEvent ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理键释放事件 ( ev ).

另请参阅 keyPressEvent ().

[slot] void QWindow:: lower ()



QPoint QWindow:: mapFromGlobal (const QPoint & pos ) const

翻译全局屏幕坐标 pos 到窗口坐标。

另请参阅 mapToGlobal ().

QPoint QWindow:: mapToGlobal (const QPoint & pos ) const

翻译窗口坐标 pos 到全局屏幕坐标。例如: mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)) 将给出窗口左上像素的全局坐标。

另请参阅 mapFromGlobal ().

QRegion QWindow:: mask () const


The mask is a hint to the windowing system that the application does not want to receive mouse or touch input outside the given region.

另请参阅 setMask ().

QSize QWindow:: maximumSize () const


另请参阅 setMaximumSize ().

QSize QWindow:: minimumSize () const


另请参阅 setMinimumSize ().

[signal] void QWindow:: modalityChanged ( Qt::WindowModality modality )

此信号被发射当 Qwindow::modality 特性变为 modality .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 modality .

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: mouseDoubleClickEvent ( QMouseEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理鼠标双击事件 ( ev ).

另请参阅 mousePressEvent () 和 QStyleHints::mouseDoubleClickInterval ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理鼠标移动事件 ( ev ).

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理鼠标按下事件 ( ev ).

另请参阅 mouseReleaseEvent ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理鼠标释放事件 ( ev ).

另请参阅 mousePressEvent ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: moveEvent ( QMoveEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理窗口移动事件 ( ev ).

[virtual protected] bool QWindow:: nativeEvent (const QByteArray & eventType , void * message , long * result )

覆写此以处理平台从属事件。将给定 eventType , message and result .


才应返回 true 若事件已处理。

QWindow *QWindow:: parent ( AncestorMode mode ) const


mode is IncludeTransients ,则返回瞬时父级若没有父级。


该函数在 Qt 5.9 引入。

另请参阅 setParent ().

QWindow *QWindow:: parent () const



QPoint QWindow:: position () const


另请参阅 setPosition ().

[slot] void QWindow:: raise ()



[slot] void QWindow:: requestActivate ()

请求激活窗口 (即:接收键盘聚焦)。

另请参阅 isActive (), QGuiApplication::focusWindow (),和 QWindowsWindowFunctions::setWindowActivationBehavior ().

[slot] void QWindow:: requestUpdate ()

调度 QEvent::UpdateRequest 事件以交付到此窗口。

The event is delivered in sync with the display vsync on platforms where this is possible. Otherwise, the event is delivered after a delay of 5 ms. The additional time is there to give the event loop a bit of idle time to gather system events, and can be overridden using the QT_QPA_UPDATE_IDLE_TIME environment variable.

When driving animations, this function should be called once after drawing has completed. Calling this function multiple times will result in a single event being delivered to the window.

子类化的 QWindow 应重实现 event (), intercept the event and call the application's rendering code, then call the base class implementation.

注意: The subclass' reimplementation of event () must invoke the base class implementation, unless it is absolutely sure that the event does not need to be handled by the base class. For example, the default implementation of this function relies on QEvent::Timer events. Filtering them away would therefore break the delivery of the update events.

该函数在 Qt 5.5 引入。

QSurfaceFormat QWindow:: requestedFormat () const


If the requested format was not supported by the platform implementation, the requestedFormat will differ from the actual window format.

此值的设置是采用 setFormat ().

另请参阅 setFormat () 和 format ().

void QWindow:: resize (const QSize & newSize )

将窗口 (不包括任何窗口框架) 大小设为 newSize

另请参阅 size () 和 geometry ().

void QWindow:: resize ( int w , int h )

将窗口 (不包括任何窗口框架) 大小设为 QSize 构造自宽度 w 和高度 h

另请参阅 size () 和 geometry ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理重置大小事件 ( ev ).

The resize event is called whenever the window is resized in the windowing system, either directly through the windowing system acknowledging a setGeometry () 或 resize () request, or indirectly through the user resizing the window manually.

QScreen *QWindow:: screen () const

返回在其中展示窗口的屏幕,或 null 若没有的话。


另请参阅 setScreen () 和 QScreen::virtualSiblings ().

[signal] void QWindow:: screenChanged ( QScreen * screen )

此信号被发射当窗口的 screen 改变,通过明确设置采用 setScreen (),或自动当移除窗口屏幕时。

void QWindow:: setBaseSize (const QSize & size )

设置基 size 为窗口。

The base size is used to calculate a proper window size if the window defines sizeIncrement ().

另请参阅 setMinimumSize (), setMaximumSize (), setSizeIncrement (),和 baseSize ().

void QWindow:: setCursor (const QCursor & cursor )


鼠标 cursor will assume this shape when it is over this window, unless an override cursor is set. See the 预定义光标对象列表 了解有用形状范围。

If no cursor has been set, or after a call to unsetCursor (), the parent window's cursor is used.

By default, the cursor has the Qt::ArrowCursor 形状。

Some underlying window implementations will reset the cursor if it leaves a window even if the mouse is grabbed. If you want to have a cursor set for all windows, even when outside the window, consider QGuiApplication::setOverrideCursor ().

另请参阅 cursor () 和 QGuiApplication::setOverrideCursor ().

void QWindow:: setFilePath (const QString & filePath )

set the file name this window is representing.

The windowing system might use filePath to display the path of the document this window is representing in the tile bar.

另请参阅 filePath ().

void QWindow:: setFlag ( Qt::WindowType flag , bool on = true)

设置窗口标志 flag on this window if on 为 true;否则清零标志。

该函数在 Qt 5.9 引入。

另请参阅 setFlags (), flags (),和 type ().

void QWindow:: setFormat (const QSurfaceFormat & format )

Sets the window's surface format .

The format determines properties such as color depth, alpha, depth and stencil buffer size, etc. For example, to give a window a transparent background (provided that the window system supports compositing, and provided that other content in the window does not make it opaque again):

QSurfaceFormat format;

The surface format will be resolved in the create () function. Calling this function after create () has been called will not re-resolve the surface format of the native surface.

When the format is not explicitly set via this function, the format returned by QSurfaceFormat::defaultFormat () will be used. This means that when having multiple windows, individual calls to this function can be replaced by one single call to QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat () before creating the first window.

另请参阅 format (), create (), destroy (),和 QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat ().

void QWindow:: setFramePosition (const QPoint & point )

Sets the upper left position of the window ( point ) including its window frame.

位置与其屏幕的 virtualGeometry() 有关。

另请参阅 framePosition (), setGeometry (),和 frameGeometry ().

void QWindow:: setGeometry ( int posx , int posy , int w , int h )

将窗口几何体 (不包括窗口框架) 设为矩形构造自 posx , posy , w and h .

几何体与其屏幕 virtualGeometry() 相关。

另请参阅 geometry ().

void QWindow:: setGeometry (const QRect & rect )

将窗口几何体 (不包括窗口框架) 设为 rect .

几何体与其屏幕 virtualGeometry() 相关。

另请参阅 geometry ().

void QWindow:: setIcon (const QIcon & icon )

设置窗口 icon in the windowing system

The window icon might be used by the windowing system for example to decorate the window, and/or in the task switcher.

另请参阅 icon ().

bool QWindow:: setKeyboardGrabEnabled ( bool grab )

Sets whether keyboard grab should be enabled or not ( grab ).

If the return value is true, the window receives all key events until setKeyboardGrabEnabled(false) is called; other windows get no key events at all. Mouse events are not affected. Use setMouseGrabEnabled () 若想要抓取这。

另请参阅 setMouseGrabEnabled ().

void QWindow:: setMask (const QRegion & region )

Sets the mask of the window.

The mask is a hint to the windowing system that the application does not want to receive mouse or touch input outside the given region .

The window manager may or may not choose to display any areas of the window not included in the mask, thus it is the application's responsibility to clear to transparent the areas that are not part of the mask.

Setting the mask before the window has been created has no effect.

另请参阅 mask ().

void QWindow:: setMaximumSize (const QSize & size )

Sets the maximum size of the window.

This is a hint to the window manager to prevent resizing above the specified size .

另请参阅 setMinimumSize () 和 maximumSize ().

void QWindow:: setMinimumSize (const QSize & size )

Sets the minimum size of the window.

This is a hint to the window manager to prevent resizing below the specified size .

另请参阅 setMaximumSize () 和 minimumSize ().

bool QWindow:: setMouseGrabEnabled ( bool grab )

Sets whether mouse grab should be enabled or not ( grab ).

If the return value is true, the window receives all mouse events until setMouseGrabEnabled(false) is called; other windows get no mouse events at all. Keyboard events are not affected. Use setKeyboardGrabEnabled () 若想要抓取这。

另请参阅 setKeyboardGrabEnabled ().

void QWindow:: setParent ( QWindow * parent )

设置 parent 窗口。这将导致窗口系统管理窗口的裁剪,因此,它将被裁剪到 parent 窗口。

设置 parent 为 0 将使窗口变为顶层窗口。

parent 是窗口创建通过 fromWinId (),那么当前窗口将被嵌入在 parent ,若平台支持它。

另请参阅 parent ().

void QWindow:: setPosition (const QPoint & pt )

把窗口在桌面上的位置,设为 pt

位置与其屏幕的 virtualGeometry() 有关。

另请参阅 position ().

void QWindow:: setPosition ( int posx , int posy )

把窗口在桌面上的位置,设为 posx , posy

位置与其屏幕的 virtualGeometry() 有关。

另请参阅 position ().

void QWindow:: setScreen ( QScreen * newScreen )

Sets the screen on which the window should be shown.

If the window has been created, it will be recreated on the newScreen .

注意: 若屏幕是多屏幕虚拟桌面的一部分,窗口不会自动移至 newScreen . To place the window relative to the screen, use the screen's topLeft () position.

This function only works for top level windows.

另请参阅 screen () 和 QScreen::virtualSiblings ().

void QWindow:: setSizeIncrement (const QSize & size )

设置尺寸增量 ( size ) 为窗口。

When the user resizes the window, the size will move in steps of sizeIncrement (). width () pixels horizontally and sizeIncrement (). height () 像素垂直,采用 baseSize () as the basis.

默认情况下,此特性包含 0 大小宽度和高度。


另请参阅 sizeIncrement (), setBaseSize (), setMinimumSize (),和 setMaximumSize ().

void QWindow:: setSurfaceType ( SurfaceType surfaceType )

设置 surfaceType 为窗口。

指定窗口为光栅渲染采用 QBackingStore ,或 OpenGL 渲染采用 QOpenGLContext .

The surfaceType will be used when the native surface is created in the create () function. Calling this function after the native surface has been created requires calling destroy () 和 create () to release the old native surface and create a new one.

另请参阅 surfaceType (), QBackingStore , QOpenGLContext , create (),和 destroy ().

void QWindow:: setTransientParent ( QWindow * parent )

设置瞬时 parent

这是代表给定窗口的对话框 (或弹出窗口) 的窗口管理器提示。

为促使窗口默认情况下位于其瞬时父级之上的中心,从属窗口管理器,可能还有必要调用 setFlags () 采用合适 Qt::WindowType (譬如 Qt::Dialog ).

另请参阅 transientParent () 和 parent ().

void QWindow:: setWindowState ( Qt::WindowState state )


窗口 state represents whether the window appears in the windowing system as maximized, minimized, fullscreen, or normal.

枚举值 Qt::WindowActive 不是可接受参数。

另请参阅 windowState (), showNormal (), showFullScreen (), showMinimized (),和 showMaximized ().

[slot] void QWindow:: show ()


这相当于调用 showFullScreen (), showMaximized (),或 showNormal (), depending on the platform's default behavior for the window type and flags.

另请参阅 showFullScreen (), showMaximized (), showNormal (), hide (), QStyleHints::showIsFullScreen (),和 flags ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: showEvent ( QShowEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理展示事件 ( ev ).


If the window is successfully shown by the windowing system, this will be followed by a resize and an expose event.

[slot] void QWindow:: showFullScreen ()


相当于调用 setWindowState ( Qt::WindowFullScreen ) 然后 setVisible (true)。

另请参阅 setWindowState () 和 setVisible ().

[slot] void QWindow:: showMaximized ()


相当于调用 setWindowState ( Qt::WindowMaximized ) 然后 setVisible (true)。

另请参阅 setWindowState () 和 setVisible ().

[slot] void QWindow:: showMinimized ()


相当于调用 setWindowState ( Qt::WindowMinimized ) 然后 setVisible (true)。

另请参阅 setWindowState () 和 setVisible ().

[slot] void QWindow:: showNormal ()

按正常方式 (即:最大化、最小化、或全屏) 展示窗口。

相当于调用 setWindowState ( Qt::WindowNoState ) 然后 setVisible (true)。

另请参阅 setWindowState () 和 setVisible ().

[virtual] QSize QWindow:: size () const

重实现自 QSurface::size ().


另请参阅 resize ().

QSize QWindow:: sizeIncrement () const


另请参阅 setSizeIncrement ().

[virtual] SurfaceType QWindow:: surfaceType () const

重实现自 QSurface::surfaceType ().


另请参阅 setSurfaceType ().

[virtual protected] void QWindow:: tabletEvent ( QTabletEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理数位板按下、移动、及释放事件 ( ev ).


[virtual protected] void QWindow:: touchEvent ( QTouchEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理触摸事件 ( ev ).

QWindow *QWindow:: transientParent () const


另请参阅 setTransientParent () 和 parent ().

Qt::WindowType QWindow:: type () const



另请参阅 flags () 和 setFlags ().

void QWindow:: unsetCursor ()


[virtual protected] void QWindow:: wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent * ev )

覆写此以处理鼠标滚轮或其它滚轮事件 ( ev ).

WId QWindow:: winId () const

返回窗口的平台 ID。

对于此 ID 可能有用的平台,返回值将表示相应屏幕内的唯一窗口。

另请参阅 screen ().

Qt::WindowState QWindow:: windowState () const


另请参阅 setWindowState ().

[signal] void QWindow:: windowStateChanged ( Qt::WindowState windowState )

此信号被发射当 windowState 改变,通过明确设置采用 setWindowState (),或自动当用户点击标题栏按钮之一或通过其它方式。