Qt 5.1 的新功能

Qt 5.1 introduces many changes for helping developers continue creating wonderful applications, easily and with less code. As well in this release, focus is placed on bug fixing and new features, while maintaining compatibility with Qt 5.0.

This page is a summary of new features. For specific API changes, the API 变化列表 section contains links to new and obsolete classes.


New modules add more functionality for developers to use on various platforms.

所有模块 page contains a list of all modules in Qt 5.1.


Qt 5.1 introduces support for following new platforms with technology preview status:


moc 变化

  • New keyword in Q_PROPERTY (), MEMBER , lets you bind a property to a class member without requiring to have a getter or a setter.

qmake 变化

  • On Windows: Added support for specifying application icon (via RC_ICONS ).

Qt Core 变化

  • Added support for SHA3 to QCryptographicHash
  • Added toInt(), toUInt(), and similar functions to QStringRef
  • A new threadsafe initialization of global statics through refactored Q_GLOBAL_STATIC .
  • A new class, QLockFile , provides locking between processes using a file. This lock enables applications to check that there is only one instance of it running.
  • A new class, QSaveFile , provides transaction such as file writing.

Qt GUI 变化

Qt Network 变化

  • New encrypted() signal to QNetworkAccessManager and QNetworkReply so that applications can perform additional checks on the certificate chain.
  • Support for sending intermediate certificates when QSslSocket is used as a server and when using client certificates.
  • Support for SSL session reuse allowing much faster connections to servers.

Qt QML 变化

Qt Quick 变化

  • New threaded render loop for Mac, Linux, and Embedded.
  • New render loop for windows for smoother animations.
  • New Qt Quick Dialogs submodule with FileDialog and ColorDialog 类型。
  • New Window properties: activeFocusItem, minimumWidth, minimumHeight, maximumWidth, maximumHeight, visibility, contentOrientation, and opacity.
  • New Item property: activeFocusOnTab.
  • New Grid properties: horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment, and effectiveHorizontalAlignment.
  • New TextEdit properties: selectByKeyboard and textDocument
  • A Window declared inside another Window or Item will automatically be transient for (centered upon) the outer window.

Qt WebKit 变化

  • JavaScript JIT on Windows 64 bit.
  • Improved font rendering, kerning enabled by default.
  • Improved garbage collection.
  • 支持 WOFF 字体。
  • Support for WebGL without accelerated compositing.
  • 支持 GStreamer 1.0。
  • Improved perceived page load performance and support for Link prefetch.

Qt Widgets 变化

  • Added property toolTipsVisible in QMenu .

Qt Creator 兼容性

Qt Creator 2.7 complements this Qt release with the most prominent new features:


  • 还原支持静态 Qt 构建

API 变化列表

以下页面包含 Qt 5.1 中的 API 变化列表

其它 Qt 5 发行的补充