Qt Quick 3D Effects QML 类型

This module includes a library of pregenerated post-processing effects, as well as the Effect type itself. The Effect type can be used to create your own post-processing effects from scratch. The pregenerated effects included can be used to get good-looking results quickly and easily.

AdditiveColorGradient A gradient with additive color effect
Blur A one-pass blur effect
BrushStrokes A brush strokes noise effect
ChromaticAberration A chromatic aberration effect
ColorMaster A color adjustment effect
DepthOfFieldHQBlur A depth-based blur effect
Desaturate A desaturating effect
DistortionRipple A ripple distortion effect
DistortionSphere A sphere distortion effect
DistortionSpiral A spiral distortion effect
EdgeDetect An edge highlighting effect
Effect Base component for creating a post-processing effect
Emboss An emboss effect
Flip A scene flipping effect
Fxaa A fast approximate anti-aliasing effect
GaussianBlur A two-pass gaussian blur effect
HDRBloomTonemap A bloom with tonemapping effect
MotionBlur A motion blur effect
SCurveTonemap A tonemapping effect
Scatter A scatter noise effect
TiltShift A tilt shift blur effect
Vignette A vignette effect