Obsolete Members for QVariant

以下成员源于类 QVariant 已过时。 提供它们是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它们。


(obsolete) enum Type { Invalid, BitArray, Bitmap, Bool, Brush, …, UserType }


(obsolete) bool operator< (const QVariant & v ) const
(obsolete) bool operator<= (const QVariant & v ) const
(obsolete) bool operator> (const QVariant & v ) const
(obsolete) bool operator>= (const QVariant & v ) const


(obsolete) bool qVariantCanConvert (const QVariant & value )
(obsolete) QVariant qVariantFromValue (const T & value )
(obsolete) void qVariantSetValue (QVariant & variant , const T & value )
(obsolete) T qVariantValue (const QVariant & value )


enum QVariant:: Type

This enum is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

使用 QMetaType::Type 代替

This enum type defines the types of variable that a QVariant can contain.

常量 描述
QVariant::Invalid QMetaType::UnknownType no type
QVariant::BitArray QMetaType::QBitArray a QBitArray
QVariant::Bitmap QMetaType::QBitmap a QBitmap
QVariant::Bool QMetaType::Bool a bool
QVariant::Brush QMetaType::QBrush a QBrush
QVariant::ByteArray QMetaType::QByteArray a QByteArray
QVariant::Char QMetaType::QChar a QChar
QVariant::Color QMetaType::QColor a QColor
QVariant::Cursor QMetaType::QCursor a QCursor
QVariant::Date QMetaType::QDate a QDate
QVariant::DateTime QMetaType::QDateTime a QDateTime
QVariant::Double QMetaType::Double a double
QVariant::EasingCurve QMetaType::QEasingCurve a QEasingCurve
QVariant::Uuid QMetaType::QUuid a QUuid
QVariant::ModelIndex QMetaType::QModelIndex a QModelIndex
QVariant::PersistentModelIndex QMetaType::QPersistentModelIndex a QPersistentModelIndex (since 5.5)
QVariant::Font QMetaType::QFont a QFont
QVariant::Hash QMetaType::QVariantHash a QVariantHash
QVariant::Icon QMetaType::QIcon a QIcon
QVariant::Image QMetaType::QImage a QImage
QVariant::Int QMetaType::Int an int
QVariant::KeySequence QMetaType::QKeySequence a QKeySequence
QVariant::Line QMetaType::QLine a QLine
QVariant::LineF QMetaType::QLineF a QLineF
QVariant::List QMetaType::QVariantList a QVariantList
QVariant::Locale QMetaType::QLocale a QLocale
QVariant::LongLong QMetaType::LongLong a qlonglong
QVariant::Map QMetaType::QVariantMap a QVariantMap
QVariant::Matrix QMetaType::QMatrix a QMatrix
QVariant::Transform QMetaType::QTransform a QTransform
QVariant::Matrix4x4 QMetaType::QMatrix4x4 a QMatrix4x4
QVariant::Palette QMetaType::QPalette a QPalette
QVariant::Pen QMetaType::QPen a QPen
QVariant::Pixmap QMetaType::QPixmap a QPixmap
QVariant::Point QMetaType::QPoint a QPoint
QVariant::PointF QMetaType::QPointF a QPointF
QVariant::Polygon QMetaType::QPolygon a QPolygon
QVariant::PolygonF QMetaType::QPolygonF a QPolygonF
QVariant::Quaternion QMetaType::QQuaternion a QQuaternion
QVariant::Rect QMetaType::QRect a QRect
QVariant::RectF QMetaType::QRectF a QRectF
QVariant::RegExp QMetaType::QRegExp a QRegExp
QVariant::RegularExpression QMetaType::QRegularExpression a QRegularExpression
QVariant::Region QMetaType::QRegion a QRegion
QVariant::Size QMetaType::QSize a QSize
QVariant::SizeF QMetaType::QSizeF a QSizeF
QVariant::SizePolicy QMetaType::QSizePolicy a QSizePolicy
QVariant::String QMetaType::QString a QString
QVariant::StringList QMetaType::QStringList a QStringList
QVariant::TextFormat QMetaType::QTextFormat a QTextFormat
QVariant::TextLength QMetaType::QTextLength a QTextLength
QVariant::Time QMetaType::QTime a QTime
QVariant::UInt QMetaType::UInt a uint
QVariant::ULongLong QMetaType::ULongLong a qulonglong
QVariant::Url QMetaType::QUrl a QUrl
QVariant::Vector2D QMetaType::QVector2D a QVector2D
QVariant::Vector3D QMetaType::QVector3D a QVector3D
QVariant::Vector4D QMetaType::QVector4D a QVector4D
QVariant::UserType QMetaType::User Base value for user-defined types.


bool QVariant:: operator< (const QVariant & v ) const


Compares this QVariant with v 并返回 true if this is less than v .

注意: Comparability might not be availabe for the type stored in this QVariant or in v .

警告: To make this function work with a custom type registered with qRegisterMetaType (), its comparison operator must be registered using QMetaType::registerComparators ().

This operator is deprecated as it cannot establish a total order required for most use of this operator, which is the reason you cannot use QVariant as the key of a QMap .

bool QVariant:: operator<= (const QVariant & v ) const


Compares this QVariant with v 并返回 true if this is less or equal than v .

注意: Comparability might not be available for the type stored in this QVariant or in v .

警告: To make this function work with a custom type registered with qRegisterMetaType (), its comparison operator must be registered using QMetaType::registerComparators ().

This operator is deprecated as it cannot establish a total order.

bool QVariant:: operator> (const QVariant & v ) const


Compares this QVariant with v 并返回 true if this is larger than v .

注意: Comparability might not be available for the type stored in this QVariant or in v .

警告: To make this function work with a custom type registered with qRegisterMetaType (), its comparison operator must be registered using QMetaType::registerComparators ().

This operator is deprecated as it cannot establish a total order.

bool QVariant:: operator>= (const QVariant & v ) const


Compares this QVariant with v 并返回 true if this is larger or equal than v .

注意: Comparability might not be available for the type stored in this QVariant or in v .

警告: To make this function work with a custom type registered with qRegisterMetaType (), its comparison operator must be registered using QMetaType::registerComparators ().

This operator is deprecated as it cannot establish a total order.


template <typename T> bool qVariantCanConvert (const QVariant & value )


返回 true 若给定 value can be converted to the template type specified; otherwise returns false .

此函数相当于 QVariant::canConvert ( value ).

注意: 此函数是为不支持成员模板函数的 MSVC 6 提供的解决方案。建议在新代码中使用其它形式。

另请参阅 QVariant::canConvert ().

template <typename T> QVariant qVariantFromValue (const T & value )


Returns a variant containing a copy of the given value with template type T .

此函数相当于 QVariant::fromValue ( value ).

注意: 此函数是为不支持成员模板函数的 MSVC 6 提供的解决方案。建议在新代码中使用其它形式。

For example, a QObject pointer can be stored in a variant with the following code:

QObject *object = getObjectFromSomewhere();
QVariant data = QVariant::fromValue(object);

另请参阅 QVariant::fromValue ().

template <typename T> void qVariantSetValue ( QVariant & variant , const T & value )


设置内容为给定 variant to a copy of the value with the specified template type T .

此函数相当于 QVariant::setValue ( value ).

注意: 此函数是为不支持成员模板函数的 MSVC 6 提供的解决方案。建议在新代码中使用其它形式。

另请参阅 QVariant::setValue ().

template <typename T> T qVariantValue (const QVariant & value )


返回给定 value 被转换成模板类型 T .

此函数相当于 QVariant::value <T>( value ).

注意: 此函数是为不支持成员模板函数的 MSVC 6 提供的解决方案。建议在新代码中使用其它形式。

另请参阅 QVariant::value () 和 qvariant_cast ().