Qt 5.14 的新功能

Qt 5.14 中的新特征

Qt 3D 模块

  • 检修线程体系结构。这包括方面线程的移除。
  • 检修前端/后端节点同步。
  • Enabled QTransform to have access to the world matrix.
  • 引入 Scene3DView .
  • Scene3D is now in sync with QtQuick ,且可以渲染作为底层无需 FBO (帧缓冲对象)。

Qt Bluetooth 模块

  • Introduced a new, optional Win32 backend with support for Windows 7 and 8. This backend is not built by default, nor is it part of the pre-built packages.
  • QLowEnergyController :引入 AuthorizationError .
  • Added the ability to include multiple manufacturer data entries per manufacturer ID.

Qt Core 模块

  • Added support in QCalendar for calendars other than Gregorian, by implementation of suitable backends.
  • Added backends to implement the Gregorian, Jalali (Persian), Islamic Civil, Milankovic, and Julian calendars. We look forward to other contributions.
  • 添加 QColorConstants , a namespace providing constexpr QColor instances that don't cost any runtime overhead.

Qt GUI 模块

  • 更新高 DPI 支持:
    • Introduced non-integer scale factors (for example, a scale factor of 150%) that applications can opt-in to use. Use QGuiApplication::highDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy or QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY to set the rounding policy.
    • Added the QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING environment variable, enabling high-DPI scaling based on display DPI. This replaces QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR (now deprecated), and corresponds to the Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling 应用程序属性。
    • Added cross-platform support for the QT_FONT_DPI environment variable, for the purpose of developing and testing with specific DPI values.
  • Added color-space support for images; reading and writing color-spaces from JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images, and performing color-space transformation on images.
  • Improvements to QTextDocument and QTextTable styling:
    • Added per-edge border styling via QTextTableCellFormat .
    • Added border-collapse mode.
    • Added support for (partial) HTML table style import and export.
  • 将 Markdown 格式读写支持添加给 QTextDocument ,作为 HTML 的替代。

Qt Multimedia 模块

Qt Network 模块

  • 引入 HTTP/2 配置 API。
  • 引入网络连接监视。
  • 将 SPNEGO/协商代理身份验证支持添加给 QAuthenticator 。这要求 KRB5 GSSAPI 起作用。

Qt QML 模块

  • 添加 qmlRegisterSingletonInstance () function. This allows to expose a QObject as a singleton to QML, without having to create a factory function as required by qmlRegisterSingletonType (). It is meant as a type safe replacement of setContextProperty() in common usages.
  • 添加 qmlRegisterAnonymousType () as a replacement for qmlRegisterType(). It allows to specify the URI and major version, which enables better tooling support.
  • Added an experimental -U option to qmllint . When set, access to unqualified identifiers generates warnings.

Qt Quick 模块

  • Added a preview of the graphics API independent scenegraph renderer as an opt-in feature. This allows running qualifying Qt Quick applications on top of Vulkan, Metal, or Direct3D 11, instead of OpenGL. Currently supported platforms:
    • Windows 10 (Direct3D)
    • Linux with X11/xcb (Vulkan)
    • macOS (Metal or Vulkan with MoltenVK)
    • Android 7.0+ (Vulkan)
  • Added support for the Markdown format (including CommonMark and GitHub dialects) to 文本 and TextEdit as an alternative to HTML. This includes the GitHub checklist extension, allowing to toggle checkboxes in a TextEdit .
  • 切换 TextEdit to use an I-beam cursor by default, and a pointing-hand cursor when hovering over a checkbox or a link. Default cursors can be overridden.
  • 添加 WheelHandler , an event handler for the mouse wheel, and optionally for emulated mouse wheel events coming from a trackpad.
  • 添加 BoundaryRule in Qt.labs.animation: a PropertyValueInterceptor that restricts the range of values a numeric property can have, applies "resistance" when overshooting a value, and provides the ability to animate it back to its normal range. It's particularly useful in combination with WheelHandler , providing physics similar to Flickable .
  • 添加 currentFrame and frameCount properties to 图像 and BorderImage , just as AnimatedImage has; for example, this allows choosing an individual icon from an .ICO file that contains multiple icons.
  • 添加 PathPolyline and PathMultiline as additional ways of drawing and/or filling arbitrary polygons and sets of polygons with Qt Quick Shapes.

Qt Serial Bus 模块

Qt Test 模块

  • 引入 initMain() function to perform any initialization that must happen before QApplication exists.

Qt WebEngine 模块

Qt Widgets 模块

  • Added support for the Markdown format (including CommonMark and GitHub dialects) to QTextEdit and QTextBrowser as an alternative to HTML. This includes the GitHub checklist extension, allowing to toggle checkboxes if the widget is editable. QTextBrowser::setSource () detects Markdown based on the file extension.



  • Android 现在要求 NDKr20+。
  • Added multi-ABI build in one go. By default, all Android supported ABIs (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86) are built. ANDROID_ABIS qmake variable can be used for selecting specific ABIs.
  • Added support for the new AAB package format, which allows Google Play deployment of a single application bundle containing binaries for all supported ABIs.



  • Qt Quick 3D - 用于从 Qt Quick 为用户界面创建 3D 内容的高级 API。

Qt for Automation 模块


  • 扩展支持 KNXnet/IP Core V2 (探索、隧道、路由和安全性)。


  • 添加支持,为使用 QSslConfiguration when creating encrypted connections.
  • 添加 autoKeepAlive property to enable manual connectivity checks.


  • 添加 GDS 客户端支持作为技术预览。
  • 将第 3 方 open62541 实现更新到第 1.0 版。


  • 该模块现在是技术预览状态。


下列模块是 Qt 5.14 发行的一部分,但被弃用且在后续 Qt 发行中考虑移除:

  • Qt Script
  • Qt Quick Controls 1
  • Qt XmlPatterns

API 变化列表

以下页面包含 Qt 5.14 中的 API 变化列表:

其它 Qt 5 发行的补充