
These are the C++ API pages for Qt 5's 模块 . For a list of all classes on a single page, visit the 所有类 页面。

QAxContainer 用于访问 ActiveX 控件和 COM 对象的仅 Windows 扩展模块
QAxServer 用于将标准 Qt 二进制转换成 COM 服务器的仅 Windows 静态库模块。
Qt3DAnimation Qt 3D Animation module provides a set of prebuilt elements to help you get started with Qt 3D
Qt3DCore Qt 3D module contains functionality to support near-realtime simulation systems
Qt3DExtras Qt 3D Extras module provides a set of prebuilt elements to help you get started with Qt 3D
Qt3DInput Qt 3D Input module provides classes for handling user input in applications using Qt3D
Qt3DLogic Qt 3D Logic module enables synchronizing frames with the Qt 3D backend
Qt3DRender Qt 3D Render module contains functionality to support 2D and 3D rendering using Qt 3D
Qt3DScene2D Qt 3D Scene2D module provides a way to render Quick2 qml content to a Qt 3D texture
QtAndroidExtras Qt Android Extras module contains additional functionality for development on Android
QtBluetooth Enables basic Bluetooth operations like scanning for devices and connecting them
Qt Charts C++ classes for the Qt Charts API
QtConcurrent Qt Concurrent module contains functionality to support concurrent execution of program code
QtCore 提供核心非 GUI 功能
QtDBus Qt D-Bus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to perform Inter-Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol
QtDataVisualization C++ classes for the Qt Data Visualization API
QtDesigner Provides classes to create your own custom widget plugins for Qt Designer and classes to access Qt Designer components
QtGui Qt GUI module provides the basic enablers for graphical applications written with Qt
QtGamepad Provides C++ classes for using gamepads
QtHelp Provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications
QtLocation Provides C++ interfaces to retrieve location and navigational information
QtMacExtras Provides classes and functions specific to macOS and iOS operating systems
QtMultimedia Qt Multimedia module provides audio, video, radio and camera functionality
QtNfc An API for accessing NFC Forum Tags
QtNetworkAuth Provides classes for network authorization support (OAuth)
QtNetwork 提供使网络编程更容易且可移植的类
QtOpenGL Qt OpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications
QtPlatformHeaders Qt Platform Headers module offers header-only inline classes that encapsulate platform-specific information that is tied to a given runtime configuration of a platform plugin
QtPositioning Positioning module provides positioning information via QML and C++ interfaces
QtPrintSupport Qt PrintSupport module provides classes to make printing easier and portable
QtPurchasing Provides C++ classes for in-app purchasing
QtQml C++ API provided by the Qt QML module
QtQuick Qt Quick module provides classes for embedding Qt Quick in Qt/C++ applications
QtQuickControls2 Provides classes for setting up the controls from C++
QtQuickWidgets C++ API provided by the Qt Quick Widgets module
QtRemoteObjects Qt Remote Objects module provides an easy to use mechanism for sharing a QObject (Properties/Signals/Slots) between processes
QtScxml Provides classes to create and use state machines from SCXML files
QtSql Provides a driver layer, SQL API layer, and a user interface layer for SQL databases
QtSvg Qt SVG module provides functionality for handling SVG images
QtScript Qt Script module provides classes for making Qt applications scriptable
QtScriptTools Provides additional components for applications that use Qt Script
QtSensors Provides classes for reading sensor data
QtSerialBus Provides classes to read and write serial bus data
QtSerialPort List of C++ classes that enable access to a serial port
QtTest Provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries
QtUiTools Provides classes to handle forms created with Qt Designer
QtWaylandCompositor Provides C++ classes for writing custom Wayland display servers
QtWebChannel List of C++ classes that provide the Qt WebChannel functionality
QtWebEngine Exposes C++ functionality to Qt Quick
QtWebEngineCore 提供由 QtWebEngine 和 QtWebEngineWidgets 两者共享的公共 API
QtWebEngineWidgets 提供在基于 QWidget 应用程序中渲染 Web 内容的 C++ 类
QtWebSockets List of C++ classes that enable WebSocket-based communication
QtWebView Provides a helper function to set up and use the WebView
QtWidgets Qt Widgets module extends Qt GUI with C++ widget functionality
QtWinExtras Provides classes and functions for using some Windows APIs in a Qt way
QtX11Extras Provides classes for developing for the X11 platform
QtXml Qt XML module provides C++ implementations of the SAX and DOM standards for XML
QtXmlPatterns Qt XML Patterns module provides support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML Schema validation