AxisSetting QML Type

QML frontend for the Qt3DInput::QAxisSetting C++ 类。 更多...

导入语句: import Qt3D.Input 2.0
Since: Qt 5.5
实例化: QAxisSetting




Stores settings for the specified list of Axis


axes : list < int >

axis : QVariantList

The current axis of the AxisSetting

deadZoneRadius : float

The current deadZone radius of the AxisSetting

smooth : bool

The current state of smoothing


void axisChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the axis associated with the axis setting is changed.

相应处理程序是 onAxisChanged

void deadZoneRadiusChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the dead zone associated with the axis setting is changed.

相应处理程序是 onDeadZoneRadiusChanged

void smoothChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the when the smoothing state is changed.

相应处理程序是 onSmoothChanged

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