Qt Quick Controls 1 QML 类型

The Qt Quick Controls 1 module provides QML types for creating user interfaces. These QML types work in conjunction with Qt Quick and Qt Quick Layouts .

控件可以被样式化使用 Styles QML Types .

The QML types can be imported into your application using the following import statement in your .qml file.

import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
动作 可以被绑定到项的抽象用户界面动作
ApplicationWindow 提供顶层应用程序窗口
BusyIndicator 繁忙指示器
Button 带文本标签的按钮
Calendar Provides a way to select dates from a calendar
CheckBox A checkbox with a text label
ComboBox Provides a drop-down list functionality
ExclusiveGroup Way to declare several checkable controls as mutually exclusive
GroupBox 带标题的分组框框架
Label 文本标签
Menu Provides a menu component for use as a context menu, popup menu, or as part of a menu bar
MenuBar 提供水平菜单栏
MenuItem Item to add in a menu or a menu bar
MenuSeparator Separator for items inside a menu
ProgressBar A progress indicator
RadioButton A radio button with a text label
ScrollView Provides a scrolling view within another Item
Slider Provides a vertical or horizontal slider control
SpinBox Provides a spin box control
SplitView Lays out items with a draggable splitter between each item
Stack Provides attached properties for items pushed onto a StackView
StackView Provides a stack-based navigation model
StackViewDelegate A delegate used by StackView for loading transitions
StatusBar 在 APP 中包含状态信息
Switch A switch
Tab Represents the content of a tab in a TabView
TabView A control that allows the user to select one of multiple stacked items
TableView Provides a list view with scroll bars, styling and header sections
TableViewColumn Used to define columns in a TableView or in a TreeView
TextArea Displays multiple lines of editable formatted text
TextField Displays a single line of editable plain text
ToolBar 包含工具按钮和相关控件
ToolButton Provides a button type that is typically used within a ToolBar
TreeView Provides a tree view with scroll bars, styling and header sections