Demonstrates UI controls for a touch interface.
Touch Gallery demonstrates how to implement a UI suitable for touch input using the following Qt Quick Controls 1 :
The appearance of the controls is customized by using Qt Quick Controls 1 Styles .
要运行范例从 Qt Creator ,打开 欢迎 模式,然后选择范例从 范例 。更多信息,拜访 构建和运行范例 .
In the main.qml file, we use a Rectangle type within the ApplicationWindow type to create the main page of the application:
ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 800 height: 1280 Rectangle { color: "#212126" anchors.fill: parent }
To use the Qt Quick Controls, we must import them:
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
property of the application window holds a
type that we use to create a separator between the application name and a list of additional pages:
toolBar: BorderImage { border.bottom: 8 source: "images/toolbar.png" width: parent.width height: 100
type in a
type to create a back button. We use the
signal handler to call the
function that pops off the page when users tap the button:
Rectangle { id: backButton width: opacity ? 60 : 0 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 20 opacity: stackView.depth > 1 ? 1 : 0 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter antialiasing: true height: 60 radius: 4 color: backmouse.pressed ? "#222" : "transparent" Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation{} } Image { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter source: "images/navigation_previous_item.png" } MouseArea { id: backmouse anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: -10 onClicked: stackView.pop() } }
property to hide the back button on the main page.
使用 Text type to display the application name:
Text { font.pixelSize: 42 Behavior on x { NumberAnimation{ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic} } x: backButton.x + backButton.width + 20 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter color: "white" text: "Widget Gallery" }
position of the
type is bound to the position and width of the back button, and animated using a
使用 ListModel type that contains ListElement definitions to define titles and source files for the other pages in the application:
ListModel { id: pageModel ListElement { title: "Buttons" page: "content/ButtonPage.qml" } ListElement { title: "Sliders" page: "content/SliderPage.qml" } ListElement { title: "ProgressBar" page: "content/ProgressBarPage.qml" } ListElement { title: "Tabs" page: "content/TabBarPage.qml" } ListElement { title: "TextInput" page: "content/TextInputPage.qml" } ListElement { title: "List" page: "content/ListPage.qml" } }
We implement a stack-based navigation model to link the application pages together. Items are pushed onto the stack as users navigate deeper into the application, and popped off again when they return to the main page.
In main.qml, we add a StackView type as a child of the application window:
StackView { id: stackView anchors.fill: parent // Implements back key navigation focus: true Keys.onReleased: if (event.key === Qt.Key_Back && stackView.depth > 1) { stackView.pop(); event.accepted = true; }
The stack is used by invoking its navigation methods. To load the first item in the stack view, we assign it to
initialItem: Item { width: parent.width height: parent.height ListView { model: pageModel anchors.fill: parent delegate: AndroidDelegate { text: title onClicked: stackView.push(Qt.resolvedUrl(page)) } } } } }
type to display a list of the items provided by
custom type defines each item instantiated by the view.
In ButtonPage.qml we use the Button type to create two buttons that change color when users tap them and one that pops off the page and returns the user to the main page:
Button { text: "Press me" style: touchStyle } Button { style: touchStyle text: "Press me too" } Button { anchors.margins: 20 style: touchStyle text: "Don't press me" onClicked: if (stackView) stackView.pop() }
使用 Switch type to create two switches that users can turn on and off. They are placed within a Row type to lay them out horizontally:
Row { spacing: 20 Switch { style: switchStyle } Switch { style: switchStyle } }
A ButtonStyle type creates a custom appearance for the buttons:
Component { id: touchStyle ButtonStyle { panel: Item { implicitHeight: 50 implicitWidth: 320 BorderImage { anchors.fill: parent antialiasing: true border.bottom: 8 8 border.left: 8 border.right: 8 anchors.margins: control.pressed ? -4 : 0 source: control.pressed ? "../images/button_pressed.png" : "../images/button_default.png" Text { text: control.text anchors.centerIn: parent color: "white" font.pixelSize: 23 renderType: Text.NativeRendering }
To use Qt Quick Controls Styles, we must import them:
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
A SwitchStyle type creates a custom appearance for the switches:
Component { id: switchStyle SwitchStyle { groove: Rectangle { implicitHeight: 50 implicitWidth: 152 Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: parent.width/2 - 2 height: 20 anchors.margins: 2 color: control.checked ? "#468bb7" : "#222" Behavior on color {ColorAnimation {}} Text { font.pixelSize: 23 color: "white" anchors.centerIn: parent text: "ON" } } Item { width: parent.width/2 height: parent.height anchors.right: parent.right Text { font.pixelSize: 23 color: "white" anchors.centerIn: parent text: "OFF" } } color: "#222" border.color: "#444" border.width: 2 } handle: Rectangle { width: parent.parent.width/2 height: control.height color: "#444" border.color: "#555" border.width: 2 } } } }
property holds the background groove of the switch and the
property defines the switch handle.
In SliderPage.qml, we use a Slider type to create three horizontal sliders that are placed within a Column type to lay them out in a column:
Column { spacing: 12 anchors.centerIn: parent Slider { anchors.margins: 20 style: touchStyle value: 0 } Slider { anchors.margins: 20 style: touchStyle value: 0.5 } Slider { anchors.margins: 20 style: touchStyle value: 1.0 } }
property holds the initial handle position on the slider.
A SliderStyle type creates a custom appearance for the sliders:
Component { id: touchStyle SliderStyle { handle: Rectangle { width: 30 height: 30 radius: height antialiasing: true color: Qt.lighter("#468bb7", 1.2) } groove: Item { implicitHeight: 50 implicitWidth: 400 Rectangle { height: 8 width: parent.width anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter color: "#444" opacity: 0.8 Rectangle { antialiasing: true radius: 1 color: "#468bb7" height: parent.height width: parent.width * control.value / control.maximumValue } } } } } }
property defines the slider handle and the
property holds the background groove of the slider.
在 ProgressBar .qml, we use a ProgressBar type to create three progress bars:
Column { spacing: 40 anchors.centerIn: parent ProgressBar { anchors.margins: 20 style: touchStyle width: 400 value: progress } ProgressBar { anchors.margins: 20 style: touchStyle width: 400 value: 1 - progress } ProgressBar { anchors.margins: 20 style: touchStyle value: 1 width: 400 }
type to run two number animations in a sequence. We apply the animations on the
custom property to animate the current value on the progress bars:
property real progress: 0 SequentialAnimation on progress { loops: Animation.Infinite running: true NumberAnimation { from: 0 to: 1 duration: 3000 } NumberAnimation { from: 1 to: 0 duration: 3000 }
A ProgressBarStyle type creates a custom appearance for the progress bars:
Component { id: touchStyle ProgressBarStyle { panel: Rectangle { implicitHeight: 15 implicitWidth: 400 color: "#444" opacity: 0.8 Rectangle { antialiasing: true radius: 1 color: "#468bb7" height: parent.height width: parent.width * control.value / control.maximumValue } } } } }
In TabBarPage.qml, we use a TabView 类型采用 Tab type to provide a tab-based navigation model for our application. We use tabs to display the ButtonPage, SliderPage, and ProgressBarPage on separate tab pages:
TabView { anchors.fill: parent style: touchStyle Tab { title: "Buttons" ButtonPage{ visible: true } } Tab { title: "Sliders" SliderPage{ visible: true } } Tab { title: "Progress" ProgressBarPage{ visible: true } }
A TabViewStyle type creates a custom appearance for the tabs:
Component { id: touchStyle TabViewStyle { tabsAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter tabOverlap: 0 frame: Item { } tab: Item { implicitWidth: control.width/control.count implicitHeight: 50 BorderImage { anchors.fill: parent border.bottom: 8 8 source: styleData.selected ? "../images/tab_selected.png":"../images/tabs_standard.png" Text { anchors.centerIn: parent color: "white" text: styleData.title.toUpperCase() font.pixelSize: 16 } Rectangle { visible: index > 0 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.margins: 10 width:1 color: "#3a3a3a" } } } } } }
In the TextInputPage.qml, we use a TextField type to create an input field and a read-only text field:
Column { spacing: 40 anchors.centerIn: parent TextField { anchors.margins: 20 text: "Text input" style: touchStyle } TextField { anchors.margins: 20 text: "Readonly Text input" style: touchStyle readOnly: true } }
A TextFieldStyle creates a custom appearance for the text fields:
Component { id: touchStyle TextFieldStyle { textColor: "white" font.pixelSize: 28 background: Item { implicitHeight: 50 implicitWidth: 320 BorderImage { source: "../images/textinput.png" border.left: 8 border.right: 8 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right } } } } }
使用 BorderImage type with an image to create borders for the fields.
In ListPage.qml, we use a ScrollView type to provide a scrolling page with a vertical scoll bar:
ScrollView { width: parent.width height: parent.height flickableItem.interactive: true
type to display a list of 100 items by specifying an
as the value of the
property. We reuse the
custom type here to define each item instantiated by the view. The
property adds the string
Item #
to each list item:
ListView { anchors.fill: parent model: 100 delegate: AndroidDelegate { text: "Item #" + modelData } }
A ScrollViewStyle type creates a custom appearance for the scroll view:
style: ScrollViewStyle { transientScrollBars: true handle: Item { implicitWidth: 14 implicitHeight: 26 Rectangle { color: "#424246" anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: 6 anchors.leftMargin: 4 anchors.rightMargin: 4 anchors.bottomMargin: 6 } } scrollBarBackground: Item { implicitWidth: 14 implicitHeight: 26 } } }
property is set to
to make the scroll bars appear when the content is scrolled and disappear when they are no longer needed.
property controls the appearance of the scroll bar handle and the
property that of the background.